The dreaded colonoscopy

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May 23, 2010
O.K! So it's time for a check up, but for the life of me, i CAN NOT get that stuff they give you to clean out your colon down. The moment it enters my mouth i want to puke!!! If there is ANYONE with ANY advice as to take away the taste or something to numb my tongue. It will be SO MUCH appreciated!! :sign0085::sign0085:
That crap is disgusting. The more ice you can put in, the better, as it's slightly more tolerable when it's cold. Other than that, all I can suggest is just to close your eyes, think about something else, and down it. :(
Which prep do you have? Some are worse (Go-lytely for example) - the Miralax hasn't been too bad for me.....gatorade masks most of the taste....
I did the Gatorade & Miralax prep for my colonoscopy a couple of months ago, and it went down just fine. However, I was really dehydrated the morning of my colonoscopy, and I actually had to go to the hospital a couple of hours early to request IV fluids (I was shaking uncontrollably, could barely walk, couldn't see straight - yeah, I was dehydrated!). The nurse told me that, while they do allow the Gatorade & Miralax prep, they don't encourage it as they don't know much about it (not sure if that's just my local clinic that takes that attitude). So it was their opinion that because I did a relatively unknown prep, that's why I got so dehydrated. I'm not sure if anyone else has had similar problems or not. I would be willing to do that prep again, but this time I'll make sure to drink tons of clear Pedialyte along with it to prevent dehydration. And if dehydration can be avoided, it is a really easy prep to get down.
I did the Miralax and gatorade. It went down very easy and as so much better than the Go-Lytely.
At least you get a choice. I was given Moviprep. 2 litres of the saltiest stuff you can imagine. I put half a bottle of lemon squash in it, and it still tasted foul. When I asked if there was an alternative they said yes... but I would have to drink 3 litres of it!
1. Drink from a straw
2. Standing up
3. Preferably with the prep in a cup that has a cover (with a hole for the straw)

= miss some of the smell + bypass some tastebuds in your mouth.

I was still gagging, but it went down and (mostly) stayed down.
A Mexican folk remedy for morning sickness my best friend told me about helps it down, it's a little tricky at first: Cut a small piece of lemon or lime and hold it in the side of your mouth while you drink it; it inhibits the gag reflex which helps me keep it down. I also add ice; don't eat it just to get it really cold.
Go Lightly-whoever came up with that name has a wicked sense of humor!
I mixed Crystal Light with mine (Lemon flavor) and it made it taste kind of like a margarita...not saying it was great, but it was tolerable...definitely want to have it cold. It was funny, because my best friend had to have her colonoscopy the same day as I...we just pretended we were having margaritas...of course the party didn't last long once the Go-Lytely (yeah right) started working. :) Best of luck to you.
In South Africa its just called Colo-clear, and it's ginger flavoured. Last time i mixed it with apple juice! BAD IDEA!! What do you think of this, i'm going to use some of that andolex spray that numbs your throat if you have an infection, and spray my tongue, it takes away the burning sensation that colo clear leaves in your mouth, as well as that salty taste. and i'm going to pinch my nose as well, put in some ice and mix it with only a few millilitres of water, so i can take it in a few huge gulps??? Can any of you think of something that might complement that ginger, Flavour-wise??
I got the script for thr prer i have to take and it's called X-Prep, anyone familiar with it????
Nope - never heard of it....just did a quick search and it looks like a herbal prep?.....something like Senekot here in the US......
I had to drink two bottles of magnesium citrate, each a few hours apart, and I diluted it with Sprite. I drank some of it straight and it was terrible but diluted it was better but then you have more to drink. I think the best way is slightly diluted or straight and then and use a sprite or water chaser. Slug of nasty followed by a slug of soda and just get through it.
Is the pill-prep not an option for everyone? I've read about a prep with Dulcolax and Mirolax that is supposed to be less violent, but still clean you out. If it works, I don't get how your doc would ever know the difference.
Just went and picked mine up from the pharmacy today. Can't wait for next week and having to slug that stuff down...not!
What date are you going for yours? Man i'm SUUUUUUPER excited for mine too. (note the sarcasm) hahahaha. I was meaning to ask Belle, how are you finding the sulphasalazine?
Is the pill-prep not an option for everyone? I've read about a prep with Dulcolax and Mirolax that is supposed to be less violent, but still clean you out. If it works, I don't get how your doc would ever know the difference.

Yeah, not everyone can do the pill-prep. Crohn's has attacked my kidneys in the past and they both have some damage, so the GI won't give me the pill-prep. I also get dehydrated fairly easily so I am admitted to the hospital for the prep AND the procedure (they put me under for the colonoscopy so they can do a pathological study). I have to have it done every two years so in October it will be that special time again lol.
@ Kelly...OHHHHH thats why they gave me a styrofoam cup with a lid and straw. My friend was telling me to take the lid off, throw away the straw and just down it - that it would be quicker. Tried both but the lid and straw worked best.
Is the pill-prep not an option for everyone? I've read about a prep with Dulcolax and Mirolax that is supposed to be less violent, but still clean you out. If it works, I don't get how your doc would ever know the difference.

Duc duc duc duc-o-lax lax lax duc-o-lax lax lax duc-o-lax.

I somehow acquired chug-a-lug talents in college (different kind of liquid, mind you). Open wide and down the hatch it goes. No time to gag.
Dras, the sulphasalazine is helping me, i think. I started feeling better after i started taking it. just often forget to take the required amount as i am supposed to take 8 pills a day. :)
Holy cow, thats A LOT! I take two. But i find that it makes my wee like neon yellow, no matter how much water i drink. Weird! @Belle1999

My son can not drink the salty 2 liters of stuff. The prep he has isn't bad at all, in comparison. Night before the day of prep he takes duclolax pills, day of prep drinks two small bottles of magnesium citrate- it is lemon lime flavored and isnt too bad - and takes 2 more ducolax pills. It has worked great every time. Still a horrible process but that liquid - I had to do that myself and it just would not stay down so switched to something else. It is like drinking seawater!
this new prep i'm taking this time is a small bottle, 70ml, which is great compared to that 2litres of prep. Dont know what it tastes like. I'll keep you posted! I also have to take the dulcolax tablets.
Which prep do you have? Some are worse (Go-lytely for example) - the Miralax hasn't been too bad for me.....gatorade masks most of the taste....

Oh physician put me on that to treat a bout of constipation before I was diagnosed, and I can't drink tap water anymore because of that wretched taste.


...never knew there were so many different ways of prep heh, I had to do three Dulcolax, big huge bottle of gatorade with Miralax put in, and then mag citrate at the end (even though I was good about three sips of Miralax) but never again on that Go-Lytely...I still have nightmares!
one of my tricks during Movi-prep has always been Life Savers/ Jolly Ranchers (similar to keeping a piece of lemon or lime in the mouth).
Well i'm doing prep next week sunday and going in on monday. Look out for my post!!This new prep is enough to drink up in 4 gulps- 4gulps of hell.... ughh! I went to the chemist to collect it and they said thet were out and as he reached for the colo-clear my mom and i both yelled NOOOOO!!!! LOL! Turns out he did have, luckily!!!!
Nyc- will have to try that next time. That Moviprep is awful, even tho I put loads of squash in. Asked the nurse if there was another prep I could use and she said yes, but it would mean drinking 3litres instead of 2!
Holy cow, thats A LOT! I take two. But i find that it makes my wee like neon yellow, no matter how much water i drink. Weird! @Belle1999

Yep, mine too. But the doctor warned me about it before he gave me the pills. :)

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