Hi everyone. Danny's stool tests came back normal (standard culture, parasites, c-diff). The pancreatic enzymes he tried for 2 weeks did not help any. I plan to ask his GI for some imaging. Danny never had a lower abdominal ultrasound, CT or MRI.
Okay, I have no idea about your school system and terminology so how old are you?
I won't comment on abdominal migraine...
Well he couldn't figure that out T then.....................say no more!
Sarah, for just about all of her undiagnosed time had upper abdominal pain. I would also ask that they draw blood for pancreatic enzymes to be tested and an ultrasound of the pancreas if that wasn't done with the liver and spleen. Pancreatitis preceded Sarah's diagnosis and is now considered an extra intestinal manifestation of CD and often precedes a clinical diagnosis. Just may be another thing to rule in or out.
Hope the CVS site helps to at least educate you about another possibility.
Aside from the biopsies being negative did they see anything that didn't look normal? Any inflammation in his large bowel or at the beginning of the small bowel?
I noticed in the Your Story thread that he had been taking a NSAID which could explain the abdominal pain and if the bleeding he had was dark blood it could explain that too but it doesn't account for his other symptoms. If he does have IBD then many people do experience EIM's (Extra Intestinal manifestations) well before the intestinal one's develop.
How does he find school? Does he get anxious or stressed? These can be triggers for a lot of people with IBD.
What is his weight and height like?
Sorry for all the questions!
Dusty. xxx
Hi B's Mom
I don't have much to add to the great advice the others have given, I just wanted to wish you the best of luck in finding answers. I know all too well how frustrating this road can be.
We also have noticed a sort-of pattern to the time of year when my daughter seems to be showing more symptoms, or flaring ~ it usually begins in the fall months, gets a bit worse by November and then settles near spring. I know others have discussed this around the forum, but I can't remember where to find that thread ~ sorry .
I wish you the best and please keep us updated on how he is doing![]()
I am sorry you have been through all of this. What are his symptoms now? Does he still have bloody stoo and/or the face rashl or was that just around the time of his illness? If he is feeling well, it may be good to ask for the Vit D and thyroid again to make sure it is back to normal.
When he had the flu, did you give him advil (ibuprofen, aleve...any NSAID)? If all of the biopsies and scopes were normal, it could be the meds that gave him ulcers. Did they prescribe prilosec for 30 days for them?
If this keeps happening, you may need to get another set of tests done but it certainly all could be the effect of a virus. If he is feeling well and his thyroid and vit D are normal now, I would watch and wait. If not, you should use your parental instinct and go back to see the same doctors or get a 2nd opinion.
Let us know how he is doing!'
I will update the rest of you on my 13 year old after we go see his endocrine and GI docs next Tuesday for his 3 month follow up. I have been too afraid to measure his height because I don't want to discourage him but we think he has probably grown a bit. He has also gained at least 10 lbs after not gaining any weight for 2 years!
Best of luck to you BsMom!
Doesn't really fit with the postherpetic neuralgia then. I just hope that the original shingles isn't muddying the waters, if you know what I mean.
It is common for the extra intestinal manifestations (EIM's) of Crohn's to appear before the intestinal symptoms (evidence) do and these can appear for a significant period of time prior to them as well. It may go some way to explaining, if he does have Crohn's, why he has rashes and joint pain but negative biopsies. Advil aside, the bloody stool would tend to indicate some large bowel involvement and EIM's are far more common when there is large bowel disease. I'm basing that on the bloody stool being red blood as I doubt it would be the Advil causing it, it would tend to cause the damage in the stomach and bleeding originating there would appear as a black stool.
Perhaps as a suggestion, when he next has bloods drawn have them also test his B12, Iron Stores, Folate and Pancreatic Enzymes if they haven't been done at all or recently.
I hope you don't mind me thinking out loud with a lot of this!
Dusty. xxx
Hi B's Mom - a bit earlier you mentioned that perhaps the Advil aggravated the symptoms... for a sore back, my son had been taking ibuprofens on a regular basis (at times, as many as 10-15 per month) the winter prior to being diagnosed (diagnosed in May), I'd always believed that the ibuprofens had triggered the Crohns, however, his GI now believes that his sore back was an EIM and that the Crohns just hadn't shown itself yet. My son seems to fall in with Dusty's explanation that often the EIMs show up before the Crohns.
Tracy - when my daughter was much younger, 8, 9 or 10, she had a cough that would begin in the fall and wouldn't let up until the spring, this repeated itself over 2-3 years. A respirologist(?) had tentatively diagnosed her with asthma but wasn't convinced of the diagnosis. We also saw an allergist who prescribed a medication (syrop) called Zaditen. He explained that this wasn't a 'cough' syrup in that it wouldn't immediately alleviate the cough but that it would reduce the amount of mucous in her body and would eventually alleviate her cough. It worked 100%!!! I don't remember the exact amounts but remember she started on a certain dosage for 2-4 weeks and we gradually tapered her off. Her cough completely disappeared, it did return a few weeks later but the doctor had instructed us to use the Zaditen again for a few days and again taper should the cough reappear, it again disappeared, NEVER to return! If you haven't tried it, might be worth asking about...
B's mom : extra intestinal manifestations (EIM's)
Tess, thanks for thinking of JJI will definitely have bring that up to his doctor. I think we have an appt coming up in the next 2 weeks or so. I've always felt that his cough was some strange indicator of whatever is going on with him.
It's all so very frustrating :ywow:
How often does Crohn's turn up to be Crohn's with a negative biopsy? What is EIM again, sorry my brain is on overload