Welcome cunningham2380

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Sep 7, 2010
Hello, I was recently diagnosed with crohns after an emergency room visit for severe pain where they couldnt figure out what was causing it until a cat scan showed that I had a severe abcess and would recquire a resection and having my appendix removed. So at 10:00 am the next day the doc comes in and is very nice and informative so I jump right into the resection surgery. It has now been 6 weeks since surgery and I have an appt. with the surgeon today and I am extremely nervous that he is going to release me to work. I am only nervous because of the physical nature of my job, not because I am lazy and do not want to work that is the furthest from the truth but thats how I feel I will be judged if I asked for more time. I am really stressing on this issue and honestly scared that if I go back to work something worse could happen, if only there was light duty or something I would have been back already, my main issue now is just this pain I have been getting under my rib cage and in my knees that has been waking me up in the middle of the night in excruciating pain, glad I found this forum where I can voice some of my concerns and hopefully get some good info on this disease and living a life close to normalcy.
Hiya Cunningham, welcome to the forum. If you don't feel ready for work let them know. Thinking about you - glad you found us.

D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey Cunningham and welcome!! Have they prescribed any maintenance drug for you? I'd say you need to keep your stress as low as possible so I agree with Dallies!! Only you can know for sure if you are ready to go back!! What kind of work do you do?
:welcome: cunningham so glad you found our community a wealth of good information here and people. After surgery, especially if it is not laproscopic, takes a long time to heal. Dont over do. Yes, as Dexky says what drugs are you on now? :hang: take it slow ok!
Welcome Cunningham, I haven't had a resection but I have had to ask for more time off because of the physical work of building cabinets or being in the field pouring concrete. Explain to your DR the physical nature of your work and that there is no light work in your job. It will work out.
Pains could be from meds, but make sure to let him know about it.

Good luck
Hi Cunningham and :welcome:

Good to see you here. Six weeks is the minimum following the type abdominal surgery you have had. So in view of your job and the other issues you are having discuss your concerns with the doctor and emphasis to him the difficulties you will face if you return to work now. Good luck with your appointment!

This is a great place for support and info and please keep us posted on how you are going. Welcome aboard!

Take care, :)
hi Cunningham, welcome to the forum :)

i would agree with what's been said - i think most doctors would take on board what their patients say with regard to how they're feeling before deciding whether that patient is fully fit to return to work or not.

just tell your doc exactly how you're feeling, and the pain issues, and your worries about your job - it sounds to me like you need a little more time off.

good luck - please keep us posted!
Well I had my appointment yesterday afternoon and the doctor was not real pleased with how tender the area above my incision was so he ordered an ultrasound of my gull bladder for thursday, and an "HB" scan for friday (whatever that is). I hope everything is ok and its just inflamation from the surgery or something because it would really suck to have to go back under this quick. As for meds that I am on I have been on pentasa since the start along with cipro and yesterday the doc gave me an Rx for prednisone too, I havent started that yet are there any bad side effects? As for what type of work I do, I work in a chemical plant filling packages and tanker trucks with liquid chemicals it is very physically demanding especially climbing and bending all over these trucks to get them filled quickly not to mention the stress of getting em out on time. There is a lot of heavy lifting and it is a real fast paced environment where I def need to be on top of my game as some of these chemicals can kill you before you even know what it was. I am really concerned that I may never be able to work there the way I did before. Thank you for all your suggestions about just straight out being honest with the doc, that def seemed to work and was quite easy.
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Hello Cunningham,
Glad you found the forum. Sounds like you have already gotten some good advice. Hope you get what you need here, I have really enjoyed all the support!

Good luck with your job, it's hard to work when you're in pain.
Hey Cunningham, I am assuming you are getting pain in that area? I have had to get my gallbladder out, had to many stones. Then a few years later, a Hiatus hernia, and I have had 4 kidney stones in my past. So the moral of my story was to drink more water and no heavy lifting. Smaller meals more often help. Sorry this isnt what you want to hear but when you have this disease sometimes we have to work around it. Where is your pain? Hope you feel better, keep us posted.
thank you so much for your comments and it is really nice to have people who understand. Everytime I try to discuss my concerns about work with my parents they just say how I cant afford to screw up because it is a well paying job (they really do mean the best and are here to support me just dont think they understand how hard this is) and the wife she is just petrified about all this and would put me in a recliner and do anything if she knew it would make me feel good but just doesnt seem to understand how 1 minute im good and the next im doubled over in pain.....can see how this is scary to her but sometimes you need to take care of you and I think thats the route I am going to need to take. I am def going to try and continue to work because through this surgery and time off my work has been extremely understanding we will just have to see how they react when I come back and can't function quite as well all the time as before.
Hi Cunningham
and welcome

