Virtual hugs to all of you!

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 23, 2009
I want everyone here to know that I am sending hugs and support and know what you are going through. This illness is so tough, thank God we have each other to relate, help and be a place to laugh and cry over the evil absurdity that is this disease. Other people even those well meaning dont have a clue. We are a small community but it's important we stand together and help each other and those working for the cure.
Aw that made me smile, thankyou NGNG, you are such a big help to so many on here and I really hope you are starting to turn a corner, you deserve a break from the pain x
Thanks guys, you all make this community a wonderful, knowledgeable and supportive environment. I wish we all could have a crohnsforum meet up but sadly we are all over the map literally and physically which would render that impossible.
ngng; I'm new here but hugs virtual or actual are always good - they make everything seem better - thank you and know that it is returned.

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