Ok, so suspected colitis/Crohn's. Abdominal pain round large colon and now into smaller intestine. Radiates through to my back and feels as though at the front I have pulled muscles. Quite tender and what I call odd spots of more sharp pains also in some places . Is this normal. Certain movements and I'm like ''OUCH''! Also I am absolutely shattered. And awaiting consultants deciding upon what tests to do etc...I feel like I'm in limbo. Any way all this said, I will not let this beat me. My doc says if it is the aforementioned disease chances are it's been there for many years and has decided to flare up now. I'm 36. How have I not had a flare up before now? Confused/annoyed/anxious. Sorry for the vent, just I wake up most days in a tad pain and needed to vent is all lol. 914am Sunday here in the UK. Have a good day all:rosette1::Flower::headbang: