gross question - does fistula drainage have a distinct smell? my fistula comes out right next to my vagina. i don't think the smell is coming from the vagina, though. i get smelly down there, and not when i've pooped recently. this isn't stool smelling. i can't describe it. it doesn't smell bad, it just smells.... idk... musky? it doesn't smell like fish and i don't have any signs/symptoms of bacterial vaginosis or a yeast infection. it really seems to emanate from the fistula hole.
i drink a lot of chamomile tea. can that make you smell? the smell also seems to get strong and then not so strong. i just can't figure out if it's soemthing i'm eating/drinking that's causing it, or if it's just fistula drainage or healing juices. it seems worse when i sweat down there. is it just from everything being moist and not getting enough air?
sorry for all the graphicness.
i hate fistulas. :thumbdown:
gross question - does fistula drainage have a distinct smell? my fistula comes out right next to my vagina. i don't think the smell is coming from the vagina, though. i get smelly down there, and not when i've pooped recently. this isn't stool smelling. i can't describe it. it doesn't smell bad, it just smells.... idk... musky? it doesn't smell like fish and i don't have any signs/symptoms of bacterial vaginosis or a yeast infection. it really seems to emanate from the fistula hole.
i drink a lot of chamomile tea. can that make you smell? the smell also seems to get strong and then not so strong. i just can't figure out if it's soemthing i'm eating/drinking that's causing it, or if it's just fistula drainage or healing juices. it seems worse when i sweat down there. is it just from everything being moist and not getting enough air?
sorry for all the graphicness.
i hate fistulas. :thumbdown: