Wearing a corset with a stoma?

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Apr 15, 2013
Before anyone asks, yes I know I have an usual style for a 13 year old girl but I love corsets. Christmas is coming and a corset sight have amazing sales on, and I want to buy a corset so bad omg.

Im worried that since you do them up so tight it might constrict my stoma and cause problems. But omg do I wanna corset. Any advice?
I've worn corset without problem. You don't want to wear it too tight though as you will risk leakage. Pressuring on your stoma will make it that it will spill under the flange.
I wear my corsets all the time. I just found that I had to buy the long line ones, so that they covered my stoma - I found the regular ones fell right across my stoma, and were a bit uncomfortable. So, as long as you get one that either above, or covers your stoma, you'll be fine. I've never had a problem with leaking or anything either with it laced pretty tight. I did however find that I couldn't wear it as long as I used to be able to as the pressure got to be a bit much (I find if I restrict my stoma, nothing comes out, not even gas...and that buildup makes it a bit uncomfortable).
Thank you both!
I really can't wait to get a corset. Unfortunately over bust are out of the question as I'm so flat. But still, under busts are still pretty awesome.
Just make sure it's long enough to either cover your stoma completely, or short enough to sit above your stoma...having it hit your stoma in the middle is not a good thing.
Glad others have experience as I don't. Just advise to get a looser corset if possible and try it out when you aren't out at first in case you have pain or a leak or blow out.

I would think it would be ok if your consistently emptying and don't have much gas bloating the bag.
Yeah I'll make sure its ok before I go anywhere. I'm just so glad you guys can still wear them, I can't wait!!!
Just thought id update you, I ordered a corset, actually found an overbust that still looks good with small ****s lol, it came today and its a beautiful fit, it actually flares out at the bottom so its not tight near the stoma and I think its just a great confidence boost, the fact I can still show off my style and be unique despit my ostomy. Thought id show you a picture, and maybe you'll like follow my blog? http://everythingsabutt.tumblr.com/post/70432072605/just-because-i-have-an-ostomy-doesnt-mean-i-cant
Absolutely no experience with stomas whatsoever here but I just wanted to pop in to say that I'm so glad you can wear it because it looks great!! Also, I followed your blog haha 8). I've always wanted to wear a corset but I've never had enough confidence *_*
Yeah I saw! Thank you for following me :) I never warn one in the past as my brother told me it wouldn't stay up without any ****s to hold it up, I showed him! Ha ha I'm hoping to buy many more in the future.
Ahh I can't follow as I'm on tumblr not blogspot ): but thank you I will look around!xx
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