Strange Remicade Experience

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Jun 3, 2018
Chicago, Illinois
Hey, I hope everyone has been well. It's been a while since I've last posted or checked on the site. Anyway, I am still on Remicade and I am still doing very well on it.

Back in October, I finally turned 18, which meant I had to switch to the adult center instead of going to pediatrics. So, I had an infusion about a week before thanksgiving, and after that infusion, my parents and I decided that we would like to get my infusions done somewhere closer as we usually spent an hour just trying to get to the hospital where I use to get my infusions at.

This past Wednesday, I had an infusion at an infusion center within a hospital about 15-20 minutes from my house and my school. When I got there, my mom and I spent about 10 minutes filling out paperwork and then they finally called me back. They were so fast to get my IV; so fast that it took about a minute from the moment they put the IV in me to the moment they started the infusion. They did give me benadryl and tylenol before putting in the IV like always. A few minutes later, I started getting lightheaded and very hot. I was beginning to sweat and the nurse noticed I looked pale. They reclined my chair and gave me an ice pack. I was worried I was having a reaction, but the nurse said that this was normal and that she has seen this before. After 5 minutes, I was back to normal.

Does anybody know what the heck this was? Was it just a shock to my body/nervous system? I will admit, I usually am use to having a gap in time from when they put the IV in me to the moment they start my infusions when I was at the other hospital. Feedback appreciated!
Ya know, I had that same experience just once while being infused with remicade. The time i had it I don't recall any difference in the process from previous time. I said something to the infusion nurse, who checked vitals & slowed the flow momentarily. That feeling subsided, she resumed the normal speed and it didn't happen after that.

The nurse thought it may have been from the Benadryl and had the amount of Benadryl administered lowered slightly for any infusions afterwards. Never experienced it again after that, so I chocked it up as an anomaly during the whole infusion process.

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