Oh, I forgot to mention that I received his FC results on Monday.
Faecal Calprotectin ug/g > 300*
BRI (</=50)
An unexpectedly elevated Calprotectin should be followed up with
endoscopy or radiology.
BRI = Biological Reference Interval
I was a bit pissed that they didn’t give a specific number above 300 but hey ho, it’s better than nothing and something to work with when monitoring progress.
I also received his Metabolites this morning and I’m not sure what to make of the numbers. The GI wouldn’t have had these results on Tuesday so I don’t know what his thoughts are.
TGN 281
Units: pmol/8x10*8 RBC
6MMP 104
Units: pmol/8x10*8 RBC
6-thioguanine nucleotides (6-TGN or TGN) are active
metabolites of azathioprine and 6-mercaptopurine.
Concentrations above 235 pmol/8x10*8 RBC are
associated with greater efficacy in inflammatory
bowel disease. Significant leucopenia is more
likely above 450, but can occur at lower concentrations.
Unexpectedly low levels of TGN (in the context of an
adequate prescribed dosage) can indicate poor
6-MMP is a thiopurine metabolite. Concentrations
above 5700 pmol/8x10*8 RBCs are associated with
hepatotoxicity. If the ratio of 6-MMP to 6-TGN is >20,
therapeutic concentrations of 6-TGN may not be
achieved with a dose increase.
6TG and 6MMP are now quantified by LCMSMS
He last had them done in December and they were fine, good solid numbers as has been the case since the outset. Whilst his TGN is considered a good enough number he has always been at least double this number as has his 6MMP (both in the 500’s) and it is in this context that I am making my observations. Non compliance is not the issue, whilst he may occasionally miss his morning meds he never, or almost never, misses his evening meds which contain the Imuran. His LFT’s are great so no liver issues feeding into it.
What are the chances that diffuse thickening of a mild to moderate nature would affect absorption to that degree?
Is Imuran in the process of just not working anymore?
So this has happened in the last few months and coincides with the flare. His lymphocytes are a low despite low 6MMP numbers so I can’t see a dose escalation being on the cards unless Allopurinol is added??
Now that his 6MMP is much lower than usual will his lymphocytes recover whilst still taking Imuran?
My questions are just me thinking out loud but any input would, as usual, be welcome.
Of course this may be all hypothetical given his current situation.
Dusty. xxx