I never really thought of it that way Dahlia. If a nurse tells you you need medical help then who can argue with that? I hope all is well kittykat.
Keep in touch.
Keep in touch.
Okay, so I really am at my wit's ends right now. I couldn't sleep at all last night because of really bad stomach pain and I've been having really dark, almost black stools for the past two weeks or so. The pain actually gets worse after I use the bathroom.
I'm thinking at this point, I really do need to get a scan of just the small bowel, I think it could provide at least some relief that nothing too terrible is going on if negative. The only problem is that I don't think my doctor's office does CTE or MRE. I think if the pain ends up getting unbearable, I might just tell my parents to take me to the ER. Do you think they'll be willing to do an MRE if I tell them my symptoms? I don't want to go there just for them to tell me to take painkillers or see my doc, because I really don't know how long I can wait.
Sorry if I seem like I'm overreacting or asking a lot of questions, as I have done a lot of testing and nothing wrong has been found, but these symptoms are really scaring me and I tend to go into slight panic mode when I'm dealing with a lot of things at once.![]()
Me tooI wish you success Sarah. Hang in there.
Sarah - I'm so glad you finally got properly diagnosed and seem to be getting good treatment!
As for me, it's been decided that I'm having Nissen Fundoplication. When 120 mg of Nexium daily doesn't do the trick, it's time to consider your options. Since I have poor esophageal motility they are concerned about difficulties swallowing post-op. The surgeon claims it's about a 50/50 chance/risk of it going very well or that the results won't be so great.
Despite that, I've decided to go for it. I've tried all the medications, I'm on astronomically high doses of it all and still there's barely any relief. The doctors agree that if I stay like this for 10-15 years, my esophagus will be a total mess.
So I'm super super nervous. There's still a while to go, I'm having an appointment in may to discuss everything with the surgeon and the actual surgery won't happen until after the summer. But I have a lot of anxiety about it. I keep thinking I'll die during surgery and never wake up. It's pointless anxious thoughts but I still struggle with them.
Anyone whos had this, or any GI surgery really, feel free to share your tips on dealing with pre-op anxiety!
Hope everyone is doing well!
I found out today that the GI group I was seeing is finally covered by my insurance again! Oddly enough, I went on their website today and saw the news and they just started allowing my carrier again! I called to make an appointment with a different GI doctor than the *jerk* I saw before who made me feel like a hypochondriac. I don't ever want to see him again. I actually scheduled my appointment with a female doctor this time since I seem to have more luck with them.
Anyway, this couldn't come at a better time because my nausea, bloating, and discomfort - especially in the morning - needs further testing. I have been eating a lot less lately because I eat a few bites and then quickly get full. I very rarely finish a meal or get more than 1/3 of the way through even though I was very hungry before the meal. After talking to some people here, it sounds like it may be gastroparesis. I also have a friend at work whose doctor (the same one I'm actually seeing) suspected gastroparesis (she was never diagnosed, though, since she never had the test). I wake up in the early mornings and I am usually still full from the night before and VERY nauseous. Zofran has become my friend. I'm hoping this appointment - on June 7th at 3:15pm - brings some hope of answers.
Hi Dahlia,
"Who would make up a GI complaint? The tests are so unpleasant."... EXACTLY! Nobody!
Zero, none and nadda!
I hope the new appointment helps, miss leopard. I went ahead and started the gastroparesis dietary advice on my own and it helped me. It was nice to have something I could do to make things better than I could control. I can tell you what I do if that would help. i hope the appointment goes well and that the new doctor is better. Doctors who think you are making it up are useless. Who would make up a GI complaint? The tests are so unpleasant X_X
Did they already do a gastric emptying test for you? Typically if more than 10% of the meal is left after 4 hours, you are diagnosed with Gastroparesis.
Welcome Evie,
It sounds like you have poor communication between doctors going on. I would tell the colon specialist about that situation. It could possibly be Crohn's or UC. I would ask for a stool sample to be done as well.
I hope the best for you,
Miss Leopard, I hope the GES doesn't take too long to come through for you. Diet wise liquid calories will really help so depending where you live like Ensure/Boost etc, a dietician should be able to help you find one that suits you. Also low fat, low fibre, small meals more frequently, lots of liquid with your meals and soft foods will also help![]()
Meds wise I believe in the US domperidone is one you have to get from another country, but it is generally less risky than metoclopromide (Reglan) and personally I found it really helpful. I was one of the unlucky few to develop an irregular heartbeat so was taken off it and now I'm on erythromycin, it doesn't feel like it helps massively, but I do notice a little difference after a few days of not taking it (I found that out in hospital). Let us know how you get on!
