Since my re-section, the foods I eat have an effect on the frequency of bathroom trips

The last few weeks they have been greatly reduced since I started eating Grape Nuts cereal for breakfast. My BM are much closer to normal and I'm holding down food a lot better. That's a relief because I know my system is doing a better job at absorbing nutrients from food.
I pay attention to foods that cause discomfort and try to avoid them. The foods that seem to bother a lot of people - lettuce/veggies, fruits, coffee, dairy foods, nuts, potatos - do not bother me. I did notice that certain brands of condiments - like basalmic vinegar which I love on salad - will cause discomfort. I eventually found that the cause was imitation basalmic vinegar which is made from wine vinegar - I tried the real stuff and it doesn't bother me anymore. You have to read the ingredient labels. It takes some experimentation to find foods that your system can agree with.
The foods I have cut out entirely are spicy foods, fried food, and processed food. Tabasco is the limit in spicy and in moderation - no picante, no habernero, etc.
I have been gradually switching away from fried foods even before I had Crohns, and it's even worse with Crohns. Fatty foods is a mixed bag - fresh hamburgers are OK, but bacon is out.
Processed foods are just junk whether or not you have IBD - no hydrogenated anything, and no corn syrup products. Buy at farmer's markets whenever possible if you want to stay away from GMO foods. Frozen dinners are in moderation (they don't taste anywhere as good as fresh). If you want to minimize your intake of processed foods, then minimize the meals at restaurants especially national chains. I studied the ingredient list of a vat of "butter flavoring" in a restaurant and the top ingredient is transfat! Those pizzas you see in convenience stores - they are just frozen pizzas, not fresh at all.
I had to throw out a pie from a bakery because it caused a reaction - the wrong sugar (not just too much) can flare up a reaction.
There's a lot of imitation stuff out there that is just plain bad for your system, and most of it is found in the US. When I travel abroad - IE Germany - I have little problem with their food. Most of Europe refuses to import a lot of food from the US, especially GMO foods.