Hello, i am 27 years old and have suffered with bowel problem for the last 10 years. The drs have said it is ibs and so i went on a healthy diet and cut out food that caused symotoms. However Iwouldbe okfor alittle while and then suffer until i was vomitting and sitting on the toilet far too often. the gp said it was in my head and referred me to a psychiatrist and prescribed anti depressents. I refused both. A few years of trying again i was referred to a gastroenterologist who listened to my back and chest and said you have ibs. I had a private food tolerence test that showed lots of intolerances and so i limited mt diet further, again for a little while I was slightly better. The last few years have got so much worse I can be ok for 2/3 weeks and then i struggle to eat anything, feel sick most of the time and am often sick. I am constantly bloated and can fall asleep anywhere anytime, I dont remember the last time I wasnt exhausted. My bones hurt especially joints and my fingers have swollen and are very painful. I have lost 3 and a half stone so now weigh 7.12 my hair has thinned by half I suffer extreme headaches and it all makes me not want to go out or see anyone. I dont suffer diarrhoea like I used to as I avoid almost everything however there is still blood everytime i use the toilet. My muscles feel like imworking out evenif i amsiting down I have only had blood tests which have all been normal other than low iron and b12. I cannot go on like this I amreally struggling please help