To Puke or not to Puke?

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Does your IBD cause you to vomit?

  • Yes

    Votes: 57 57.0%
  • No

    Votes: 43 43.0%

  • Total voters
I've only puked about 4 times due to Crohn's. It's been while I was ON the toilet, and the "down below" pressure must've built up, and it forced my stomach contents out upwards at the same time.
It was weird.
before my surgery, i was getting to the stage of puking 3-5 times a day.

just let it happen i say! out with the old, in with the new!
I only puke with it when I am in a lot of pain. I was never a puker before, but now my gag reflex I think is more sensitive.
I avoid actually vomiting as much as humanly possible though my nausea is 24/7, hopefully the elemental diet will help with that.
isla how does one avoid vomiting? i hate vomiting its painful but i cant control it if it wants to come up its gonna find a way even if i fight it
I cannot answer this question in this thread because we aren't in the "Lounge"

When I get nauseaus to the point where it consumes my every thought I cannot seem to not puke. I hate to say it but when I was a teen I had the binge/purge thing so I have the voluntary pucking thing down. I would probably say it is about once or twice a week. It is not that I like it but I HATE having an upset belly.
I've never really been a puker. I used to get really bad nausea from Crohn's or even sometimes the meds I was on, but I wouldn't throw up.

I did have a 24hr flu at the end of August, though. It was not fun. I haven't been that sick with the flu since I was a wee lad. Let's just say I had to bring a bucket to the toilet with me.
I often feel nauseous with whatever the heck is going on with me, I have vomited (usually it's just bile) on numerous occasions. Happens really early in the mornings oddly like 5am and over about an hour I'll have a couple of vomiting episodes.

I keep an empty bucket next to my bed now, avoids gross mess!
yeah the bucket is a good idea, i usually aim for a bucket or bag when i feel that way, i cant vomit in a toilet, the idea grosses me out and makes me want to vomit more and i try not to vomit and hold it in because vomiting is so not pleasant.
I am a BIG puker.

If not on any drugs, I will puke myself to starvation, as I almost did, hence
the TPN and getting down to 74 pounds, with a collapsed large intestine.

And yes, I have had it come out both ends at the same time, which is why
I always have a bucket nearby. Oh, the fun of Crohn's. :yrolleyes:
I'm not much of a puker. I've only puked once since my diagnosis and that was not fun, because was on the toilet too. Coming out both ends definitely sucks. I've had several false alarms, the feeling so bad but nothing. I'm not one that can make myself puke either, no matter how much I try.
I wouldn't even try, I don't get those people, puking is painful, its like better to do it and get it done than sit and suffer but its a miserable process.
my body doesn't want to puke.. even when i know i'd feel better if i could, it still won't let me. the only times i've thrown up have been when i've been seriously ill - the last time was with a bowel obstruction a few years ago.
MINI Cooper said:
I am a BIG puker.

If not on any drugs, I will puke myself to starvation:

I'm exactly the same, never had a real problem with my crohn's till jan 2009 since then major flare it started to get worrying when i'd feel better for being sick so if the feeling came to be sick I wouldn't fight it... argh sucks lol
I don't think I have any Crohns-related puking apart from very occasionally if I overeat and get cramps and D after dinner. Twice I have done the sitting on the loo with a bucket thing.
I will admit to getting very nauseous with anxiety and occasionally have to make myself throw up to feel better. Not fun, but seems to do the trick!
A world renowned puker for the 14 years I've had Crohns...only when flaring do I spewwww....often though it just feels like I'm gonna so I take an anti nausea medication which helps...I too can't puke into the toilet - too nasty so I use a bucket - actually I stole one of those plastic puke bowls from the hospital - handy dandy..mostly it is bile cause I don't eat much when flared and it is only "projectile vomiting" if I have the flu or have eaten....such a modest disease this is....tune in next week for "how my diarheea splatters in my pants" lol
Hi never really used to puke, however have more when flaring, and it tends to be projectile. It just seems that what ever I eat wont gone down and its gotta go somewhere and thats up!! and out!!. I never seem to quite make it to the bathroom so then tend to have to clear it up as well! great fun!
Since I started the Aza I have discovered the art of projectile vomiting...

