So close to going 'OFF'!!!!!

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Apr 7, 2010
New York, USA
so close to going 'OFF'!!!!!

At work we are going through some transitions due to changes in who we work for/under (gov't) issue that has been brought up, and I think I vented about it before, is that I had requested to not go into certain situations due to me being immunosuppressed - I have to get documentation from my problem...on my end at least.....

Anyway - one co-worker just asked about sending health information through to Personnel, and my supervisor advised it has to go through him first - I commented that no, I was told it can go direct - he insists it has to go to him first.....ok now - LEGALLY he cannot make me give him personal/confidential health information - but he doesn't get that - I have the OPTION to go directly through him - which if it was something simple like being on anitbiotics I would have no problem doing it. With the Crohns' issues, I do not feel comfortable having my PERSONAL information passed from him, to his supervisor, through secretaries, etc........but again, he doesn't get it!......

I think I will be putting an inquiry into my union to get some clarification on this.....and maybe they will be able to tell management - STOP IT!.....

It doesn't help that our old agency is not playing nice with our new agency and not sharing information etc.....
Interesting. I believe the personnsel department is also considered your employer. You might want to request that your Dr be specific about the situation, but discreet about the reason when providing your documentation. Dr's are well versed in privacy laws...and they also like us to keep our jobs so we get paid and they get paid, LOL.
What makes it a bit confusing is that 'our' HR/Personnel department doesn't really exist....we have left our previous department, and have another Gov't entity handling our personnel/HR issues until our own (new) division forms one.....

I can't be too discreet - I have to have enough substantiation (medication, possible consequences etc) to hold up my end of the argument for not going into certain situations.....

oh - boss doesn't get it either that I am NOT going to go blindly into anything - if I feel that a situation is not good for me to go into, I WILL NOT GO! ..... It is NOT that I don't want to do certain parts of my job, but that I have back-up if I need to say 'NO'....can't do it.....ok - BP is going back up..grrrr....doesn't help that my belly has been more gurgly in the past week too - and hmm.....things were pretty GREEN yesterday evening and I'm not sure why!
That is just it pasobuff, you do not have to tell them why...only that you can't. The privacy laws prevent you from having to tell your employer are the one that decides if you want to share that information. Your Dr can really help you...they are really creative when providing documentation. Sadly government agencies frequently think they are above the law. You might want to provide them with a copy of the law when you give them the documentation.
Have a great day my dear, and try not to let big brother intimidate you. I am off to a day at the the Dr.
Thanks Joni.....I don't mind telling HR - I have medical records on file with our health services as I get a yearly fact - thisnk I will give them a call and see if they can provide any documentation...hmm....
Pasobuff, I am sorry you are still having trouble with your boss regarding your medical situation. I wish he would just think about how much information he would like floating around about himself if he were in that situation..... Good luck contacting your union rep. That is the best thing to do at this point. Good luck hun
well, had a little chat with my boss today and I think we straightened things that is I just have to get my dr to fill out the paperwork with the correct wording.....

oh - and it seems as soon as I mentioned ADA that shut him up.....
That is good news Pasobuff. I am happy that you settled things with your boss. Now hopefully he will leave it alone. Nice work mentioning ADA, that is to funny that her shut up after that.... Good for you
I am soo happy for you!! That is takin' the bull by it's horns!!!!
Think of as another individual educated on Your rights.

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