What is YOUR weather like today??

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Hi Everyone the weather has turned cooler here of late and the nights are drawing in. I can not believe we are just over 12 weeks off xmas.
The virus has put this year on hold for many of us, have had a few blood tests the last couple of months the outcome Type 2 Diabetes.
I am trying to get my head round it as there is no family history "hey um.
I hope Scottsma & Spooky are keeping well.
Sorry to hear that you have type2. I have battled it for years thanks to all of the steroids they put me thru after cancer. I am currently on 1000mg of metformin, 60 mg of gliclazide and 25 mg of jardiance. All are about as high as I can go. I see my GP on Thursday and I will probably go on a weekly jab of trulicity as my blood sugars are stay at around 10-11 fasting of a morning. They should be 5.8 or lower.I am so insulin resistant they said that insulin injections are not an option. Hugs ron.
We are getting a few light showers this morning, nice change. Carol I really feel for you , my steroid years were the worst of my life and I am still paying with bone density problems and type two diabetes. Buff I don't know whats worse the bears or the poo. If there is a doggy doo anywhere within half a mile, I will step in it. Ron.
Did steroids cause your type 2 Ron ?...I'm borderline and have been for 2yrs with the same level .I'm really struggling as my diet although limited is healthy (ish).Only got 4wks steroids to go so hopefully not long enough to cause a problem
Hi Everyone the weather has turned cooler here of late and the nights are drawing in. I can not believe we are just over 12 weeks off xmas.
The virus has put this year on hold for many of us, have had a few blood tests the last couple of months the outcome Type 2 Diabetes.
I am trying to get my head round it as there is no family history "hey um.
I hope Scottsma & Spooky are keeping well.
Thankyou .are you going on meds for the diabetes ? or are you going to diet and try that way.The nurse wants me to go to a talk group to share ideas etc but I'm really not keen on that.And dieting is definitely off until I finish the steroids.I'm not VERY overweight,but being short makes it hard to be sylphlike....
Carol I was dxed with insulin resistance nearly 30 years ago. Then my first nephrologist thought I had minimal change kidney disease. The treatment for that was high dose prednisone. I was on 75mg daily for nearly two years. It was actually an unknown auto-immune problem. They still can't classify it. But between prednisone, dexamethasone ( they used that as an anti nausea med for chemo) and a bad bout of acute pancreatitis caused by a kidney stone blocking my pancreatic duct(had my gallbladder removed for that) I am now a poorly controlled type two diabetic. People cant understand my dislike of doctors. I probably prefer bears, they kill you quickly! Ron.
It was stormy all afternoon yesterday, it was so dark after lunch that the solar lights turned on. Plenty of thunder, the lightning was mainly up in the cloud so it was fairly harmless. Strong winds overnight, hopefully not too many trees came down over the trails. Ron I'll take bear poo over a close up bear encounter. Its ugly and terrifying to find oneself on the menu when the bear stalking, eyes me up like I do burgers at the burger joint.
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Hi Scottsma
I am going the diet route to start with, i wanted to see a dietition so I was sent a link to Desmond.
It is a website that helps people to educate yourself on Diabetes and the low carbs which include no potatoes, bread (white) white rice.
I feel a little daunted as i don't do green veg.
My GP has said they will do the blood test again in three months and they want the number down to 5 at present it is 6.5 if not Metformin is the next step. I am buying a blood glucose meter so i can monitor my blood sugar at home hopefully it will help with the food i eat.:eek:
Hi Ron
Thank you I have worked with people who have Diabetes & how it can cause complications this scares me especially with the Crohn's and other chronic conditions I have any advice would be welcome.:(
I am really aware of the complications of type 2. I have it noted on my driving licence and I am required to carry a doctors certificate at all times when driving. I have my eyes tested every twelve months for diabetic damage. At seventy I still. only need glasses for reading. None of the doctors can tell me if my peripheral neuropathy is purely chemotherapy related or if there is a component of diabetic neuropathy. One of my major problems is that my history blood count (hba1c) and my glucometer counts do not tally. There is no direct correlation between the two . The hba1c needs to be converted to give a blood sugar level, after conversion my glucometer figures are still higher, I have had a conversation with experienced diabetes educators about this and they said that where there is disparity between the two that treating doctors need to base treatment on both figures. Up till now my doctor has only chosen to look at hba1c.
Buff I have a plaque I was given when I retired. The bottom lines state that what doesn't kill you will make you stronger,except bears,bears will kill you.
Some more showers today but very little actual rain. Ron
Dry and slightly warmer this morning. I should be pulling up my potatoes but the badgers have done it for me. I don't have much fruit at all on my trees, nor bushes nor grapevine. the flowers are nearly over and i can't see much at all as a result of life happening this year. what a bloody disappointment it's been. 90% of our trains and buses are now running

Hope the health picks up soon Carol. I can't stand steroids either. Such side effects are dreadful. Like Ron, my bones are thin, my skin is thin and no, i could never sleep and the moods were enough to p*ss anyone off, especially myself. Hope you're off them soon. Hoping hubby is also doing well.

