What about our poor family's.

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Feb 9, 2009
Isn't it terrible how much this horrible disease affects our loved ones, this has been a rough year for me but it has been every bit as rough for my family. My wife and kids are bound to be sick of the burden, my mum and dad who are in their 70's are worried sick and my big sister who is a barrister has been such a help. I just wish I didn't have to put them through all this, I hate seeing the annoyance and upset this causes them, I know I should be grateful for such a loving family but I'm just so sick of being a burden on people. Sorry guys just having a bad day. Hope everyone is doing good.
hey bigtruck, dont beat yourself up about it is the main thing to remember! the best thing about family is that they will always be there to support you and im sure if it was another member of your family who was unwell, you would do all you could for them and im sure they know that!

i wish you all the best
Sorry you are having one of those days, BigTruck. And I am sure that you're family wouldn't want it any other way, but to be as much support as they can to you. I remember once when I felt like this and shared it with my mom, about 15 years into my journey of Crohn's, my mom told me she wondered if she caused it somehow, something she did in pregnancy, etc. So we all think and feel things that aren't necessarily truth or real. Hang in there! Hugs!
Hi Big Truck
Sorry you are having a bad day----happens to all of us sooner or later.
It's ok to vent about it, especially if it helps..
It sounds as if you have a wonderful caring family around you---a big part of the cure.
Feel better soon
Hugs and best wishes
Don't know if you've see this thread, Big Truck, but I think Dusty's thoughts will be echoed by your family and friends.
Chin up, love x
It's what we are here for, BigTruck, support each other, be sounding boards, etc. What I always tell myself is..."this too, shall pass"
You should not feel like a burden. You did not ask for this disease. I am sure it is hard for your family seeing you sick, no parent wants to see their kid sick ever. But I am sure they know just how much More hard this is on you since you are the one who is sick and dealing with all this. They are there to support you and that is what matters. You should only focus on trying to get well... Hang in there.
I think the fact that you're worrying about this probably suggests you're not being a burden at all! You're clearly taking your family's feelings into account, and I'm sure they must see that. Any frustration they're showing is probably about the disease, not about you. It does get difficult for everyone having a member of the family sick. It's inevitable that things get strained sometimes - but that doesn't mean they're not as greatful to have you as you are to have them.
Know where you're going. Not feeling good isn't any fun. Especially when you know that it's not just you that it effects. Hope you start feeling better soon. :hug:
I know what you mean feeling like a burden when you can't hold down a job and help out anymore. I do just a part time job and used to work fulltime and feel terrible when mybhubs says he's looking for a side job to make more money. Life is expensive. But I realize too that if the tables were turned, I would be doing eveything I could to help him and take care of him too. That's what love is all about!:heart:
How are you going bigtruck? :hug:

As someone that is the same position as your family please let me reassure that you are not a burden to them, you could never be that. Do we have times when we are angry and frustrated? You bet we do! It is not with the one we love though but rather the disease and the hand it has dealt you.

You aren't putting them through anything hun. As Ihurt said, you didn't ask to have this disease and my biggest worry in life isn't that my children are a burden to me but that that I don't have the capacity to take the suffering away from them and make it my own. The best thing we do as parents is worry! :lol: It is a sign of a loving and compassionate parent just as your worries about your family show that the have have raised a loving and compassionate son and one to be very proud of. :)

Dusty. :heart:

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