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Oct 11, 2011
Any body have any tips on being on steroids and not gaining too much weight? I would be interested to hear other peoples thoughts and experiences please.
Hi Jenny.. that is a difficult question, but when I am on Steroids which is rare now, I am fully aware of eating and drink alot of water and eat more often just smaller portions. If that dont work.. put a lock on the fridge and cupboards:ylol2:
Hi the dreaded steroids!! I was on them for 6 months and I walked walked and walked everyday I also drank loads of water and took little salt to try and prevent water retention. I didn't get a moon face and I only put on a couple of pounds but I actually think that was cause I was feeling better, so my advice is to stay as active as possible. They did help although I was a lot more irritable and had some withdrawal symptoms when I came off them. Hopefully your not on them for too long
It wouldn't be so bad if you could eat punnets of grapes.... At least the nibbling would be healthy :) any other nibbley healthy foods which are crohn's friendly? Thanks for the tips!

It's been years since I was on steroids although was put on them for around 6 months or so when first diagnosed. I do recall eating my way through all the food in my mum & dads house and from memory it didn't matter what it was :) I was always so hungry on them. I recall being a bit fatter in the face and a few inches on my waistline, which my family said was no bad thing for me as I have always been quite skinny. They did along with the increased calorie consumption give me more energy and I remember doing more exercise when they kicked in and made me feel better. I don't think I had much side affects on them other than being slightly heavier.

The slight puffiness in cheeks etc I had went away reasonably quickly after coming off them.

You will find what works for you and stick with them. I started off on 8 tablets a day small red ones (5mg) I think and through time dropped off in 2's when I started to feel better and moved on to Aziathioprene after that.

Take care:)
I've not put on too much weight - about 5kg - and I've been on Pred for 6 months. I think the fact that I'm on the SCD diet might have something to do with it. I did have a HUGE appetite on the higher doses, but I think not eating refined sugars and starches has helped.
I'm still in my size 10 (UK) jeans..just! But I do have two extra chins and a Sumo type belly. Sigh ...
There you go Jenny. You have an excuse - your on steroids! That's not so bad Helen. (Love your user name) boy my tummy has been doing some grumbling this week! lol
Interested in the SCD diet. Can you explain what this is? And is it helping you? I have had a look through diet section on this forum and making a few changes in my diet but I think I need to be more strict with myself.
Hi, Helen, I am still on azathioprine but also 40 mg of pred. Although this will be reduced down, and the azathioprine dose is going up. I am hoping that I won't be on them for long! What's the diet your on? Thanks for the tips.
Hi there folks :) it's the Specific Carbohydrate Diet. I tried low residue first but that didn't make a difference, so tried this instead cos I'd already worked out that several of the 'illegal' foods were my main triggers. It's a tough diet, but it has really given me some relief, tho it didn't deal with inflammation on its own.
There's quite a few people on it and a dedicated thread over on the Diet and Fitness forum.

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