In the UK at the moment there is a lot in the newspapers about women binge drinking and generally behaving in a disgusting fashion... my greatest fear is that one day I will be spottedgiving one of my technicolour displays in public and find myself the illustration for a feature on just how foul some women can be!

My son is a very calm puker... he can be stuffing his face then feel a bit queasy, calmly absents to the bathroom, quietly pukes and then comes back to finish his meal - quite gross really.

I on the other hand puke with every muscle in my body. Even the tips of my hair get involved - usually flicking in my face and getting covered in puke... generally I end up on my hands and knees in some inopportune place like outside a supermarket or the kids school.... every muscle goes into spasm... including my butt... and the battle between control of stomach and anus ensues....

Lishyloo.... xxx
I had a battle with puking for a month pre-surgery but I was taking oral morphine at the time.

Since I got off the pain meds I have not even thought about it.
when flaring I puke all the time especially while trying to eat.. mostly cause I have extreme nausea and trying to make myself eat but have no appetite at all. I will be doing ok then all of a sudden if decides it doesn't want to stay down there anymore. Also found in the mornings I would have really bad nausea and I would puke when I first woke up. I have sinus at the moment which is really upsetting my stomach from the post nasal dripping and I have been close to the throwing up several times over the last few days but just can't seem too. I don't know if thats a good thing or bad as I know once I puke I will probably feel better plus get some of the nasty crap out of my body. I can't seem to make myself puke tho.
im a barfer. a big one.
i tossed my cookies yesterday in the NYC Filenes Basement dressing room in fact. i was not wearing my own shirt. and there is some barf stuck in the carpet forever.
my mom and i scooted out of there fast.
I haven't puked since my surgery....I have more unfortunate puke stories than poop stories.....
I puke whenever I am in in pain. Did I mention I get migraines too? I am an expert at yakking up my goodies, I think it should count as exercise because every part of my body joins the fun. If it is coming out both ends I perfer a sink nearby as I just can't get my head around puking into a bowl unless I'm near death or feeling like it.
I only occasionally have to vomit if I get a cramping episode after dinner. That is when I sit on the toilet with a bucket in front of me. No fun at all!
Had a couple of weeks of this over xmas but seems to have sorted itself now - touch wood!
I hardly ever puke, despite being naseous all the time. Last night it hit me real hard, though. Woke up in the middle of the night feeling awful, big D, and while doing it, the stuff HAD to come out, so I puked awfully (thank god I was able to dirty the shower floor only. Easier to clean. No fun at all. I´m still feeling kind of crappy, but it was definetly reliefing to get all that stuff out. My biggest concern is that my puke looked JUST LIKE my crap. Colour and all... Gross!
I am not a puker either. However, when my mouth becomes overloaded with saliva I know it's time to head for the can!
I get nauseous lot of nights but I hate, hate, hate puking. Actually I haven't puked for about six years, since I started taking the flu shot every year.

While we're on the subject - when I'm over the porcelein and waiting for it to happen there is one food I can think of that will always make me hurl instantly. The weird thing is its something I really like. Everyone has their favorite trigger I guess.
Nytefyre said:
I am not a puker either. However, when my mouth becomes overloaded with saliva I know it's time to head for the can!

ugh!!!i know!!! and you can feel the gland in your jaws burning right??
i hate that feeling. that is the first sign for me too.

