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I noticed the signature thing too. Thought it might be something I did myself but its not just me. Your prob in there now so thinking of you with everything croessed!
well, it wasn't as difficult as it was in my head. If you have ever had an NG tube before...then you are almost halfway there, essentially. The conditions they do it in is a lot scarier.. you are in an O.R type setting with an X-ray machine so they can see where to insert it. My doctor (aside from being extremely good looking and fit) was also really nice. He went into every detail asked any questions (I wanted to know what they fill your bowels with) they give you an I.V (which she got the first try..YAY). They spray your throat with the same stuff they use in an endoscopy... the bitter stuff... difference being you are usually out cold right after. That stuff seriously freezes which is scary b/c it makes swallowing difficult..almost impossible. After the tube was down my nose and once the gagging and vomiting sensation wears off they lay you down and give you some valium (it had valium/derivative in the name.) Once they have it in place (unfortunately, my problem is at the lower end of the intestines) they wheel you by stretcher to another room with a box-like machine. Almost looks like a dyalysis but on a table. The nurse just holds the other end of the tube in a steel can and it goes in to your bowel. 1, 500.00 ML OF IT!!!! You can feel it all.. (and it is cold)

The doctor doing my test told me he was the one who read my last one who suggested no further follow up. He agrees the test should be done as he didn't see the first two abnormal ones.

Anyhow, then you are wheeled to CT, have you hop onto the table and fill your bowels more (not sure now much) and then give you buscopan and the dye (again, feeling like you flooded yourself). The CT was the easy part.. but the amount of people involved doing this freaked me out.. a lot. They set aside a day and today they have 3. It was a scary process but like I said, if you have had an NG tube, you are almost 1/2 way there. At one point they scared me, I think intentionally. When I sort of snapped out of it and looked around, I had hold of the tube. It was easier the first time around because they has the back of my head against a stretcher. This time, I was on an x-ray table and he was holding the back of my head. I didn't like that very much at all because he has to force it. I sort of have respect for them because there is no way I could do that to The goop they put in your nose was difficult as well. They shove it in your nose and then tell you to take a big sniff in... umm... first of all, it clogs your nostril and second of all.. it was like trying to snort Vaseline... The amount of liquid they fill you with is also very uncomfortable. They do this because of timing... when you drink it.. there never is as much liquid in the bowel as they need to expand the loops and everything. When it is not expanded enough, it can look like disease on film. I told him about being constipated for 19..or so after the first one where they saw a stricture. I told him that it would be a colossal coincidence...but I suppose possible. I also predicted the one higher up in the jejunum before the G.I told me I had one. This doctor was nice and I just told him that something is going on b/c I still have the pain in my LRQ. Somedays I can function with effort and somedays I cant function very well. So.. there we have it. Spending a lot of time in the washroom. He told me not to have any work plans today and to just go home with access to the washroom...haha. I do have a meeting at 5-7 but it is with a group of older persons and they themselves have bowel issues so Im in good company (who understands). :D
So, its all good. Im sitting here with a coffee, cinnamon bun and my cat. If you ever have to have it done...go in with a sense of humour and make sure you have a really hot looking doctor and really sociable nurses. They were all great in the entire department. All very nice people....
now I just wait. They said they will get the report end of today maybe tomorrow.

sorry it is so longwinded! :)
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Wendy...OMG you are such a trooper!!!! Well done for getting through all that! :thumright:

I hate to think what it's gonna be like with all that goop coming out over the next several days??? Oh dear.

and xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ewwwwwwwwww Wendy, you're so bloody brave!
An endoscopy is bad enough!
I really hope you get an answer after all this mauling about - even if he was fit!
ya, he was pretty buff.. even the nurse said so before I had met him .. and he is married..
its all pretty much wearing off .. mostly feels like I have a sinus infection and cramps in my stomach..throat hurts a little..
I dont know, if anyone ever reads this who has to have one done.. you make it worse in your head than it really is. Its not the most pleasant.. but it is quick.. (2 hours) and you leave without the tube :D

OH.. and the gaviscon.. should actually read "FRUIT SCENTED" and not "Fruit flavouring"... there is no fruit in there!!!
Bummer he's married. Also shame you dont have a photo of him. I guess it helps to have some 'eye candy' now and again!

