Valentine's Day wishes for all my friends!

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Jun 14, 2011
:heart: :rosette2: :Karl: :rosette2: :heart:

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

As we walk our path of life,
We meet people everyday.
Most are simply met by chance.
But, some are sent our way.

These become special friends
Whose bond we can't explain;
The ones who understand us
And share our joy and pain.

Their love contains no boundaries.
So, even when apart.
Their presence enhances us
With a warmth felt in the heart.

This love becomes a passageway,
When even the miles disappear.
And so, these friends, God sends our way,
Remain forever near
Oh, that's nice.:rosette1:

So what did you love ones get you?
My son gave me his cold and a card

Grace gave me a colored picture of Tinker Bell.

My hubby gave me a single rose. He thinks a single rose is prettier than a dozen. I think he's cheap.

Emily told me she WAS going to buy me a rose, really, really she had planned to..., until she found out that they were $10 for one... then she figured dad would be buying me some anyway, so I wouldn't really need hers! :lol:
Emily told me she WAS going to buy me a rose, really, really she had planned to..., until she found out that they were $10 for one... then she figured dad would be buying me some anyway, so I wouldn't really need hers! :lol:

I say when it's Christmas time you use that line on her!:D
Liam made me a card, well he made Owen (big brother) and I a card, we had to share but it was cute.
Happy V day to all of you.
That poem is beautiful and I love it.
You should repost it on the thread for parents of IBD..

We ordered take out Chinese food and my hubby picked some flowers for me..

B gave me one of the junior mints I bought her, after some begging -
(where did i go wrong here? lol)
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Hope you all had a nice Valentines day. :heart:
My kids gave me nothing (that's Dad's job apparently). My husband was very sweet and bought me an iPad mini :ywow:. Said he felt sorry for me since everyone else in the family has one and I must be feeling left out :biggrin:.
Was a lovely surprise but did make the card and chocolate I gave him seem rather insignificant!!
HA! Hubby and I never celebrate Valentine's Day...I think it is dumb. But we do get the girls love packages with lots of sweets and a little something. Hubby always brings home flowers. Well yesterday I made the mistake of texting him:

"Please do not bring home flowers. We are fine and the girls do not appreciate them. We don't need anything"

So after dinner I am looking for my Magnolia cupcake and it was nonexistent. WTH?! Hubby read back my text...we don't need anything...surely Magnolia isn't is EVERYTHING! What was he thinking? Good for him we had some of his blower birthday cake left.
On the sweet side.

When we went to the hospital down state they handed Grace a valentines bag. It was a brown bag decorated with a cake and the words said..your the icing on the cake.
Then inside a bunch of goodies with pink hearts and girly stuff. I think it's so sweet when strangers do these things for sick children. It touches my heart that it was done.
That's sweet... :heart: just the sort of thing us city folk do for one another!! ;)
My hubby got me a armband holder for my iPhone and headphones so I can run and listen to music.

I don't run.

And I just found out I am pregnant so I don't plan on starting to run.

And a dozen Yellow roses. (very sweet):heart:

The funniest part was watching DS try and get his "girlfriend" a valentine. And so it begins.....
Too funny about the running!!!! And CONGRATULATIONS!!! :congratualtions:

Stephen had this great girlfriend for a couple of years and she would do so many really nice, sweet things for him... so I think he was feeling the pressure (the day before!) of coming through with something 'good' and asked me for some ideas, so I suggested a pedicure (she did competitive dancing) and offered to pick up a gift card while I was at the mall.

While I'm there, he calls and says 'can you find me a nice card for her too?' :lol:

I did :ybatty: (mainly because I liked her and thought she'd be disappointed if he didn't have one for her) but told him that was the one and only time I was going to start picking out lovey-dovey cards for him to give out!!! :eek:
:congratualtions::applause: That's awesome!
Jack tries to hide it when he has a crush on a girl or is "going out" with one but I always find out BWAAA HAA HAA (that is my evil laugh).
My hubby got me a armband holder for my iPhone and headphones so I can run and listen to music.

I don't run.

And I just found out I am pregnant so I don't plan on starting to run.

And a dozen Yellow roses. (very sweet):heart:

The funniest part was watching DS try and get his "girlfriend" a valentine. And so it begins.....

Congratulations! Maybe in a couple years you'll be "running" after your little one...! Sweet about your son...
Ya, a baby! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!:medal1:
That's so exciting, we don't have much babies around here.
We have to plan a virtual baby shower! I love it! No alcohol involved!!!!!:ybiggrin:
Congratulations Johnnysmom! We need a pregnant smiley.

What the hell kinda shower doesn't have alcohol. SHE is pregnant NOT US! Next thing you know you will tell me to leave the firemen and national guard at pooper!
Aw! Hope you all had a fabulous day! :heart:

Congratulations Jonnysmom, fabulous to have some good news!! :congratualtions:
So I am just seeing this thread, but had to share this, because I thought it was great, and y'all might enjoy a bit of a laugh. One of my sons, my 6 yr old, is bit type A and a craft paper creating machine sometimes, lol, and he made a TON of Valentine cards and was pushing them around the house in a toy shopping cart. He came to me, told me to draw out my valentines, and to take several. He knows his OCD mom well, because he made me a little blank calendar I could put hearts in for each day to check it off for one valentine, and he gave me a red construction sheet for another, with lines he drew on it, and told me it was for me to use as a checklist/to do list. lol My 12 yr old son thought the 6 yr old was being hilarious, because he came up to him, told him to get one, and then said, "You get what you get, and you don't pitch a fit." The kid makes me laugh quite alot, actually. He is so funny, but sweet too.

On a more romantic note, my dear husband brought home red roses, and dove ice cream bars. :) So I was blessed.

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