well, it wasn't as difficult as it was in my head. If you have ever had an NG tube before...then you are almost halfway there, essentially. The conditions they do it in is a lot scarier.. you are in an O.R type setting with an X-ray machine so they can see where to insert it. My doctor (aside from being extremely good looking and fit) was also really nice. He went into every detail asked any questions (I wanted to know what they fill your bowels with) they give you an I.V (which she got the first try..YAY). They spray your throat with the same stuff they use in an endoscopy... the bitter stuff... difference being you are usually out cold right after. That stuff seriously freezes which is scary b/c it makes swallowing difficult..almost impossible. After the tube was down my nose and once the gagging and vomiting sensation wears off they lay you down and give you some valium (it had valium/derivative in the name.) Once they have it in place (unfortunately, my problem is at the lower end of the intestines) they wheel you by stretcher to another room with a box-like machine. Almost looks like a dyalysis but on a table. The nurse just holds the other end of the tube in a steel can and it goes in to your bowel. 1, 500.00 ML OF IT!!!! You can feel it all.. (and it is cold)
The doctor doing my test told me he was the one who read my last one who suggested no further follow up. He agrees the test should be done as he didn't see the first two abnormal ones.
Anyhow, then you are wheeled to CT, have you hop onto the table and fill your bowels more (not sure now much) and then give you buscopan and the dye (again, feeling like you flooded yourself). The CT was the easy part.. but the amount of people involved doing this freaked me out.. a lot. They set aside a day and today they have 3. It was a scary process but like I said, if you have had an NG tube, you are almost 1/2 way there. At one point they scared me, I think intentionally. When I sort of snapped out of it and looked around, I had hold of the tube. It was easier the first time around because they has the back of my head against a stretcher. This time, I was on an x-ray table and he was holding the back of my head. I didn't like that very much at all because he has to force it. I sort of have respect for them because there is no way I could do that to anyone...lol. The goop they put in your nose was difficult as well. They shove it in your nose and then tell you to take a big sniff in... umm... first of all, it clogs your nostril and second of all.. it was like trying to snort Vaseline... The amount of liquid they fill you with is also very uncomfortable. They do this because of timing... when you drink it.. there never is as much liquid in the bowel as they need to expand the loops and everything. When it is not expanded enough, it can look like disease on film. I told him about being constipated for 19..or so after the first one where they saw a stricture. I told him that it would be a colossal coincidence...but I suppose possible. I also predicted the one higher up in the jejunum before the G.I told me I had one. This doctor was nice and I just told him that something is going on b/c I still have the pain in my LRQ. Somedays I can function with effort and somedays I cant function very well. So.. there we have it. Spending a lot of time in the washroom. He told me not to have any work plans today and to just go home with access to the washroom...haha. I do have a meeting at 5-7 but it is with a group of older persons and they themselves have bowel issues so Im in good company (who understands).

So, its all good. Im sitting here with a coffee, cinnamon bun and my cat. If you ever have to have it done...go in with a sense of humour and make sure you have a really hot looking doctor and really sociable nurses. They were all great in the entire department. All very nice people....
now I just wait. They said they will get the report end of today maybe tomorrow.
sorry it is so longwinded!