Hi everyone, welcome to the weekend

Akiva thank you for telling me about your mum and how she felt when your sister went to uni, I have sobbed a couple of times one of those times was the night before we left her and I had to wrap her birthday present, she will be 21 next week and it breaks my heart that I can't be with her

but that's the way it is so I'll just have to get used to it. Your mums situation is a lot like mine, my eldest daughter sort of lives with her boyfriend (still has a bed at home) but it's only 10 minutes away and I know he loves her so I don't worry the same. I'm so sorry that you've had major tummy troubles I know how horrible that can be, I also use sudocream when it happens and it really does help, hope you can get some. Will be thinking about you....
Moogle it's such a shame your first day didn't go well, I can understand how frustrating the problem with your mother must have been, as you know I have problems with my dad and he has done something similar (but different

) to my older sister. She will be starting a new job in a call center for a bank, we warned her that dad would change to it so that he could call her to fix his problems, she said he wouldn't but it was the first thing he did when she told him about the job, we know he will make her life misery calling everyday. Don't be sad about looking for assisted living, ultimately you have to break away a bit in order to protect your sanity (I have been trying to tell my little sister the same thing cos she is at breaking point). You need to put you first in order to be able to be there for them both, I wish you much luck in finding some help, sending you a big hug from someone who knows what it's like :ghug:.
Bureaucrat it must be so disappointing to not have been able to enjoy Vegas, I know you were concerned about it before you went. How are you feeling now? It's very confusing getting weird blood results, it certainly doesn't help any when your trying to get a firm diagnosis. I'm expecting to be discharged from my GI because of all my 'normal' results and I know I will be very angry if it happens

. I love the oversharing, I sort of feel it helps in a strange way, my sister and I talk about everything, though she is the only one I feel comfortable doing it with. As a child she had a large growth discovered growing in/on her bowel and as a result of it being removed she lost a third of her bowel, so she has always had a keen interest with her bowels activity and talks openly about it all the time. We quite often have a laugh about stuff.
Cat I'm happy you got some injections and really hope that you do feel better soon, I'm crossing my fingers that they work

. I have awful hip pain that feels like my hips are on fire, especially the right one yet my crp is also normal and my mri report said 'no detectable abnormalities? It's a conundrum? I just don't understand how my rheumy says there is no inflammation when I feel like my joints are on fire. As you know I also take pentasa, at the start I didn't think it was doing anything but as the time went on my symptoms have eased so maybe it's just going to take time before you feel the benefits of it, I believe that you've just had a bad day cos that's what happens to me, I think it's just the nature of the beast that it IBD!!
Lsgs congratulations on the bike ride, I most definitely do not think you are a loser!! I couldn't even sit on a bike now let alone ride 15 miles, that's fantastic

. I've been advised against bike riding cos of my knees, not that I mind cos it's not really my thing. My husband goes out a lot but I worry the whole time he's away cos he won't wear a helmet

so I'm always very relieved when he arrives home. He also takes his camera out with him and can be away for hours, coming home with some lovely images, he would appreciate the one you took of the bikes

Bluebird I always have the same trouble when I get my period and the pain at times can be horrific! Now that I'm having the menopause I'm hoping periods are a thing of the past (fingers crossed) I haven't had one now for about 7 or 8 weeks and I'm not complaining, though I don't enjoy the hot flushes much!! lol. I do hope it goes away quickly for you cos it really is unpleasant, take care.
I'm giving myself a lazy day today, not feeling very good. Woke up with extremely high blood glucose and diarrhea

, feeling very fragile right now and quite weak? Now for a bit of over sharing of my own....after my d when I wiped myself it was just a pure jelly-like blob? It's not the first time this has happened but I'm not sure what's going on, I would really appreciate a little insight if anyone could help me. I've also got a bit a burning ring going on so I've hoked out my sudocream too

. It's not really a good day lol. I've also wondered about times when I felt like I was having a SBO but when I've discussed this with my GI he puts in down to constipation, I even ended up in casualty one night cos I felt sure there was something nasty going on but again was diagnosed as constipation, has anyone else had the same experience?
This has been a really busy and emotional week between worrying about my daughter at uni, taking her boyfriend to a solicitor and dad has been causing major upset, I'm exhausted with it all. My daughter seems to be settling in and has made a couple of friends which is great, she starts class on Monday and I know she will be much happier then too. The appointment with the solicitor went well and gave us valuable info that might help resolve the issue, I hope

. I took myself to a spa for some pampering which was wonderful, saddly all the good was undone when I came out because of my dad and since then it's been torturous

. It's an on-going problem with him that will never be resolved so something I just have to try and manage.
On the happier side of things....I applied for a bursary for my daughter from the post office, it's an award available to children of past and present post office employees. We heard nothing from them since July so I wasn't very hopeful but we got a letter on Thursday telling us we had been successful and she got the maximum grant for 3 years

. I also signed up for an art class which started yesterday. I've been off work now for nearly 3 years and was finding it difficult to go out so I decided that this class might be the first step towards getting into a social setting again, plus I love to paint and have had major trouble using my right hand since surgery on the wrist, so I thought maybe it would help me and be like a therapy for my hand? I do hope it works for both issues.
Sorry for going on soooo long, if you've managed to get this far, thank you for reading. Hope you all have a great weekend.