Welcome to the forum. I would suggest doing all the testing you need to get to the root of the problem. I don't think anyone would question you for wanting to know what is going on. I encourage you to push for answers because this type of issue needs to be addressed, bleeding coming from somewhere inside of you is always a legitimate cause for concern.
Best regards,
Hi everyone, I stumbled across this forum and was wondering if anyone could help me out.
So I've been having occult blood and mucus since January of this year. I so far have had a colonoscopy, endoscopy, and CT enterography, as well as occult blood stool tests (all positive) and a calprotectin test (negative). However, I still have bleeding as I am anemic (I'm male too, so anemia isn't as common in guys) and mucus. My GI said that I just have really bad ibs, but I know that ibs doesn't cause bleeding. It does cause gas, bloating and mucus, all that I also have, but not blood, especially mixed in the stool.
I was just wondering, even with all the tests I've had, is it possible something could have been overlooked? I'm wondering if maybe instead of an enterography i should have asked for enteroclycis, as I've read that it usually shows better pictures and distension. What do you guys think? Should I push for one of these tests? My gi might think I'm ridiculous but I just really want to get to the bottom of this.
Have you had a Pillcam? I would be pushing for that. There is a lot of small intestine between a upper endoscopy and colonoscopy. It has good sensitivity for mucosal injury. If that is clear, I think you would be clear of anything really serious going on.
I haven't had a pillcam. I just figured that a CTE would be able to show everything. What would the pillcam show that a CTE can't?
MissLeopard for some people gastroparesis can extend down to the bowels so it is worth mentioning it at your appointment for sure! It could also be that your ovarian cyst has come back so it may also my worth checking in with your gynae too. Also you mentioned you take Zofran? That is well known for causing constipation too so that might be worth considering.
My best to you.Yesterday, I had horrible stomach pain as I was getting ready for work - so much so that I ended up lying down flat on my back which is the only thing that seems to help. I try my hardest to not take antacids or Zofran unless absolutely necessary because of the undiagnosed stomach problem - I'm not sure if it's low stomach acid or gastroparesis or both. It felt like I had a brick sitting in my stomach - very similar to the way it felt when I was on Prilosec on the advice of the former GI doctor I was seeing. Thankfully, my appointment is this upcoming Wednesday with the new GI doctor. I have a sneaking suspicion that she'll want to do another upper GI endoscopy in addition to a GES.
MissLeopard sorry for the slow reply it's been a busy few days and a poorly few days.
Yes for some people they have gastroparesis and intestinal dysmotility together, they can do small bowel and colonic transit studies as well as the gastric emptying study but I think they have to be done separately if that makes sense? I always find that oats and other soluble fiber works better for my gastroparesis than insoluble fiber (shredded wheat/brown bread etc). Try having the fiber element of your diet earlier in the day, then something like a smoothie in the evening, the fruit will help the constipation but the liquid should help the morning bloating etcpersonally I don't eat anything after 6pm on my good days (bad days I don't eat at all just have my tube feed) and that's helped loads. Obviously everyone is different but that's what works for me. Definitely ask your GI for a referral to a dietician too, they will help you find some supplement drinks to help you get extra calories in. I know the US has different ones to the UK so I can't offer advice on specific brands to try but maybe someone else will be able to
I saw my GI yesterday and the plan is to keep going with the NG a few more weeks to build up a bit more then try the NJ again inpatient. She thinks the problems I had were a winning combination of reaction to sedation, gastroenteritis and the expected grumbles from a first time NJ placement. Just my luck huh?!
My bowels have been a bit dodgy again the last few days and I think part of it is because I got caught in the sun on Wednesday, does anyone else find too much sun upsets their bowels? Some of it was probably nerves about the appointment too but the sun exposure seemed to be a definite trigger.
I saw my GI yesterday and the plan is to keep going with the NG a few more weeks to build up a bit more then try the NJ again inpatient. She thinks the problems I had were a winning combination of reaction to sedation, gastroenteritis and the expected grumbles from a first time NJ placement. Just my luck huh?!
My bowels have been a bit dodgy again the last few days and I think part of it is because I got caught in the sun on Wednesday, does anyone else find too much sun upsets their bowels? Some of it was probably nerves about the appointment too but the sun exposure seemed to be a definite trigger.
