Well my last appointment sucked :(

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Dec 8, 2011
Penryn, Cornwall UK
I've now been told that I could have IBD as well as Crohn's is that possible?? :confused: I've also got to have a pelvic MRI done, I'm having my calprotectin levels checked I have no idea what it will show hopeing that it will be ok :), but the way my life is going at the moment it might as well as keep going downhill :(

So I have gone from being diagnose with Crohn's, IBD, then Crohn's and Crohn's colitis, UC, then back to Crohn's, now it Crohn's and IBD :( Hmmm I don't whether I like where it's going :(

This is only a small update ;) HorseLover!!
Hi HorseLover. Sorry you're going through this. Not sure that this makes a difference to you but the specific crohns type is harder to diagnose without further tests - what specific part of the digestive affected.

On the positive side with a diagnosis treatment can start.
when I was diagnosed he told me I had Crohns colitis and I thought he meant I had both but I was just uninformed as the whole concept was new to me:

Crohn's Colitis = Crohns
Ulcerative colitis and Crohns Colitis are both forms of Inflamatory bowel Disease (IBD)
IBD is a completely different animal than IBS-Irritable Bowel Syndrome (I may be wrong but I think it is possible to have both)

I hope that helps.
IBD is a completely different animal than IBS-Irritable Bowel Syndrome (I may be wrong but I think it is possible to have both)

My GI says he is treating the "symptoms of my IBS" and monitoring the progress of my Crohn's without additional meds for now. So I guess that means he thinks I have both. (last appointment was 45 minutes of him talking with me and my DH didn't tag along, so I may have gotten muddled partway through).

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