So happy you've got this problem!
(yeah, sounds weird, lol )
but i'm just glad you got approved, got the infusion under your belt, and now youre ready to home administer maintainence dosing
I'm hoping you get as much relief/healing with this medication as i ( and many others ) have
MLP covered the basics nicely above
Jannsen Pharmaceutical has an excellent resource in their nurse navigator program
( 385-881-6404 )
If you call them, they
will answer any question you may have
... believe me, they are absolutley amazing folks, and they want you to succeed
They have video resources ( kinda hokey, animated~ish) that will also explain the proccess
There is also the single page insert/instruction sheet (bigger than a beach towel once unfolded, and unfolded, and unfolded and unfolded

that comes with the syringe
the print is teeny tiny teeny~ish, and there's a lotta assorted lawyer speak within,but there is also some really good info with picture of suggested injection sites being the most relevant
My wife usually does mine, and i prefer thighs/butt cheeks
The key is to get it subcutaneous (under the skin) but
not into muscle and absolutely NOT intravenous (into a vein)
She just locates a fatty area (i've still got a few, lol) cleans the whole area several times with alcohol wipes
She then pinches a roll of skin and comes in at a an angle of about 45*
"puposefull stab" ( don't be squemish, or crazy "powbangzoom" just purposefull stab
Slow and easy on the plunger, it'll click when it's fully depressed and all the medication has been administered
(pretty sophisticated looking doohickey)
Dispose of the needle properly in a sharps container
... viola ... you're good to go ...
Good luck, and let us know how it goes!