Sore throat and a few questions

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Nov 12, 2011
I am getting my first infusion on the 12th...Can not wait to get started so I can get back to work and normality!!

I've been noticing my tongue being strange and ulcers breaking out. The other day I noticed a pretty big ulcer at the back of my throat so been keeping an eye on it. Last night however I realised my throat is all white now :( Its not terribly painful. I started gurgling salt water to try clear it up. I'm worried I won't be able to get my infusion if I go to the docs and its an infection. Can I still get infliximab with a sore throat???

Also I can't get hold of my IBD nurse and forgot to ask do you still take all your regular meds the morning of your infusions I.e Pred and Aza?

Thanks very much.
Kayleigh ~ Definitely call the doctor! The sore throat may not be anything serious, but on the chance that it is, you would be better off getting it cleared up before starting the Remicade. As far as meds go, you can take your regular medications with no problems before an infusion.

Good luck, hope the sore throat is nothing serious!
My son has had weird sore throats too. He said it felt like there were popcorn kernels stuck in it and there were white pockets of stuff. It was the weekend so we did want to call so we had him gargle with strong mouth wash and it was gone by Monday. Otherwise he felt fine. Hope this doesn't disrupt you starting your meds. Tiffany
Aw glad it's cleared up for him! Went and saw a doctor today he reckons its viral as opposed to bacterial so hopefully will be gone by Monday!! :D