What are you eating right now?

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Just had some homemade slow cooked beef stew with carrots, leeks, swede and onion in. And white bread to dip. The stew was cooking all day so the beef fell apart and the veggies were mushy.
Stuck at biscuits, crisps, crackers and white bread. Still, it's better than not eating at all! Tried pasta, rice (all white), chicken but none of those worked.
Carrot juice, banana and almond milk smoothie, with a little Tang thrown in for sweetness. It was awesome!

Well, as awesome as lo-res can be anyway....
Nothing yet today. Have to go get some broth shortly. Liquids only today. Get snaked tomorrow-both ends!!!! But I pigged out yesterday. Had a TON of chocolate chip cookies. WTH, right?
Today I'm gonna cook a full Sunday roast mmmmmmm I doubt I'll be able to eat it but at least I can watch my hubby an kids enjoy lol
Made beef dip in the slow cooker a couple of days ago, and I'm going to have some for lunch today. Yum!
Shhh!! Don't tell anyone, but I just ate a McRib. So disgustingly good. I'm gonna pay for this, but it was worth it.
Bleh, tomato cup a soup. Not hungry (possibly due to large amount of cake in the staffroom earlier) but I am going out so must have something now. And I've decided I really don't like the tomato flavour any more.
nothing at the moment because the last thing i ate, bean tacos, is having quite the fight with my tummy and from the sounds of it, my tummy is winning
I'm drinking my "SCD approved" weight gainer shake that doesn't hurt my tummy: 1 whole avocado, 1 whole banana, 2 tablespoons virgin coconut oil, 1 tablespoon almond butter, fresh squeezed carrot juice, 1 tablespoon honey, and ice! About 16 ounces and 900 calories of blended goodness!
tomato cuppa soup followed by crisps - just got in from walking the dog and ive forgotten to take out anything for dinner tonight, so looking in my fridge its gona have to be a good old classic fry up, including a can of all day breakfast - lovely stuff!
Chicken tenders with buffalo sauce and blue cheese dressing to kill the burn.....side of cauliflower and a 32 oz cup of water.....
Tortilla with low fat cream cheese, low sodium roasted turkey breast, fat free cheese, & pickles and Greek vanilla yogurt. Not only crohn's but pre diabetes now and have to keep my carbs to 45 per meal.
in the middle of a flare.. only diagnosed 9 days ago. Im pretty much scared to eat anything but going to have a soft boiled egg for breakfast. hoping for the best!
had mashed potatoes for dinner last night, and it did not sit well at all :( this morning im going to have an egg and maybe some rice crispies. a bit scared to try something new.
I had a Ham Salad Sub! Heaven after weeks and weeks after bread, crisps, crackers and biscuits.
We shall see if I react badly. Literally shaking with fear when I was eating though :(
this sounds (and may very well be) totally gross, but I was out of bowls to add the hot water and microwave it, so I just ate some packaged oatmeal raw (Full Circle, organic "Oats and Flax). I am expecting it to expand in my stomach and turn into real oatmeal therein.
I've done that before. Esspecially those dried apples inside. Mmm..

Just had a spoonful of peanut butter. Waiting on lunch to see what today will bring.
so I have been feeling pretty good for a few days! we went out saturday for my boyfriends birthday dinner, and I ate a steak! I was nervous but really wanted to see how it went, So i chewed slow and well and ta da... no pain or sickness!!! so happy :) it was delicious.

Rice crispies for breakfast!
Glad to hear about the steak chefcutiepie. Sounds delicious right about now. Carnation Breakfast Essentials for me since it's 8am here. Maybe for dinner tonight... :D
thanks Jessica, it had been so long since I had a tasty meal. Definetly wont be eatting it on a regular basis though, but nice for a treat! I havent tried those drinks yet, probably going to get some soon! which would you recommend?
Rich Chocolate. I like the premade drinks like Ensure. Though they do have powder packets so that you can make them yourself. I prefer these over Ensure in the morning since the Carnation Instant Breakfast have more protein and almost the same calories.
My first mince pie of the festive season (chewing it particularly rigorously as a safety measure).

Yum, yum, yum & ho, ho, ho!
had soy hot chocolate from starbucks, it was sooooo good and i did fine with it! whenever i get lattes i always get soy and decafe... seems to sit ok
roasting a turkey today :) cant wait to have the smell of it seeping throughout our house ! also i made vanilla bean shortbread last night, havent tried one yet! but the pred is making them super duper hard to resist.
Last night I had my first steak in almost 18 months.

And DAMN was it good!!!

Happy New Year to me - no repurcussions from the steak!
midnight tortilla. Since I tapered down on the pred the only time I don't feel like I'm going to puke is when I'm eating. But then five minutes later the nausea comes back.
Had some pizza from papa murphy's earlier and then ate 4 of these really yummy addicting fruit pops lol suppose to be 100% made w/ real fruit..lime is the yummiest
Hi Steve - Be careful of the brisket! It used to KILL me when I was still eating meat.

Quinoa is kosher for Passover, and my mother in law found some kosher for passover Arbrorio rice at Wegman's. Being in NYC, you could probaby find both.

I'm also going to try making some muffins and baked goods with almond flour... It will be an interesting 8 days!

- Amy


Try using coconut oil instead of butter in your almond flour muffin recipes. You will thank me for it later. Good luck, I'm sure you won't need it.

Homemade cottage pie, with minced beef, a grated carrot and a grated onion snuck in, and potato and swede mash on top. I made it for tea last night, and just polished off the leftovers for my lunch today. Now to wash it down with a cup of coffee.