Nice you have a drizzle of rain Ron. Bit unusual down there. We apparently had a 3.3 earthquake in Leighton Buzzard, not too far from me, but i felt nothing at all. You still have good temps there Chris. I'm jealous of those at this time of year. I'm jealous of the bear activity around you both in north America too.

Covid number are rising again. How boring!
Just for some support for you Di ,I planted some tomatoes today. They are only cherry tomatoes and I had to plant them in a pot. I cannot plant anything in the ground here the nematodes (eelworms) are so bad they destroy the root system of any veggies. If not for them I would have a good crop going every year. Ron.
23c with a light breeze...enjoyed a cycle along the coast but still lots of people about.....luckily the council awarded us with a designated cycle path during lockdown as pedestrians were complaining ,not just about me hahaha. and it's a lot safer and smoother.
the thermometer out back is reading 32c this afternoon but it 's on borrowed time now.

Talking bears...….who's seen Leonardo Di Caprio's The Revenant ? Great film,seen it 3 times.Who says bears kill quickly ?
Frost last night and very cool outside this morning and they are calling for more frost tonight. The school system opens today despite the numbers going up. I think we are setting ourselves up for disaster with how rushed the openings have been. Over the long weekend there were huge gatherings of people on public beaches, no masks or social distancing. The Revenant is a good film.
wow that's a big drop in temps over there,and sudden too.15c here with plenty sunshine but a cool gusty wind.
There was a 3,000 covid rise in the UK on Monday but luckily only a few deaths (luckily ?) We're having the same problem with the Gung HO
brigade.. The worst offending towns are being locked down for 2wks but it pops up down the road somewhere.We just have to do the best we can for ourselves and let the rest of them go their own sweet way....
We may not have bears but sharks struck again with a 46 year old mauled to death at Greenmount beach on the gold coast yesterday afternoon. It was the first attack recorded in that area since the 1950's. The shark is believed to be a great white. Cool and cloudy today but no rain. Above 35c for most of northern Australia. rain for the next few days then hot for us as well. Ron.
Lovely and sunny today. Warmer too.

Nipped to Daventry today and noticed loads of leaves floating down, all dried up and brown and blowing into the gutters. Halloween stuff is on display as is the Xmas chocolates and other things. Not many in the supermarket either. I probably shouldn't mention the chocolate after all of you mentioning diabetes. Hope all balances out for both of you.

I was a bit shocked about a 3,000 increase in one day. That was a big spike. I think we have to accept it now. Just take especial care of ourselves. I'm doing ok health wise i think and i'm hoping to continue to improve generally. Haven't moved about so much with lockdown. I could do with a gentle programme to ease me into moving better and increasing fitness a little each day.
some light rain overnight and more showers today. Just up the road at rainbow beach and Frazer island it is bucketing down. I saw my doctor yesterday. He decided to put me on a drug called Bydureon for my diabetes. It is a once a week injection (self injection) . My old mainstay metformin was increased from 1000 to 1500mg and I am stopping jandarian and gliclazide. I can only see how it goes, Ron.
Typical fall weather, after the rain the skies cleared, the days are fairly warm, but the nights cool off and the frost have singed the grass and shrubs. I finally had a better sleep last night instead of tossing and turning like the wash all night trying to shake off the pains. Not much new going on and wouldn't know there was so much turmoil going on in the world if I didn't turn on the news. I hope the new medication works out for you Ron.
16c with a light breeze.....late heat wave forecast for the next few days so let's hope that's the end of it (sorry Di. get your thermals on )
the floors are definitely cool under my bare feet in the mornings,so have put the rugs back down 'til spring.Still have the summer duvet on the bed with a light throw for "chilly willy" he really feels the cold since the chemo etc. but will spoil him soon with the warmer one and maybe even hunt his long underwear out.....unless he comes and bunks in with you Di ????
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A bit of rain overnight, not enough to be useful, but better than nothing. Warming up during the week.
Val have a ring around your local pharmacies and see if any of them has an in store diabetes educator. If so go in ,take your glucometer and a notebook. They will show you how to use it ,what the readings mean , and any precautions to take. I get my feet checked regularly and have an eye test at least once a year. I am seeing an educator at my medical centre tomorrow. She will show me how to prepare the bydurion injection, where to inject it and what to do if I get any side effects. Take care Ron.
20c sunny and very blustery....I have my flu jab booked week after next but have just checked my steroids leaflet and it states I must'nt have "live" injections for 3 mnths after finishing course and I have another 3 wks to go.Will have to ring pharmacy tomorrow
Sounds like you're getting ready for winter, Buff. You'll be enjoying that snowmobile again soon.