i used to get that so badly when having a BM, everytime the worst cramps would get the glands burning and then it was time to grap the little trash can.
Plech. i hate puking. But when I get that feeling in my tummy i'd rather just get it over with....The feeling like you're going to puke but not puking seems worse to me sometimes. I've been pukey the past few days, and hubby didn't understand why i was puking into a bucket instead of the toilet....Well, it's that, or i poop on the floor while puking onto the toilet! LOL. The joys.
I'm just having one of those stupid episodes. I just got into bead and took a pill now I've been vomitting and the other end is about to start!!!
i am one of those everything i can not to puke! i only reallly puke when i have really bad proximal constipation after a flare and i have been eating when i dont feel hungry....body was trying to tell me i eat someting and its like projectile rejection soon after! very quick and painless...but nevertheless awful

.....really hate sickness bugs tho, cos you never feel better and you just keep on puking even tho there is nothing left....crazy...i avoid it like the plague!

i have a friend tho who cant stand nausea....if she is just the tiniest bit nauseous she makes herself throw up to feel better and make the nausea go away, she said nausea is worse than the actual throwing up....i beg to differ....yuk...i will breathe my nausea away if it takes all day!
I don't mind puking if it makes me feel better! Seems when i have one of these episodes it's like everything is all squished and I need to make room. usually it comes out the other end though and I only sometimes throw up. The frustrating thing now is that I've thrown up HEAPS this time and I KNOW I'll need to poop before I can go to sleep but every time I go sit back on the toilet it stops! And every time I walk away the cramps start again! Usually it's all over in about 20 minutes. This one is taking a bit longer. I just want sleep!!! :(
awww man she is like that too! after a night out on the booze and if she feels too drunk and a bit sicky, off she toddles to the throne for 5 minutes, and then gets stuck right back into our takeaway....says she cant enjoy it if she feels sick... people are weird lol!

aw shaz i hope it stops soon! hope you get some sleep hun xx
Thanks! It's been several minutes with no cramps so perhaps the puking fixed it this time. I'll wait a bit longer because it is so annoying snuggling uo in bed.....ooops her it is again!!
Puking over with now and had a huge poop! Woohoo! I know I will feel better after all that, just waiting a bit longer to make sure it's settled before I snuggle into bed. Damn and I was all set for an early night and took a pill and everything :(

I LOVE how we can share this stuff on here!!!! :)
I ALWAYS feel like throwing up but I never actually do...I came to this realization the other night after telling my poor hubby who listens to me say like fifty times a day "I think I'm gonna throw up." I figure I should just stop worrying about going to the bathroom to throw up because it never actually happens! Just feels miserable....
I didnt read all the posts but this advice I can give you. I have gotten sick alot. One of the first things I would want to do is get that taste out of my mouth so I would brush my teath..... big no no. The acid from your stomach with the abrasiveness of the tooth paste and toothbrush will slowly eat away at your teeth. I found that out a little late (last year 2009). If you think you will be or have been sick in the past get baking soda and mix it with water to rinse your mouth. It neutralizes the acid and will help save your teeth. It may seem a little silly but 30 years of doing the wrong thing will take its toll on your smile.
Puke. I always feel better...BTW, Jed...that little guy on there is how I feel (LOL) Love that cartoon! Sue
I've never been sick with Crohns til 5 weeks ago! My God! I thought everything was gonna come up, my heart and lungs too! it was like a double canon, both ends, at the same time, 100 miles an hour! lay in it in the bathroom all night crying, my kids were so shocked! it was all over the walls, I can't exagerate enough!
and I ended up in A&E via ambulance cos I was blocked, and I didn't know!
It was the most frightening experience of my life
Every once in a while I get pretty blocked and have INTENSE pains for hours and hours and I feel like I'm going to puke. I know that the puke will come, and I know that I will feel better when it does, but I can't bring myself to induce it!
Lucky I always feel better eventually, but I'm scared for the day I don't un-clog on my own!
The only time I've puked was the last time I did prep for my colonoscopy. Sitting on the toilet with a gabage can in my lap...very pretty! Oh, and when I burst my sigmoid colon...tried to puke in hospital but there was nothing there. I think it was just a reaction to the inscrutiating pain. I never want to go through that again!
Justicexhaze said:
I didnt read all the posts but this advice I can give you. I have gotten sick alot. One of the first things I would want to do is get that taste out of my mouth so I would brush my teath..... big no no. The acid from your stomach with the abrasiveness of the tooth paste and toothbrush will slowly eat away at your teeth. I found that out a little late (last year 2009). If you think you will be or have been sick in the past get baking soda and mix it with water to rinse your mouth. It neutralizes the acid and will help save your teeth. It may seem a little silly but 30 years of doing the wrong thing will take its toll on your smile.

