Some Good News Overall!

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ele mental leprechaun
Dec 7, 2006
Where do I start?

Work: Due to start back at my current job this coming Saturday on a phased return of reduced hours whilst receiving full pay. Occ Health want me to spread it over 8wks. HR will only allow 4wks phased return (which is the normal time span). I am happy with 4wks. If I take any more up to 8wks to get to full time hours I will either have to use annual leave or take unpaid leave to make up the deficit in hours. Which I dont want to do!

Had a job interview last Monday for a job 20mins from Duncans. Its specialist nursing in that I become a nurse advisor and involved in triage over the phone, then responsible for organising GP visits or I can arrange a cottage hospital admission for someone without a GP sayso (in fact THEY dont have the power to do it!). It takes me back up the ladder promotion and pay wise and even though its full time the shifts are shorter (8hrs instead of 12hrs) I could once settled into the job reduce my hours to as little as 22.5hrs a week.

They phoned this evening and provisionally offered me the job!!!! :ylol2:

They know about my crohns and my remi every 6wks. Just have to get through the police checks (as dealing with children too), references coming in, health screening.

The job is sitting and I can get up and down as and when I need to. Cant really ask for more can I?

Disability Living Allowance (DLA): Was told today they have reviewed my appeal and now awarded me the middle care component (cant remember how much that is each week) up from the low care. Still have refused my mobility claim though so I have requested more appeal forms again!!! Grrrrr Will keep posting on this one.

Treatment: Rheums are pulling me into hospital on 20th July for 2wks for hydro, physio therapy and rehab and to overhaul my meds and treatment plan. I checked with my boss today whether it was worth me going back to work between now and then and she basically said its up to me and how I feel and what my GP thinks tomorrow pm when I see him. So am going to sleep on the decision for now.

On the whole things seem to be improving for me. From the retiring on medical health grounds aspect I still would have had a tough time proving I was sick enough to retire according to the new guidelines set by the pensions people according to my Occ health cons. She agrees this job is ideal and she knows the occ health cons that I would be dealing with and would help things move well from that perspective.

At least I get my rheums time in hospital out of the way before the new job starts too!

So fingers crossed for now that things may FINALLY be on the upturn eh?

Am a tad excited now :ylol2:
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A sitting job that pays more, less hours and is closer to the love of your life's house! Waaaaa-hOOOOOooooo! That sounds like a taker! Congrats Soup! And good luck with everything else too. Glad to hear you sounding so much cheerier.
Thanks Kim! You know I will keep you both posted ((hugs))

MBH you really made me giggle LOL Its really been such a tough long haul and am finally starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks ((hugs))
Oh, Jan, I am so glad that things finally seem to be going your way!! That is wonderful news, especially about the job!! Let us know how it all turns out and what you decide!
See what happens when you keep fighting? New job prospects are always welcome, especially when it seems it's an improvement in every way. It's almost like each piece of your life is aligning the way you want it finally, and lower stress will be a bonus that should propel things even further in this direction.
aw jan yes!!!
so happy for you.
having a job thats that much more compatible to you is a huge bonus and will take so much stress off.
let us know how it keeps working out :)
fab news on all counts, Jan :) great to hear you sounding so positive! hope everything goes the way you want it to :) xxx
Hey Steve, thanks for the thoughts. On my bad days I still think about retiring and fighting for it but know overall I want to keep going as long as I can in all honesty. This job will give me the chance to try. Time will tell. But am happy enough for now. Will keep you posted. How are things with you Steve? PM me if you want and can update me.

Hi Lisa, I went into work for the first time yesterday on a 6hr shift from 2pm til 8.30pm and was shattered after it but feel ok this morning. Medicated myself to the eyeballs with painkillers etc and seem to have survived LOL. Only have Mon, wed and fri to do the same hours before my time in hospital from monday week. Lots of staff were coming up and saying how good it was to see me back and their faces dropped when I said I was leaving by the autumn hopefully. I know it will be tough but its the best thing for me. How are you doing honey?

Hey Creepy, You are very right and for me I feel its been a very long time coming. Thanks for thinking of me.

Hi GJG, Yep I have to say I am hoping that light is going to get bigger and brighter. Duncan and I were chatting about the logistics of moving me this morning and starting to make plans so will start to move stuff to his over the coming weeks so the final move will be less stressful. Still excited about it all! LOL

Hey Pen, thanks for your thoughts honey. Will watch for you on msn.

Hi Beth, Things do finally seem to be coming together so am just going to plod along steadily in the meantime. See you have been having a rough time of late, how are you feeling? Any plans to see Dr M soon?

Thanks Jill! You will probably hear the party from here the day I finally move out! LOL

Hey Bigtruck! I am shovelling and shovelling as fast as I can ye boy ye! LOL

Hi Benson, Yep they do finally seem to be coming together. For a long time there I just didnt know which way to turn and seemed to be beating my head off the wall. I think the resolving of travelling up and down to duncans (90mins each way which takes even longer as I have to stop due to pain in my hands and feet from the arthritis and rest a bit then continue) will be a good thing too. I have been looking and wrecking my brains since last autumn as to any possible job I could do and this just appeared! Am so pleased! I know my references have been reqested so things are moving in the right direction. Thanks my friend.

LOL Drew, Bout ruddy time aint it?

Hey Kello, Will keep you posted on the stages as we go along. Am sooooooooo excited I could nearly do one of MBH's squeals! LOL

Hiya Ding, Have to say I feel like a weight is being lifted off me after all this time. Long may it continue! How are you doing? Will be in touch! xx
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soupdragon69 said:
Hi Beth, Things do finally seem to be coming together so am just going to plod along steadily in the meantime. See you have been having a rough time of late, how are you feeling? Any plans to see Dr M soon?

Nothing booked at the moment. Strangely. Just waiting to start azathioprine; blood tests tomorrow, start next weekend after his holiday. Guess I'll think about seeing him again once we see how I'm doing with the aza.

Did get out today, but I'm aching horribly, took some dihydrocodeine. Once that kicks in I'll probably head for a lay down for a bit.

Glad to see things are looking up for you, and you survived yesterday's shift!
soupdragon69 said:
Am sooooooooo excited I could nearly do one of MBH's squeals! LOL
Nearly? If you are nearly about to squeal, it's time for a squeal.
My squeal isn't patented (though it maybe should be) use it for yourself or others whenever you want.
**Works best for excitement about flirting, but can be used in other situations as well.

Jan is having some good news for once! SQUEAL!!

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