What do you use to soothe your bum??

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Aug 17, 2014

awkward question... what do you use to sooth your bum when having a lot of D??

I am 2 weeks post op bowel resection and had my terminal ileum and valve removed... not realizing that means a lot of D to come in my future. I was more on the constipated side before surgery... so this change has literally been a pain in the ass.

What can I use to curb some of bum hole pain? and remedies to curb the D?


welcome again to the forum and that is an awesome question and hopefully you will get lots of good responses soon.

sending lots of support your way!!!
Preparation H cream type treatment. I have some of this on me for when my anal area gets red and sore. I think I may also have seen some people using diaper rash ointment/cream.
I'm in the UK so I don't know if you have it over there, but I swear by sudocreme. It's a thick white ointment and really sticks where it's needed, used a lot over here for babies sore botties too :)
I buy it in large tubs from Costco, works out cheaper.
Bunty x
Potatoes (mashed, baked, French fries, crisps), pasta, applesauce, breads can help the D. If foods don't help, you might ask your doctor about using Imodium or lomotil.
Potatoes (mashed, baked, French fries, crisps), pasta, applesauce, breads can help the D. If foods don't help, you might ask your doctor about using Imodium or lomotil.

Hahaha! Now that's a wild visual, huh?!! :ylol2:

That's for sure. Seems like at least some of that would sting a bit and be a challenge to clean off. Might make for a faster run to your GI if you used those on your bottom. Ouch!!!

Anyway. Back to the main subject...
Hello, ask your Dr. or purchase at a pharmacy ~ for a sitz bath and or peri bottle ~ better to keep the area clean with warm water or can add sea salt, or epsom salt soak ~ these methods can sooth and heal. Ointments can trap bacteria and chemicals can cause potential reactions.
Also if d continues you can ask your Dr. about a bile salt binder to help slow things down. Try it before leaving the house since it has a possibility to wear of suddenly for some.

Take care
Hi Lacy.

I had that issue after I had the same surgery 17 months ago. My surgeon first put me on QUESTRAN® (Cholestyramine for Oral Suspension USP), but I had a reaction to it, so now I take Colestipol 1GM tablets twice a day for that relentless D that comes after ileocecetomy surgery. And I second the Calmoseptine suggestions.
I would add finding your favourite brand of either baby wipes as some prefer or wet wipes/ moist toiler paper as I do.

Also, don't underestimate the power of stripping your bottom half bare and getting under the sheets... bliss!
Had the same surgery 3 years ago. Dr. Prescribed Colestid which definitely helps the bile burning D. To soothe the bum, I use Aveeno Baby cream with zinc. I tried everything and this soothes and cools the best for me. Also, baby wipes are a must! All the best.
For me protein, fats and oils both animal and vegetable cause much more acidic "effluent" than veggies or starches. I've cut protein, fats and oils to a minimum and in the most digestible forms possible. Makes for a bland diet that saves on the butt discomfort.

Easy way to test yourself, start a log of what goes in and comes out and how.

Otherwise, I use the thickest possible diaper rash cream to protect myself from the stomach acids.
Hello everyone. My son had his reversal surgery in SEPT. He was originally diagnosed with UC, at age 6, then at 14, changed to Crohns. Then 2014, it was decided he had UC. Well at this stage no one knows which it is or if it's both. In June he had his entire large intestine removed. Extremely painful, lots of minor complications. Things got a bit better, etc. SEPT comes, time for reversal. Surgery went great, except for all the darn pain. He is having internal pain in the pouch, external pain around his bum. We have tried ointments, creams, prepH, non alchol wips, socking his butt in a bath. He has become dependent on the percet, which we have come off of, but withdrawl is no fun. Things are slowly getting better but ever few days, his pain spikes really high and he needs the percet. I'm looking for a pain specialist in NYC/NJ/Phila area. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks much. It's hard watching your kid suffer.
I agree with StarGirrrrl, wet wipes are a must when dealing with d. You can purchase certain brands that are flushable so that you don't have to worry about thier disposal. I,ve found that diaper rash ointments work well for soothing the pain.
Use wet wipes. Cream ( I use either desitin or hydrocortisone)and if severe ask your doc for lidocaine cream that will numb you right up. Limotil is also a narcotic strength anti diarrhea, Imodium, sitting in a warm bath. Do not eat anything spicy .... :)
After reflection I have one word for you - "Bidet" or as close as you can get. Wash the area gently with warm water and mild soap after every BM. Then apply a diaper rash cream.

I learned this travelling in an RV - wet wipes were not enough and the longer I was "on the road" the sorer things got.
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I tried Calmoseptine for the first time last week, and it works wonders. My very sore bum was absolutely fine the next day. It's also got a nice cooling/tingling effect.

Also, wet wipes.
I tried Calmoseptine for the first time last week, and it works wonders. My very sore bum was absolutely fine the next day. It's also got a nice cooling/tingling effect.

Also, wet wipes.

I think of Calmoseptine like the York Peppermint Patty commercials, only for your bum. :ylol2:
A life changer for me is a product called Calazime. You can order it on Amazon. It is so great, I have sent it to others who have been in dire straights. Airing out, and this cream pretty much takes care of it. For many months, I could only use flushable wipes and this product, and it was amazing.

Good luck!
I had read all the rave reviews on here before, but didn't remember reading about the tingling. I was pleasantly surprised to say the least!

I think of Calmoseptine like the York Peppermint Patty commercials, only for your bum. :ylol2:

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