Welcome Jarod997

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Jul 23, 2010
Me and Humira

Hiya all, here's to my first post!

I've had Crohn's now for um, how long? About 14 or 15 years and have been on just about everything. I'm now on Humira and it seems to be working very well. I'm not seeing any side effects and I can eat fairly well. I have a bit of a stricture just before my ilieostomy so I have to be careful I don't swallow any large chunks of food that won't digest before it gets there, or I'm in the hospital for about a day on pain meds and gravol while it clears.

I'm using the needles for the Humira and I've found that if you inject it slowly it won't sting - if you squeeze it fairly quick, it stings. And there's nothing wrong with going slow. I alternate sides on my abdomen for my injections and I've never done it in my thigh, as needles there can be a tad sensitive ;). As for problems with the auto-injector, I know they say pinch the skin, but perhaps try not pinching -- hold it right tight against your skin and hit the button, like an epi-pen. It's possible that when you inject it in a pinched piece of skin that the needle is going in "sideways" (as opposed to straight in) so that you're injecting closer to the surface of the skin. If that's the case you'll probably notice some swelling and maybe some redness a little ways off from the actual puncture site. (If you want a bit more of an explanation I can help out.)

Anyway, other than that - I'm a Software Engineer, Aerospace Technologist and volunteer Medical First Responder (in Canada, EMT in some states). I'm living happily symptom free for about three and a half years (stricture aside) with my wife and 18 month daughter. (Oh btw, please don't accept anything I post as "professional medical advice", I am not a doctor - always consult your family or GI doc if you're not sure about something or if you want to change your treatment plan. There, /disclaimer off. :) )
Hi all, I just discovered this forum and have been reading up on this thread tonight, as I just started my Humira Pen treatment today (4 doses = 160mg).


I have a slim/muscular build with very little fat on my body, which could have contributed to the pain. I tried various spots in my abs, small love handle area, and thighs. They all hurt, even though I let the shots warm up for about a half hour. Icing didn't make much of a difference.

Anyway, hopefully they'll work for me.

Since being diagnosed (post colonoscopy) with Crohn's in June after brutal cramps, frequent and strained bowel movements, and a loss of almost 10% of my body weight, I've been on Prednisone, first at 30mg/day and now down to 10mg/day. I'll taper down to 5mg next week and then go off it the week after. Within 2 days of starting on prednisone, I felt not just normal, but like a million dollars. (Steroid high, I guess.) Per my doctor's predictions, I started eating 5000+ calories a day, and (also per her predictions, based on my body type), unfortunately not gaining an ounce until I tapered down to about 15mg/day. My eating habits are back to normal now with the same diet I'd had before I got sick. I've gained back about half the weight.

Humira was a bitch to get approved for. I'm in the independent market for insurance, because I'm self employed. I'm very much not indigent, but my insurance prescription benefits cap out at a few thousand dollars a year (the individual market plans virtually all do this), so Humira was going to come out of my pocket (to the tune of $2-3k a month, even after their assistance card). I called the Abbott Foundation, and although I was told I was "beyond their normal threshold" over the phone, I was nonetheless approved within several days of applying, and at no cost to me at all. I feel like I got lucky, and for my unexpected success I'm grateful. Maybe my quick mention of large student loan debt impacted the decision?

While I was waiting a month to get the Humira issue worked out, first fruitlessly with my insurance, then with the Foundation, my GI doctor told me to stay on the Prednisone, but didn't give me a lot of updated advice re: tapering. I self decided to bring myself down to 10mg/day (at 5mg taper a week), and she was shocked I was feeling fine and encouraged me to go back up to 20-25 mg/day until the Humira worked out. I declined, as I hate drugs, and I've been feeling mostly fine, with the exception of one loose-ish (but painless) stool once every ten days or so.

I'm hoping I stay healthy (and feeling as good as I have for the past two months) as I switch out of the Prednisone and into Humira. I'm also hoping that after a year of this, my GI doctor will let me switch off of Humira and into a less intense (read: injection-free) treatment.

In any case, I'm just introducing myself here, and I figure I'll be lurking over the next few months as my treatment progresses.

Have a great night.
Hi Jarod and :welcome:

Good to see you here. I know you've already found the Humira Club so no need to direct you there! I'm glad that it is working for you and I hope it continues that way for a very long time. There are stacks of friendly people here and we would love it if you hang around here.

Welcome aboard!

Take care, :)
Hi Jarod and welcome!! So....you're a rocket scientist hmmm!! You'll be a great asset to the forum. You used your intro to give advice:). Stick around cause most of us ain't rocket scientists...but I did sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night:ylol:.
Hi Jarod (love that name!)
and welcome

you and Joey can compare Humira issues together!
good luck with it, hope it's the 'one'
enjoy the forum too
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Welcome to the forum, Jarod! :)

I, like you, have strictures too. How has your diet changed since finding out you have strictures? I know it's different for everyone, but looking to find some perspective. I'm currently doing well now on my weekly Humira + Imuran combo. I find myself slowly starting to add foods back into my diet that I've been avoiding since being diagnosed. Is there anything you still stay away from even though you're doing generally fine?

Sorry if I'm hijacking your thread! Haha. Anyway, glad you found us. See you around!

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