Lovely weather here so i nipped to join the queue at the tip just to get rid of a few more items. really busy down there and out in Aldi. Grabbed myself some crocus bulbs and tulips too. Just a little more for next spring.
Another overcast day but still no prospect of any decent rain yet. Carol Wa is cooking once again. The lows coming thru the south are drawing very hot air down from the north, At lest half of WA and the northern Territory are in severe to extreme fire danger range. Victoria SA and NSW are getting some good inland rain. I hope your husband is ok. I am not overly happy with the new diabetes med I am on. I read some reviews on it . Two thirds of the reviewers were not happy. The company making it suggests the side effects are minor nausea and diahorrea . Most of the reviews complained of severe nausea and vomiting ,flu like aches and pains and severe constipation. The pack contains 4 needle pens. The dose is a combination of fluid and powder. Depending on how long the pens have been in storage as to how easy the two will mix. The instructions say to slap the pen on your open palm around 80 times to mix the meds. They are in a clear see through tube and if they have floating granules you have to keep mixing. It took close to 200 hits to get my first dose right. People are complaining that at least two of the four pens in the month supply do not function. Once you mix the medication you have to inject it straight away(in the tummy). You have the leave the needle in for ten seconds. I think I will leave it in for 30 seconds as some of the meds bubbled out when I removed the needle. Many people complained to the manufacturer about the problems and few if any got any satisfaction. Ron.
Oh, Carol, reminds me of when i was younger and couldn't afford a car or taxi. I ended up taking items out of my carriers and trying to hide them under someones front garden bush or somewhere discrete to see if i could return for it. I'm on the tiny side and with a huge lack of physical energy that us lot generally experience. You've just brought back memories. I do have a trolly i pull or push locally b/c i simply have no arm strength.... And hubby in the hospital. Omg, sincerely hoping all is going to be ok. Ooops, just remembered. A basket, pannier and basket on the back got shopping home on my bike. My legs were always tougher than my arms.

Ron, i'd never have the energy to shake something that many times. It's bad enough whisking up liquid feed that still has lumps and triggers the alarm on the pump. I swear pharma just want their meds sold and being used despite the problems of use. Why don't they recognise that we are unwell people? Bizarre.

Lovely again today. Can't believe what a pick me up this sunshine is.
14c and overcast but feels much warmer (to me anyway) There is a 1,5000 wide Saharan Spurt of hot air making the temps 11c higher than average.

I do have a shopping trolley but my list was nowhere near as a long as the stuff I actually bought .I actually stood and watched a taxi dropping off a passenger and thought about jumping in,then thought "Nah it's only a 10 min walk "...what kind of idiot am I ? No need to answer that.
17c and sunny...will it NEVER end ???
A couple of things I've notice about this course of steroid as well as the sleep deprivation and feeling starved....an ear problem I've struggled with since November has cleared up,a mad annoying itchy back has stopped itching (I was like Balou on the Jungle Book) and best of all, chronic lower back ache (,8+yrs) has improved greatly.There was no way I could have carried that shopping before.....but there's no way I want to stay on steroids longer than I must.Two and a half weeks to go....Di., do what your body is telling you...please rest....
We reached a whopping 16c today! I'm happier with these temperatures. Our closest wildfire at 10,000 hectares has been contained by planned burns along the circumference. It isn't expected to spread any further and men are being moved to bigger fires. The smoke is less today, however, our air quality still rates among the worst in the world, for now.
Sunny again today. Soon though, Carol, it will be proper autumn. this time last year i thought maybe i'd seen my fave autumn trees for my life. I will see them again this year. One little mistake i've just made, i couldn't resist a few crocus and tulip bulbs. I simply forgot the badgers will probably dig them up and eat them lol. Oh, well, we will see.
16c and a lovely day.Walked into town for a hair cut and shopping and took the shopping trolley.What a difference two little wheels make.
Di.,as you say re: last years prognosis,it's just great being able to see the seasons you thought you never would again, even the dull cold winter
has got to be a bonus eh ?....spoke to IBD nurse today calprotectin level was 1600.....no wonder I felt below par.
-3C this morning with ice in the bucket. Hard frost last night, that will put an end to the gardens. I feel like garbage this morning, so tired, like the saying waking up on the wrong side of the bed. Going to have a snooze before lunch. Its going to be a beautiful day, but before I can embrace it I'll need to get out of the brain and body fog.
Again it's lovely. Feels like the last throes of the summer we never had. Carol will be relieved that next week it's going to be autumnal. I'm sure she'll be in her element. And really pleased you got the trolley out for the shopping. It's amazing how a few items can weigh a bit if you end up walking with it.