How are you feeling now? Besides tired...which no doubt you must be! But, I sure hope this test does it for you and you get the answers you so deserve.
Wow I was lost trying to follow all that but totally impressed and think you are very brave. Well done you. I'm not so sure I would be so good. Hope you hear what you need to out of it.
I am okay now just had a bit of a headache and my throat, nose (anywhere the tube was) sort of hurts a bit. Felt like i had a sinus infection for awhile . Nose, sinus and throat and chest were sore - a lot better by about 7:00 pm though.
I had the hiccups for quite awhile after the know the real loud ones that come from deep someone told me it was due to air inside intestines.. not sure how true that is.. there was air down their b/c I remember her letting some out of the tube and she said it would make it more comfortable... Im okay.. I am really glad to have it over with and to get some answers.

HAHA Terriernut... he WAS a good distraction :)
Thanks Goldfish. You would do just the same.. because it is better than the alternative :)
Hey Marisa.. thanks!!! I will finally know for sure if I had an abcess...haha.. the way all of you described it.. I could relate a lot. Ya, so once in for all I hope to have answers!! I have a camping trip to go on Monday - for a week and another one in September and a week portage/canoe trip in October so I am counting on my health getting better. I thought if i booked all these trips I could make it work somehow....
Woohoo, bloody good job mate!...:panda::panda::panda:

Everything remains crossed...the eyes are starting to hurt a bit but they're still crossed!...

Hangin' out for the results!
Dusty. xxx
well, I didnt get a call this morning so that is good news, right? The radiologist told me that my GI would get the results that afternoon or today and I usually received a call the next morning, after they found abnormalities. I didnt hear anything...and my interview for Outward Bound is Friday afternoon :D
No news is good news, so I hope more than anything it is for you too Wendy! But I still wish for you to have answers, fingers crossed they have those for you.

Ooooo, loads of luck with the interview! :goodluck:

Dusty. :heart:
Outward Bound - how cool! I've heard of that organization. That sounds right up your alley too. I thin you'd be awesome! :) Praying for some good news for you so you can enjoy all these trips!
still no word. The first MRI I heard the morning after. The second, I heard 4 months later (that they wanted to do a repeat MRI as the second was also abnormal.) 3rd one, I called the next morning I think for answers..or a day after. So far so good. I will eventually call if they don't. With my Ph testing, it took them several days to get back to me but I didn't ask when he'd get results. I should just call and find out... I think they would have called if something was serious though.. I think the doc doing the test would have looked at them as they were being done... radiologist/doctor... I want answers.

A few days after the CT entercolysis.. you are fairly whooped. I haven't had much energy. Maybe just stress and the valium and all the crap they put in me... had a headache ever since.. probably stress and heat/thunderstorms I am thinking...

I am very excited about the upcoming trips though. Out in the woods with bowel issues...haha (ok..only one trip is without toilets..the other 2 have toilets and running water etc.) I got a phone interview so I am one step being closer to the Outward Bound one. They generally try to push you to your limits of wanting to quit. When you eventually do, they help you process it..and it is supposed to help in your daily life out of the woods... lets see if this theory works..
Sorry you are feeling tired, but it was a pretty yucky proceedure.

I'd call them Wendy, just so you know! Digits are crossed for you on the job, but I dont reckon I'd like the no toilet one! :shifty-t:
I got a phone interview so I am one step being closer to the Outward Bound one. They generally try to push you to your limits of wanting to quit. When you eventually do, they help you process it..and it is supposed to help in your daily life out of the woods... lets see if this theory works..

If they can find your limits, they've done something:) I hope you are feeling your best for the upcoming camping trips Wendy!! And as always, answers!!, hoping for answers!!