So sorry. Maybe you need a second opinionWell this is beyond frustrating I have had every test known to mankind and no one can seem to figure out what is going on. I got my PillCam back and my GI said its normal was totally expecting that would show something for sure. I have had so many horrible bouts of pain lasting for weeks. Tried diet changes all they things they ask, meds nothing works. Even for a diagnosis of exclusion (IBS) my GI said he hasn't really seen someone with IBS as bad as mine. (I'm sure because its probably NOT IBS) Grr so fed up. :frown:
Hi Tim, welcome to the forum. Can I ask, where in Wisconsin are you? I'm in Madison. I was hospitalized at the UW hospital last year during a really bad flare (I had lost 17 lbs in about a month, and I was having diarrhea 20+ times per day). They are supposedly the top rated hospital in Wisconsin, but they were unable to diagnose me (I've been ill since 2009, seeing doctors in the UW system, but so far no diagnosis). So I can definitely relate to your frustration.
You said your fecal cal came back very high but the scopes didn't find anything - have they looked at your small intestine? Have you had a pill cam done? The scopes only see the very beginning and very end of the small intestine, so there's a lot there that they should investigate further. The inflammation has to be coming from somewhere in your digestive tract with your fecal cal being high. Hopefully a diagnosis is in the near future for you so that you can get on some treatment and feel better! Good luck and keep us posted!
Hi Tim,
Welcome, I'm undiagnosed as well. The doctors suspect Crohn's but nobody has made a diagnosis, so I'm considered to have IBD. I feel your frustration. I wish this disease was easier to figure out.
Your new teammate,
AgreeI found out today that my Enterography showed that everything was fine. I have to follow up with my GI doctor in two weeks. I think it is time for a second opinion because they are leaning towards that there is nothing wrong with me
Sounds good, MissLeopard.I saw my new GI doctor today and instantly knew that she'd be MUCH better than the first one - she moved away from her computer and actually faced me and was listening the entire time. She asked questions to clarify and ended up saying that it sounds like I have a slow GI tract - specifically gastroparesis. She told me that one of the classic symptoms is the one I'm complaining about which is nausea upon waking and feeling full and bloated. She gave me a lab slip, too, for stool studies - including fecal calprotectin - to see why I'm having excessive amounts of mucus in my stool. When I mentioned that I had severe food poisoning last month, she was concerned that it might be post-infectious IBS and wanted to test me for things like giardia and c.diff. among other things. I'm awaiting a phone call from their scheduling department for a Gastric Emptying Study, which I should receive in 24-48 hours. All in all, I am very impressed. She was very helpful and allayed any anxiety I had from my previous experience.
I plan to get the stool culture kit sometime in the next few days - hopefully tomorrow since I have to complete blood work from the other appointment I had today with another doctor. I'm really hoping these problems can be diagnosed and then treated so I can feel much better.
Hi Tim:
Did they put you on steroids or any other medication that might have helped heal the inflammation so they didn't see anything on the scopes? And you still haven't had the pill can, right? Surprisingly, tests can and do miss things. It would be odd for you to have a random infection that caused intestinal inflammation and landed you in the hospital two years in a row. You also have blood in your stool with is definitely not normal. I've been hospitalized and on IV steroids and the tests a month later show that everything is healed; I just respond to steroids very well and clearly have a mild case.
MissLeopard I'm so glad the new GI listened to you and has ordered the tests for youlet us know how you get on!
One minute they tell me I have Crohn's then they say no we don't know what you have so basically the past two years I have ended up in the hospital for these flare ups. As of now all of my blood work is back to normal. I called a different medical system here in Wisconsin, it will typically take almost a month to get an appointment, but they pulled my records from the other hospital and said I had to be seen asap because I am being ignored. I have an appointment today with the new GI doctor. I am a bit alarmed as to how fast they wanted me to come in, however hopefully they will get to the bottom of thisHi Tim: so you flare up, go to the hospital where you improve (so they put you on bowel rest) and then they send you home so that it happens all over again? That sounds awful. Do they think you are having recurring infections that clear up with the antibiotics? They thought crohn's at first but because you respond to antibiotics well they are positing recurring infections even though you have blood in your stool? It's so odd that doctors have a hard time diagnosing bowel disease. I have celiac disease as well and was diagnosed in just a month, but it takes many people as long as a decade to get diagnosed. I think doctors are too ready to assume that GI issues are "just stress" or nonspecific "enteritis". I definitely think you should push your doctors (easier said than done, I know) to give you a solid idea of what you have. It always helps to have a firm diagnosis.
I hope the best for you.One minute they tell me I have Crohn's then they say no we don't know what you have so basically the past two years I have ended up in the hospital for these flare ups. As of now all of my blood work is back to normal. I called a different medical system here in Wisconsin, it will typically take almost a month to get an appointment, but they pulled my records from the other hospital and said I had to be seen asap because I am being ignored. I have an appointment today with the new GI doctor. I am a bit alarmed as to how fast they wanted me to come in, however hopefully they will get to the bottom of this
Good luck Tim xxheading to the new doctor now, I feel like I am flaring a bit the past few days extreme fatigue nausea and backed up