Sigmoidoscopy;sedation;pain. So many questions!

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Jun 22, 2012
A newbie! So thank you for taking me in and I hope that I am using the right thread as I am undiagnosed.

History: Have had various tests over the past 18 months since my symptoms first appeared about 2 years ago.

Last examination revealed a 'rectal ulcer', and possibility of slight prolapse. This was extremely painful; in fact so bad that I resorted to a screaming like a banshee, which is unlike me, as am usually somewhat reserved…the pain was quite excruciating and left me in terrible fear of THAT doctor. This took place about a month ago.

Next test to be done is a sigmoidoscopy with ‘conscious sedation’ in about three weeks. This will be done by a fellow in the GI department of a large teaching hospital in Boston (same place as above, but a different doctor).

As far as I can make out, my rectum is always inflamed. A day free of internal pain a month is about my lot. So, I am nervous as to how they will get the ‘scope’ through my rectum and up into my sigmoid colon. Possibly too much information coming up: Part of the fear involves the fact that my BMs (two a day, mornings) are always very narrow, sometimes totally flat, always difficult to go through me, along with a constant sensation of pressure in my rectum. I just cannot imagine how they will get a sigmoidoscopy into me without extreme pain.

I eat very little, so am also afraid that the ‘clean-out’ will do me in, so to speak, before they even get started with the feared sigmoidoscopy! My diet is close to a liquid one, though I manage to get a bit over 1000 carlories down each day, and have stopped losing weight. Don’t have pain at night, and sleep well with 0.75mg Lorazepam.

From what I have written, not difficult to tell that I worry, but everything is exacerbated by constant pain. If you have got this far, I thank you, and will be grateful for any thoughts or advice.

Welcome starbright!
Im sorry to hear the symptoms you're having :(

I had a sigmoidoscopy last friday. I only had gas and air for this and no sedation.
I didnt have to have bowel prep either. just an enema.

try not to worry - the test takes 5-10 minutes max!
My problem was bleeding.. and i found it painful as they cauterized the blood vessels and i had to ask them to stop!

Keep us updated - and hopefully you'll get some answers! :hug:
Hi StarBright, welcome to the forum and the club. I haven't had a sigmoidoscopy myself so I am afraid I can't give you any info there, but I wish you luck with it. As for the "skinny poos", they could indicate inflammation or even a stricture within your intestines. It sounds like you've had a lot of tests already so I'm assuming they didn't find any strictures so far? In that case I would guess it's due to inflammation, so hopefully the sigmoidoscopy can find the cause.

And as for the worry, I know that this is easier said than done, but try not to stress out too much. As I'm sure you're aware, stress and worry can make symptoms so much worse! Do some deep breathing or take a warm bath or listen to some nice calming music, just try to relax as much as you can. Hang in there, you're not alone anymore, we're all in the same boat with you. :) Welcome again, and please keep us posted on how the sigmoidoscopy goes!
Thank you very much for our replies and information. I hope to get some answers! Will come back and write how it went when I return.
Make sure you express your concerns to the anesthesiologst so you get some good drugs... in my experience, 'conscious sedation' means you may know what is going on, but should not care too much...usually versed/valium/demerol type of cocktail...,..and MAKE SURE they know about the pain so they can be prepared with extra pain relief....

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