Thank you! I will definitely have to try the baking soda trick. I have had to have caps put on my teeth, as my front teeth are see-through now because of all the throwing up I have done over the years. I go through intense pain and saliva build-up before puking, and there really isn't anything I can do to stop it once the cycle has begun.

I was so bad when I was first diagnosed, that I would take a sip of water and throw it up 2 minutes later. I could keep absolutely nothing down, and my weight went from 130 lbs to 84 lbs. Surprising thing is, no medications would help... I was so hungry one night that when my brother brought home a "Fast Eddy's" hamburger (49 cent burger just doesn't sound appetizing most days), I just had to have one - I figured I was just going to throw up anyways, so I might as well have something to throw up! I managed to keep it down, and kept everything down after that. I slowly built my weight back up, and the medications started to help again, seeing as I could keep them down after that. Makes you wonder what was in that burger! LOL

Good health and best of luck.
I find that throwing up can sometimes provide temporary relief, but my system has said ENOUGH, and I only throw up when things are really bad now. In October and November, I was throwing up every day (from 3 - 20+ times/day). My chest hurt from all the heaving, and my teeth have moderate enamel damage, so the break from vomiting since then has been really helpful.
I used to puke so much that my mother was convinced that I had bulimia. I didn't just puke a little bit either. I threw up HARD. Last time I threw up I popped blood vessels in my eyes from retching so hard. It would come out of nowhere too. I lost my last job because I was vomiting so much. I would just go to work and then throw up. Fortunately, since I've changed my diet I haven't vomited in about three months.
I puked alot at the beginning, but I hate puking so now when I get the really bad nausea I go hug the toliet and try my best to will myself not to get sick. The nausea usually goes away within the hour, or right after a bm.
Been a while since I puked.

I know to clean my mouth right after I puked now, puke and burping can really mess up your gum. I couldn't eat for a week, my whole gum was in pain.
I puked today a little bit, by accident. I was in the bathroom washing my hands and did a huge burp as I had a funny feeling tummy and chunks flew! Lucky I was over the basin lol. When I first got crohns I used to puke a LOT but probably because I drank so many stomach eating energy drinks to keep me awake, I remember because they didn't always taste so bad, lol. Each time I have a big flare tho I tend to get a bit blocked up and my tummy can't drain into my intestines so I force puke, which sucks but helps the pain and nausea.
I know this is ironic, but I suffer from lots of nausea, but I rarely puke. I've never thrown up from my Crohn's, but I have from the stomach flu. I hate it so much, that I really have to be sick before I do it. My brother who also has CD doesn't get near as much nausea, but he throws-up more often than I do. I think he just wants to get rid of the feeling and quick. Ugh! I can't do that.
Whenever I puke with my crohn's its always on the toilet so leaking out of both ends (and usually the only place to puke at that point is into the bath!! EWWWWWW). It's the least fun thing ever expelling bodily fluids out of both ends at once!!
The pain makes me feel like I have to vomit/makes me vomit. Sometimes I feel nauseous and intense stomach pain that makes me feel like I need to vomit, when in actuality it's the other end that needs attending to. If I can get myself to go without vomiting then the urge to vomit will pass, but usually I'm so desperate to get the pain to stop I just vomit hoping it will "work."
My stomach swells up to the point where I look like I am 9 months pregnant after eating. The only way of easing all of the pain after all meals is to puke. So I puke everyday. I hate it, but nothing I can do, I have to or I suffer terribly
Mine doesn't cause me to vomit but when the pain is really bad I get nausious. I have to breath very slowly and think you won't throw up your strong then I start feeling better...
I try for sometimes hours but the food is just stuck there and won't go down. After hours I just can't take it anymore. I try so hard not to, but these days just isn't working
I have a stricture that is causing a blockage right now...I am puking nearly every day. Not just puking, but sudden intense pain, then my mouth fills up with the hot saliva. I have about 30 seconds after that before I projectile vomit! Whatever can't get past my obstruction comes back up with a lot of force. Happened last night while I was on the toilet with D, I almost didn't grab the trash can fast enough!
Here's a giant hug for both Margie and SarahAnne! :hug:I can't imagine throwing-up on a daily basis. Ugh! I hate it with a passion. I do understand that is can go with the Crohn's territory though. My dad's father (my grandpa) when through a long stretch in which he would throw-up almost every day from his Crohn's. That stopped after his colectomy.

