I did the Gatorade & Miralax prep for my colonoscopy a couple of months ago, and it went down just fine. However, I was really dehydrated the morning of my colonoscopy, and I actually had to go to the hospital a couple of hours early to request IV fluids (I was shaking uncontrollably, could barely walk, couldn't see straight - yeah, I was dehydrated!). The nurse told me that, while they do allow the Gatorade & Miralax prep, they don't encourage it as they don't know much about it (not sure if that's just my local clinic that takes that attitude). So it was their opinion that because I did a relatively unknown prep, that's why I got so dehydrated. I'm not sure if anyone else has had similar problems or not. I would be willing to do that prep again, but this time I'll make sure to drink tons of clear Pedialyte along with it to prevent dehydration. And if dehydration can be avoided, it is a really easy prep to get down.