Undiagnosed & need some advice

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Need some help. I am currently undiagnosed. I have been having some issues for a while and I want to know what you guys think. For the past 3 to 4 years I have been having constant diarrhea (porridge like), but not really any pain that I thought was related to stomach issues. I passed blood only once before (several years ago) and have had TP streaks several times over the past few years. Last year I started having back pain. This past June I went on a business trip and upon my return my back pain worsened and I started having abdominal pain. I had a really tender section along my belt line. It really hurt to apply any pressure on it (even wear pants). It kinda felt like a really full bladder (but higher), but was not relieved when I peed. My bowel movements increased to three to four times a day and I had what I call porridge poo. My BMs have been alternating from pencil thin and flat, to diarrhea, to huge and painful. The belt line pain lasted a few months and I finally had a BM that was huge (normal) and black and then the pain subsided within a few days. Lately I have been having porridge poo, tons of gas, shooting abdominal pains(left and right side), cramps, and shoulder joints are extremely sore. I went to a GP and he did blood work and a stool samples. All the tests came back normal, no parasites. I don’t think he believed me and didn’t think the shoulder joint pain was related. I have a gastro appt tomorrow and I don’t know what he is going to say. What do you guys think I have? Any advice is appreciated. Thanks

I was told by Chinese masseuse that stomach and back are related and mirror each other. I would see if you can get a good massage and see if that helps somewhat. Also, look t what you eating and drinking (NO energy drinks, carbonated beverages) and try to eliminate unpure (processed) foods. Usual culprits are gluten, wheat, dairy, grains, corn...you may also have some trouble with beef. I found out my allergy to corn was causing the severe joint pain and swelling of my knees! Foods can affect you a variety of ways. I was diagnosed with Crohns approx 10 years ago and then 8 years later cleared with no sign of Crohns (colonoscopy done). I found that addressing the diet was key to getting my body to heal itself. good luck!
Hi RJ and welcome.

I'm so glad you have GI appointment today. I'm hoping he or she schedules you for a colonoscopy and it definitely sounds like they need to take a look. Please update us when you get back from your appointment.

I wish you all the best!
Hi RJ, it really annoys me when docs say nothing is wrong because a stool sample came back normal - this only tells them you don't have a bug which surely indicates something more serious is going on??? I hope things go well with your appt and let us know how you get on.
I had my gastro today. It went just as I figured. I am now scheduled for a colonoscopy next month. The doc ordered some more blood work to check for an inflamation panel, CBC, and said the only way to know what was going on was to scope me. He said it could be anything from IBS to microscopic colitis to a small intestine overgrowth. The good thing is he is willing to actually do some tests instead of just saying that porridge poo and pencil thin is normal. I will let you know what the tests say. Thanks for the replies.

Hi, I am pleased to here this will be properly looked into for you. Although colonoscopies are not the best thing to experience at least they give a good picture of what is going on inside.
I am glad you are on your way to getting some answers. A colonoscopy is the best way to figure out what's truly going on in that colon of yours.

Please continue to keep us posted.
All the blood work came back good and I had the colonoscopy today. Everything looked normal except for erythematous mucosa in the sigmoid colon. They also did biopsies for further testing. I did a google search and cant really find anything. It took so long to get me in for the procedure that my symptoms have eased up. I am still not normal with the BMs but at least the pain has subsided. What does erythematous mucosa in the sigmoid colon mean? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
