What do you use for gas?

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Apr 4, 2016
I have major trapped gas in my lower abdomen/pelvic region. At least I'm guessing that's what it is. Intense pain and I can just feel it moving around, and when I get my husband to rub my stomach he feels it too. Hurts so bad sometimes I'm doubled over and in tears. Gas X helps but doesn't really last lonh. Even after using restroom and releasing some it still hurts like crazy. Just diagnosed last week. Trapped gas normal for Crohn's? Suggestions or advice on what helps it? Thanks in advance!
I've never used any meds for gas, but I find that repeated bending over from upright to waist level works very well for trapped gas. Do it slowly and it works every time for me. I also find that taking a good strong probiotic daily helps keep gas levels down. My GI says it's fine for me to take probiotics when I'm not in an active flare. If flaring tho, no probiotics.

When I feel like i have trapped gas or my stomach is cramping I find that sucking mints can help to bring relief from the symptoms and helps to move the gas as well. I also have a medication called Hyoscine Butylbromide (Buscopan) on prescription which is really good for dealing with the cramps. Some people also find peppermint capsules helpful which can be available from your docotor or over the counter.
All good advice. I also find that curling up in a fetal position on my side and rocking can help move the gas around and release. Mint tea also helps me a bit.
My son lays across one of those big exercise balls and slowly rolls around, with his head down a little..sort of messages his stomach and the gas often comes right out.
I'd have to second the fetal position. Also laying on my back and swinging my feet over my head. Sometimes a crazy position can help let 'er rip. I find that no OTC med helps, but other have had some success with them. I like the peppermint idea and might try a tea next time. I've also heard that chewing fennel seeds help with gas as well. I wonder if a peppermint fennel tea would taste any good?
I also use Buscopan (called Gastro Soothe here) and peppermint tea and/or chews if it's not so bad.
Sometimes lying on your back and pulling your right knee towards your chin also helps move things along.