Urgent diarrhea

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Jan 14, 2025
Fed up. Soiled myself in car a couple of weeks ago. First time this has happened. And today whilst out dog walking had to go urgently again. This time used bushes. Getting to the point of not wanting to go out just in case I get caught out.
Any advice/ideas? Any Supplements or drugs I can take to bring back confidence? Forgot to mention that I have Crohn's, I was diagnosed 30 years ago
Fed up. Soiled myself in car a couple of weeks ago. First time this has happened. And today whilst out dog walking had to go urgently again. This time used bushes. Getting to the point of not wanting to go out just in case I get caught out.
Any advice/ideas? Any Supplements or drugs I can take to bring back confidence? Forgot to mention that I have Crohn's, I was diagnosed 30 years ago
Most of us have been in your position and understand how humiliating it can be. I'm sorry you're going through this, but don't give up. I take a drug called Colestipol which has given me almost total control over my diarrhea. This drug works for those of us who lost our ileocecal valve to a bowel resection and have what's called bile acid diarrhea [BAD]. I don't know your medical history, but it's something that might help if your doctor agrees. I take a 1gram pill AM and PM and for the first time in almost 40 years I'm able to go out and be confident that I have time to get to the loo if I start feeling the rumblings.
I wish you luck and better health.
Another BAM (Bile acid malabsorption) sufferer here after two resections and a gall-bladder removal. I was on Questran for 30 years and since switched to pills (Colesevelam) They are a life saver for anyone hoping for a semblance of normality. @Pennyfarthing What's your situation with your Crohns / surgery etc?
Doctors kept offering me surgery and I kept refusing. I was determined to beat it on my own through alternative means i.e diet and supplements. Well 30 years on now I'm starting to consider surgery as fed up with my quality of life. Urgent diarrhoea means I can't go out and enjoy myself walking visiting traveling etc as don't know if I'll be able to find the next toilet in time. Through suggestion in this forum I decided to speak to my IBD nurse a few days ago and asked her if it's possible to look into the BAD test. Had my lower abdomen MRI scan yesterday but it's going to take six weeks for the results!
Are you using a binder? As a 50-year Crohns "warrior", I've found taking a daily binder has been a game-changer for me, especially in the area of loose, urgent stools. Bentonite clay, charcoal, GI Detox... there are many products on the market that can help in this area. Here's a "how to" video to make a bentonite clay shake.
Doctors kept offering me surgery and I kept refusing. I was determined to beat it on my own through alternative means i.e diet and supplements. Well 30 years on now I'm starting to consider surgery as fed up with my quality of life. Urgent diarrhoea means I can't go out and enjoy myself walking visiting traveling etc as don't know if I'll be able to find the next toilet in time. Through suggestion in this forum I decided to speak to my IBD nurse a few days ago and asked her if it's possible to look into the BAD test. Had my lower abdomen MRI scan yesterday but it's going to take six weeks for the results!
I'm so glad to hear that you have begun the process of getting some answers so you can deal with your symptoms and get back to living again! While you are waiting for your results, you may want to ask if it's possible for you to start a bile acid sequestrant so you can gain some control over your bowels. I mentioned in a previous post that I've been taking Colestipol tablets with fantastic success. This drug was developed in 1983 and has a proven track record of very few side effects so your doctor might not mind giving you a prescription just to tide you over until they can get a clear picture of exactly where to go next. I personally went from 30 watery bowel movements a day to 3 on the second day of this medication. I was told that the worst thing that could happen is constipation and after a few years on two grams a day, I've experienced absolutely no side effects at all.
It can't hurt to ask; especially as you are having to wait so long for test results.
Best of luck to you.
Rules for Using the Bentonite Clay Psyllium Husk (BCPH) Shake:
  1. Must be taken 60-90 minutes away from any supplements or food.
  2. Must drink 8-16 oz of water along with it to ensure proper movement through GI Tract.
  3. Can be made with a little organic apple juice or lemon juice if taste is unbearable
  4. Consider starting with 1 tablespoon bentonite clay and 1 tablespoon of psyllium husk (or your choice bulking agent - I use organic ground flax/chia powder). a large dose would be 4 tablespoons of Bentonite Clay, 2 tablespoons of bulking agent.
  5. Must drink quickly after mixing (chug if you can).
To prepare:
  • Pour 1-5 Tbsp of bentonite clay (Great Plains brand) into an empty glass (always put this in first)
  • Add in 1-3 Tbsp of organic ground psyllium husk powder (or bulking agent of your choice)
  • Fill the glass with clean room temperature water, mixing as you pour (I use a battery-operated frother/whisk)
  • Once thoroughly mixed, consume
I just take ground flaxseed. I buy the seeds and grind them with a coffee grinder. 1 to to tablespoons in my morning smoothie along with pineapple, blueberries, keifer milk, oat milk, lyfefuel powder and honey. I notice a big difference if I skip it in the morning. Adding the flaxseed has helped me tremendously.
Just be very careful with anything that might bind you as you may have narrowing or strictures in your bowel and the last thing you need is a blockage which can be life threatening at worst or extremely painful at best.
Check with your GI doctors first if you want to try any of the above suggested remedies.
I know that it doesn't make sense that you can have narrowing of the bowel and diarrhea, but it happens all the time as sometimes liquid stool is the only thing that can get past the narrow/blocked area.
Just be very careful with anything that might bind you as you may have narrowing or strictures in your bowel and the last thing you need is a blockage which can be life threatening at worst or extremely painful at best.
Check with your GI doctors first if you want to try any of the above suggested remedies.
I know that it doesn't make sense that you can have narrowing of the bowel and diarrhea, but it happens all the time as sometimes liquid stool is the only thing that can get past the narrow/blocked area.
It is always good to test a binder to be sure there are no issues such as those you mention. Honestly, though, I've been using binders daily for 3 years now and have not had a problem. What HAS bothered me is taking a powdered collagen supplement. I've learned THE HARD WAY that collagen is what strictures and adhesions are comprised of. I've had to stop taking it because I've had two obstructions from using them. My GI doc has confirmed my conclusion: collagen can cause blockages in folks like us!
Everything you've been through justifies feeling completely fed up and anxious. Have a chat with your doctor about your condition. There are medications that can slow down bowel movements or reduce pressure.

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