Hey everyone! So I see my hospitalization was announced here..I'm out now.

it was a tough week but it was totally worth it. I had started to have extreme chest pains on the Thursday prior, and they were so bad I was staying at home on muscle relaxers just trying to get them to stop. 5 days later I went to the clinic to get checked out, and like Cat said my EKG was abnormal and my heart rate was also through the roof. They sent me to the hospital so they could run more tests and figure out what's wrong. I was admitted for a possible heart attack, and for the next couple of days I was doing a bunch of tests of my heart and lungs (multiple EKGs, stress test, lung functionality test, sonogram of heart muscle, and abdominal ultrasound) and they were all normal. The second day I was there I made it very clear to my doctors that I had a chronic illness that was undiagnosed and was getting very bad, to make sure they could see if the chest pain was linked. They had me do a consultation with a Rheumy, but the few days after that I didn't get told anything about tests for anything autoimmune, so I figured they had ignored my previous symptoms and focused on my heart. The day before Inwas discharged I was feeling much better, and my doctor told me he thought I had the flu and I could probably go home the next day.
Well, when the next day came My entire situation changed. Turned out the doctor had pulled together a team of specialists, including a Rheumy to figure out why I'm so sick. He said he knew something was wrong and it needed to be figured out. And they were able to diagnose me! I am now officially diagnosed with behcets disease.
Now that I'm diagnosed I now understand why my body is so messed up. Behcets is a rare AI disease that attacks the blood vessels in your body, not the actual organs themselves. Thus it can attack anything in your entire body. It can cause blindness, trouble with neurological function, mouth and genital ulcers, IBS like symtoms, joint pain, skin rashes, fatigue, etc. it is basically a disease that mimics Crohns, Lulus, and RA. I had not even heard of it until Friday, and it fits me and my symptoms so well it is even funny, EVERY symptom I have had or having can be explained with this disease!
Back to my heart...I'm having the chest pains because the behcets has attacked the blood vessels near my heart, causing my heart to not get enough blood (called an angina). If I'm not careful, I could make it worse and get a heart attack. So, even though I was discharged I was ordered to stay near the hospital and I have to be back tomorrow morning to start treatment and make sure my heart is ok. My chest pains have come back since I left the hospital, so my husband is afraid they are going to admit me again since a heart attack is possible.
I'm so relieved and happy it isn't even funny. To all of you here that are waiting for answers, don't give up! The answers will come when you least expect them. Also, don't try and squeeze an illness into your diagnosis list that doesn't quite fit. I regret doing that with both Crohns and lupus...I kept telling myself it was all wrong, I had to have that disease as there had to be SOME explanation of my symtoms, but I never stopped to think it might be something I've never heard of. I could be a poster child for behcets...I'm a classic textbook case of it, even if there aren't many textbook cases since there are only a few thousand people with this disease in the United States. Go with the flow, and keep doctors in your side that want to help, not ignore you. Get new doctors in your case frequently who might know a lot about other diseases that might be too rare for other doctors to know and recognize. Be proactive!
I hope everyone had a good weekend!