I haven't had Crohns surgery but I had a full hysterectomy 9 years ago. It was major surgery and I had 6 months off work. I hope your bosses are understanding and make reasonable adjustments for you, such as lighter work for a while. I believe to wade straight into the job that you did before will cause more harm than good at this early stage of recovery, just take it easy!
good luck and let us know how you get on
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
well I wanted to touch base and let you all know that I am returning to work today. It has been exactly 2 months since my open resection and I am returning to a pretty labor intense job and I am very nervous about this. I am wondering if anyone here also works a labor job that has rotating shifts. I am really nervous about the shifts again as I had noticed in the past that I can't eat correctly with the different times and taking my medicine and getting my "schedule" right is an issue with the rotating shifts. How can I talk to my boss about my concerns and figure something out, I do have a degree that I could use as a CAD drafter but there is no work in that area around here and my place does pay very well just looking for a way to be able to be a productive member of the workforce without making myself miserable again. If there is anyone here who has ANY advice or comments on talking to my boss or trying to make something work are appreciated, or is it time to take a pay cut and make a career/healthy move. Any input thank you in advance.
My advice to you is, YOU are number one and your health is number one. Stress will aggrivate your gut. Better a job longer term shorter pay , than a short term job and more money. You have to be happier in your job too. So many people make the mistake and go for the money rather than loving your job and keeping your health in check. Make sense? You maybe be better in a shorter tax bracket. Good luck. Being miserable in life will make your remission shorter too.
My advice to you is, YOU are number one and your health is number one. Stress will aggrivate your gut. Better a job longer term shorter pay , than a short term job and more money. You have to be happier in your job too. So many people make the mistake and go for the money rather than loving your job and keeping your health in check. Make sense? You maybe be better in a shorter tax bracket. Good luck. Being miserable in life will make your remission shorter too.

Yes it does make sense good sense thank you so much for this and I do agree completely. I just hate to take any type of pay cut as I dont want to be a dissappointment to my family by not making my full potential. I know this really sucks and has already kept me up nights. I was miserable at my place before the surgery and was actually looking to get out before I even knew I had crohns because of the amount of hours and stress levels (thought thats what was wrong when I went to ER -stress and dehydration and was ultimately diagnosed with a blockage because of crohns.) but it is such a scary thing to deal with especially trying to find a different job and informing them that I have crohns and may have a difficult time with some jobs. I definately want to work and I am def tired of sitting around the house but I am terrified of the possibility of being miserable again because of the stress of shifts, unknown overtime and not to mention the actual job itself. Thanks again and sounds like I have a lot to discuss with the boss at work and maybe see if there is any type of option available (I know realisticly there is not really an option for me to stay there in my position) but I feel I need to talk to them and maybe its time to look elswhere.
Well I wanted to update after the first day back from my resection. I was surprised at how well I handled the work physically.....however I am paying for it now with pretty bad cramping in my side. I did come to the conclusion today that I do not think it will limit me physically working when there it will just be a battle figuring out how best to cope on the different shifts. I know one thing that has me not loving life at the moment is that when I got home and wanted to just talk about what steps to take next my wife was so tired from working all day and being up early that I am left with nothing but the net or the t.v. (my newfound best friends lol) Not looking forward to the overtime that I have already been informed I will be working this week but we could use the money to cover the bills for the surgery so its buck up time at least for now. Thanks again to anyone who posted words of encouragement and I will keep you updated as I tackle this new adventure of dealing with work now and hopefully a career change in the near future.
Good luck Cunningham!! I wouldn't try to advise you on this as it's such a personal decision. Like Penny says, take care of you first!! Only you can know how it's affecting your health.
well I woke up today with a cold! :frown: trying to recoup before heading out tonight as I am working 12 tonight and turning around and short shifting for weds so we will see if we can get through this and possibly talk to the plant manager tonight! NEEED NEED NEED to find something with a regular schedule and not so much stuff that'll mess me up.

Thanks again
Good luck Cunningham. Like Dexky, I will not try to advise you either. Just make sure you take care of yourself first. If you don't you might end up not able to work again.

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