Trying to get to grips with it all!

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

Jan 1, 2012
Scotland, UK
Hi there,

I'm completely new to this, i've never joined a forum before!

I was diagnosed with Crohns in October 2011 (i'm 49 years of age) after 10 years of symptoms gradually getting worse, every trip to the doctor (and there were many) had me being told I had IBS. Eventually I practically demanded that I have a colonoscopy as my quality of life had dwindled so much, I was just so miserable all the time, cold, tired and unable to eat much with out pain in my stomach and regular bouts of vomiting.
Finally had a CT scan and colonoscopy and was told I had Crohns.

I was initially put on a course of Prednisalone starting at 40mg and decreasing by five mg every 5 days, I felt terrible initially really bad bloating and pain but when I reached the 10mg mark I started to feel the benefits (despite gaining nearly a stone), I felt great for the remainder of the course and for a couple of weeks after being off the steroids. I started Azaithropine (after much deliberating but my consultant said if it were him he'd go on it,,,sounded good enough for me, he's the expert) one week after completing the Prednisolone, i'm on 75mg at the moment to be increased to 125mg in two weeks time.

I have to say that I have been feeling terrible, bouts of stomach pain and vomiting if I eat anything to much. I am confused as to why I was not kept on a maintenance dose of Prednisolone until the Azathriopine had had a chance to kick in, surely the inflamation is back now so whats the point of the steroids in the first place. I am trying to get an appointment with my doc to see if I can increase the Azathioprine sooner.

Really sorry for moaning but its been a miserable New Year, I have spent 2 days in my bed feeling 'sea-sick' and in pain, i do question the logic of my meds and why there is a time frame between coming off steroids and the immune suppresant getting a chance to kick in, perhaps someone out there can enlighten me or perhaps they have gone through the same thing and can let me know their outcome.

Thanks for listening xxx
Hi Sally and welcome,

You poor thing, I'm so sorry you're having to go through all of this and that your year hasn't started off too well :(

In addition to posting this thread, I suggest posting a specific query in our azathioprine support forum as you'll get additional insight there.

What is your diet like currently? That you're having so much trouble keeping things down, I'd suggest taking a look at enteral nutrition.

Do you know what the CT scan showed specifically? Any strictures?

I hope you start feeling better soon!

Hi Sally and welcome :bigwave: I completely agree that you should be on a maintainence dose of pred whilst the Azathioprine is given a chance to kick in and start working which can take up to 12 weeks. An increase in dosage may also be required - I ended up on 200mg. I was kept on the pred the whole time they were starting me on the Aza and whilst they confirmed a working dosage. As soon as you can - tomorrow? get on the phone to the IBD team and ask them about this. It really sucks that this has now taken over your new year and I hope you start to feel better soon :hug:
David & Angrybird,

Thank you for your prompt replies, very much appreciated.

David strictures werent mentioned so I don't think so.

I've got an appointment on Friday so I will tackle the doc then and see what happens. I feel better today but then I haven't eaten anything solid for two days lol

I'll keep reading this forum, there's so much positive feedback and it helps not to feel so alone.

Thanks xx
Hi SallyO and welcome! Boy, ten years! I am glad you demanded a colonoscopy.

I am sorry you haven't seen much of an improvement on your new treatment plan. However, it can take a few months for Aza to fully kick in. The pred should be keeping things under control until then, but it doesn't seem to be helping much, huh? I hope your GI will provide some insight this Friday. Let us know how your appointment goes!
Hi Jill

Thanks for posting, saw doc and he has upped my Aza to 125mg and has started me on a course of Entocort until Aza hopefully kicks in.

I was chatting to my doc about being undiagnosed for approx 10 years and it's funny how you accept what you are told and get used to feeling unwell and accept it as normal as you can't remember feeling any different, he dd agree that it was unlucky that after complaining about severe stomach pain, and for the last 3 years episodes of pain and vomiting on a regular basis and trottng back and forth to docs with an infected fissure, you would think that a light bulb might have clicked with included!

Still onwards and upwards, here's to hopefully saving a fortune on loo roll and botty wipes!

Best wishes to all xx
Hi Sally, thanks for the update. I am pleased they have put you on a less invasive steroid. Fingers crossed this and the increased dose of Aza will get you back on track :)
:D Welcome Sally--so sorry about the rough start to your new year. Sooooo glad you got back on a steroid form while Aza has a chance to kick it. It usually took me about 8-12 weeks to feel better on Aza--and I tood pred the whole time then weaned off after about 3 months. Hoping that you are taking Folic Acid or B Complex as well. You take care--keeping good healing thoughts for you! I love how people in your "neck of the woods" call the toilet the loo! It cracks me up everytime I read it! :rof:
Hang in there girl! Dana
Hi Sally, will be starting within in the next week or two. When I see the nurse to get the prescription and bloods started I am going to have a bit of a chat because I want to know a bit more about why I ended up having an issue before and if there is anything I can do to try and avoid it this time. I am desperate for this to work so want as much info as poss.
Hi Snap
Thanks for your kind words, interesting you mention folic acid and B complex as I've been thinking that I should be taking some supplements, my diet has been poor for so long and while on the Pred it was diabolical, if it wasn't nailed down I was eating it, never felt so hungry in my life for unhealthy food!
Oh we have some great words for toilet, how about 'chunty' and 'bog' X

Hi Angrybird!
I really hope the meds work out for you, two days in on the new steroids and I feel much better already, don't want to jinx myself but so far so good on the Aza, no side effect as yet, week 7 and counting.
I was chatting to my bloods nurse who was telling me that her father was on Aza for UC and he reacted badly to it, he came off it and restarted it some months later and has had no problem a all, he's been on it for years and is doing well!
Doesn't seem to be any rules!
Thanks again for your support, it means a lot, I don't feel so isolated, more like being part of a special group, got to look for an upside! x
Sally and Angrybird-----Ohhhhh I just love chunty! I'm returning to work in 2 weeks, and I'm going to tell my work friends---hey I'm goin to the chunty! LMAO! Anyway, hoping the meds are helping both of you--I will keep fingers and toes crossed for sure. Isn't it great when you realize that you actually feel good? Hang tight! Gimme a holler anytime! Do you say that in the UK? I'm serious---I will never say bathroom ever again---I love chunty! :heart:
Thanks to you both for your wit! Dana