Still voting!!
Thanks everyone :D The camping trip went well aside from a tornado warning and a severe thunderstorm. We were all (100 women and children) put into a large cabin (with 1 ... count'em ONE) bathroom I might add! and someone with bowel issues...!!! that was not the highlight of the trip but at least it only lasted 4 1/2 hours. I get a little claustrophobic as well with all the children crying and the heat and just the amount of people.. but was taken to the furnace room where it was quiet for awhile.... there were others who couldnt handle the cramped quarters... the rest of the trip was really good. When I spoke with the outward bound people for the 8 day flatwater trip they asked if I had any concerns... my only were lightening/thunder... where do we go?...under a tree???? apparently there is a lightening position you sit in when in the woods with no buildings and you sit on your life preservers. If I get to go, we will be on the water the majority of the time up in Sudbury (there will probably be snow as it is far North). Am I crazy?!?!? lol...

as for my health.. I had some issues at the last trip. They have a wellness cabin there with meds and medical person so I had no issues and although it was out in the woods, we were close to a hospital so I was not concerned. It went really well, little bit of pain but could be managed with my meds.
I have not heard from the GI yet so I am assuming I can rule out any cancer. One of the last things the GI clinical nurse told me and my support person was "maybe you have some type of rare cancer" which, btw, I think it really wrong to tell someone when they dont know. I am going to call them today but a little nervous. I didnt want to call before I left for the trip in case it was bad news. I will let you know what they say (If I can get ahold of them that is..). I do know the results from my motility test (first tube down my nose) showed that my esophagus isn't working properly... the motility.. not sure why... they never seem to have that answer...

thanks everyone going to go catch up on what is going on with everyone now.. hope everyone is okay :)
Woohoo! Fab to hear all went well Wendy, even with the glitches! :panda:

I hope you don't have to assume the position on the next trip! When is it and when do you know if you have a place?

Good luck with the docs, I hope you can at least get some answers today...:goodluck:

Much love, :heart:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
well... I didn't get to go on the camping trip before the big outward bound one because I was sick. The outward bound one told me that I would be placed on a waiting list - which is okay. I was a little disappointed but that is okay - it will give me a year to get all the gear and get ready. Who knows.. :D It is all good.
I also did not win the I can achieve contest but that is okay too. The process was fun. Thanks everyone for participating:) As for my health... it is up and down... The camping trip was over 3 hours away and there were a lot of people going so I couldn't imagine leaving when I had bathroom issues.. I would be asking to stop all the way up there.

I just came to post a webiner if you have facebook. It is an online lecture and discussion... the ones I have seen so far have been pretty informative (on other topics).. if you are not Canadian you might just need a Canadian postal code...


Hope everyone is well :)
Ah damn Wendy:( I was hoping your absence was because you were off making happy memories. I hope things start looking up for you soon. You're just too interesting to be held down by some damn illness!!
Thanks you guys! No worries about not winning... hard to compete with a 7 time cancer survivor and someone who opened a school in Cambodia. Its all good...I learned throughout the process and felt a lot of encouragement :) As for the camping trips...interesting how one door closes and one opens.
I still haven't heard the results back from the Ct enterocolysis. I was too nervous to call but now there has been some time I think I can assume there is nothing terribly wrong. Although, it took them 4 months for them to tell me there was strictures and thickening of the bowel wall. Calling on Monday. I got a new position with the City Hall where I live so I hope I can keep this in check... my weight is crazy... up and down and people sometimes ask if Im sick... Im a little nervous about winter - I know I have read on here that it effects pain levels and I found the same with my hip and pelvic area. Nothing has changed much except I have managed to manage the pain a little better with yoga and I do hop on the treadmill from time to time...

time to go read up on how others are doing :)
Whoa, tough competition mate but good on you for having a go and you are still tops in my book! :applause:

Congrats on the job! Woohoo...:panda::panda::panda:

Goodluck with your results hun. I hope they give you solid answers and not one of those namby pamby responses that leave you saying wha? :goodluck:

Dusty. xxx
Thanks Dusty :D I think that is part of my delay in calling them. Every time I do call them they make me feel worse... about everything... and no real help given.

Thanks Dusty... am happy with my new job. :)

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