USAF diagnosed with Crohn's

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May 1, 2012
Hello all,

My name is Brain and I am in the USAF stationed at Spangdahlem AB Germany and I have just been diagnosed with Crohn's. I am still trying to figure out all this mess, and will be going thru surgery soon for a resection because the meds were not able to keep everything in check. I have been in the USAF for 11 years now and I am concerned that Crohn's will keep me from being able to continue my career. I have a few questions for anyone on here that can help.

1st: Any prior military or curent military that can give me some advice on how the MEB process works or what they might have gone through, IE were you able to stay in or did they sepperate you? If so what % of disability did they consider you at?

2nd: Is hiring a private lawyer to an option to help with the MEB process? What can a lawyer do if anything to ensure the propper amount of compensation/disability is provided if in fact I am not allowed to continue my career?

3rd: Typically how soon after surgery is someone expected to be able to return to work? I am an aircraft mechanic and the work is crittical as well as physically challenging.

4th: How soon after surgery will I be expected to perform PT/PT tests?

Thank you for your time,

Hi there Brian, I cannot help with your queries regarding the USAF but I did just want to welcome you to the forum and wish you all the best with the upcoming op. Please keep us updated when you can on how you get on.

Hi Brian and welcome :)

I'm so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. While I'm not military, I can say that the chances they will medically discharge you are high based upon all the research and anecdotes I have read. Hopefully I'm wrong but I do want to be honest so you can prepare yourself a little for that potential.

Would you be interested in sharing the medications you're on and your current symptoms? We might be able to give you a little insight. Usually they try to avoid surgery and if you were just diagnosed, I'm wondering why the quick jump to surgery.
Hi Brian,

I'm not sure how the US medical system works, but in Canada you are only released if you can no longer meet universality of service. This is decided by the folks in Ottawa for us. The general rule of thumb is if you can perform your duties, and don't require medical follow up less than every 6 months then you are okay. I know some people who have managed to stay in.

I'm actually pending diagnosis, and am not sure what's going to happen to my own career right now.

I have a friend who was diagnosed while in the NAVY. He went through some stuff and was medically discharged. He had two surgeries while in. They were within two months of of each one. I don't know if this helps but that's the only case I know of. I myself was not able to join because of my Crohn's.