I'm a big chicken when it comes to puking. Even when I was pregnant, I fought the urge. Scott told me that it was stupid because I'd probably feel better.
I'm not a big puker. I have a phobia of vomit so I hold it back. I feel sick to my stomach a lot but can't get passed that fear in my mind to let it happen, even though I know I would feel better.
Ive had CD for about 3 months now and Ive vomited a grand total of 9 times. So I guess Im a puker but not too bad. Dont mind it too much though.
Unfortunately I'm a HUGE vomiter! I've thrown up almost every day for the last year or so. It's horrible, I'm sure people think I'm bulimic but I won't not eat! I love food and sometimes it's nice to taste it a second time round lol. It happens mostly when I'm on loo or just after dinner, but sometimes I'll have eaten like hours and hours ago and my tummy is just still full, like it can't be bothered to digest so just comes up like I'm regurgitating. I must admit, if it's like this before bed I do sometimes give it a helping hand, terrible I know- but I'd be awake for hours if not.

Toni 
Month before my resection all I did was puke. Over and over. Funny how you can get used to it and it becomes nothing special. I have not puked since then - just nausea.
I voted no, then I remembered, yes, it has happened 1 time. It was while I was eating lunch - chicken, salad and rice (before I knew I had Crohns). It was very weird. Did not feel sick, just felt this pressure build up in my stomach and threw up lunch. Felt fine after.
i voted no, last night i started at 9 with cramp pains went to bed with water and pains came every 1hr, then i started being sick big time, at 5am fell asleep till 6.30am
today slept most of the day but when awake had the diahorra gone thou 4 pairs of pyjamas today

is this a stomach bug i ask or my crohn's a flare up, asking the neighbours they say stomach bug goin around
Yes, I actually just vomited again about 5 minutes ago. Twice so far in the last hour. My flare has went "full-blown" in the last few days, I've been flaring for three weeks. I'm thinking perhaps I have a blockage as there's new lower right back pain that is getting progressively worse as the night goes on. I forced myself to take some pain meds but the meds are not alleving any of the pain; then again, that could be because I've vomited them up. Generally, vomiting does not bother me, before i went on the Humira, at my worst, I was vomiting 15+ times a day.(Linda Blair in the Exorcist didn't have a thing on me;) I got used to it.
I'm making myself sip water right now in an attempt to stay hydrated even though I know it will be coming back up. a side note...
I have noticed that I will vomit if I get overheated, or if I come home & the house is "hot" or i go somewhere with an elevated room temperature I will instantly get nauseous & this increases even more if I'm flaring, as in extreme sensitivity to heat.
I puke more then I have bm's. And its horrible. Anything from water to soup. Any obstruction will make you sick. Usually my flares are at night so if I just eat and go right to bed I kinda skip the worst flare of the day :) tehehe
During my worst flare in 2011 I was throwing my guts up constantly, however ever since my bowel resections I haven't thrown up at all.

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