Weekend in hospital

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Jan 13, 2014
Just spent the weekend in hospital with an infected perineal abscess that was giving me a fever... I ended up having surgery under general anaesthetic to get it drained (no external incision thank goodness, they managed to do it all with a scope as it was quite small)

I'm now back at home recovering with a slightly (but not terribly) painful bum. Anyone know how you're supposed to stop the abscess from just coming back? My vision of what's there now is that there's a little hole up my butt somewhere where the surgeon drained it. They said it should just heal up, but I kind of don't see how... What's to stop stuff just getting in it again? Is there something I should be doing?

I'm on Azathioprine as well, going to give my consultant a call and see if I should still be on that with infections happening.
Hey Weatherwax - Sorry about your weekend. Did they indicate that there was a fistula at all? I don't think you can do much to keep an internal abscess like that clean...? I would still do the whole sitz bath thing but I don't think that will help with cleanliness up there. That sounds like a good question for your consultant.

Regarding the Aza - I have had multiple infections and drainages and although they have stopped my biologics a couple times they have never had me stop the Aza.

Good luck, I hope that this was a one time issue for you.
Ugh sorry to hear. Sailor is right it's hard to do much to keep it clean. I failed and have my ostomy because surgeries and meds didn't work.

Are you on a post-op antibiotic? Certainly sitz baths, maybe an organic baby wipe to gently pat the area after you go.
I think antibiotics would be a good idea (Cipro, Flagyl). Also, a gauze pad folded and gently placed in your undies might help with collecting drainage/staying clean.
Thanks all. I called my consultant, who said stay on the Aza because it won't make much of a difference.

I'm not on an antibiotic...I was just coming to the end of a course of Flagyl when I started to get a fever from the infection, so they really don't seem to do anything for me. Depressingly I think it's coming back already. I can feel a little hard painful bump right where it was before, and it twinges if I sit on it the wrong way.

So frustrating! I want to be able to walk around pain-free and cycle and have sexy times again, darn it -_-
Sorry you are dealing with fistulas hubby has been dealing with them since 2005. Like yourself he has had fevers with his and was admitted. His last removal a nurse came to the house and packed his. He did say sitz bath did help as we'll talk to your Dr and see if sitz bath are ok. Sending :ghug: your way.
I have a seton in my fistula to keep it open and draining. Hot baths are the best if you have a opening. Otherwise if it closes again, the infection will come back. I know it sucks. Will pray for you.