Ice and minus degrees Celsius, Buff. I bet you dream of snow and ice tracks already. I can see me getting out and about during the cold winter months to make up for this year. I feel like i need to re-learn going out. Not that the art, craft or pottery classes are on the go. They're not yet.
I know I keep whinging on,but today is a windless 16c and I'm lathered (perspiring ) Even eating a sandwhich for lunch brought me out in a sweat.
Have looked on - line (NHS UK) to see if there's a clue,but there's nothing....oh well,it won't be long now before the Season Of Mists And Mellow Friutfulness begins in earnest.
5C with showers. Yesterday was rough, woke up feeling bad and then struggled with a painful blockage in the stricture. For awhile I thought it might cause a rupture. It was soar afterwards. A small plate of fish and rice for supper to ease the load on my system. Last night I avoided sleeping on my right side which isn't easy, however, good bowel movements this morning and feeling much better today.
He's home....and don't I know it !!!!
Buff hope you're feeling better.....Di., go canny in that garden ,it'll still be there next week.
14c and a bit drizzly today....had hubby for his constitutional along the bank top (riverside) he's not allowed down the bank for a few weeks as he's not supposed to walk uphill for awhile....
Lots of rainfall in central South Australia, Western NSW and the channel country in Qld. Darwin looks like it is in for an early start to the monsoon with 75mm of rain overnight. Lots of flooding in the centre with the best rain since 1981. Still nothing in our area. A humpback whale swam into the Alligator river in Kakadu in the northern territory a couple of weeks back. There has been a lot of concern about it as the river is full of big crocs. Wildlife experts were asked how it got there. The explanation was that it seems to have taken a wrong turn after passing Darwin. (very scientific.) The whale made it back out to sea on the high tide last night. Ron.
That's good news Ron...we went whale watching in Aus. and I was overwhelmed with emotion.Same when a dolphin pod escorted us in our hire boat...….It's warm and calm here and the papers are saying make the most of it,colder,wetter weather on the way.....Hope you got the garden tidied Di.
Breezy and warm today, it should make it into the 20's. I became constipated, took the magic little pill to get things moving again. Feeling on the mend, but will take it easy. Glad the whale found its way Ron. Chris those fillings are expensive to swallow, I am glad I got rid of that dentist, as his work would not last.
Some sad news from the west coast of Tasmania this morning with the news of 275 pilot whales stranding on a sandbar in a shallow bay. despite good survival conditions of cool weather and rain reports say that at least 90 of the whales have died. It happens on a regular basis in Tasmania and New Zealand, nearly always with pilot whales and false killer whales. Wildlife rescuers are trying to save as many of the whales as they can by getting them back into the water and back out to sea. Researchers still have no idea why it happens.
Stormy weather continuing over several states including inland areas. e are expecting some storms here this afternoon. Temps over 30c in the SE of the state today. Ron.
This is the last of my summer weather now. Rain and wind and lower temps will be the norm and it's autumn. Strangely when i awoke this morning and went out to feed the birds i had that familiar sudden 'feeling' of the change in the season. The evenings and mornings are noticeably darker and my body and mind are feeling it.

That's an awful lot of whales, Ron. Saw it on the news and it broke my heart. I hate when nature dies.

Hope the health keeps improving Buff. You'll need as much good health for your cold winters.

Enjoy the rides, Chris.

I'm heading out to the country park to feed the ducks/swans etc before the bad weather.
Some light showers overnight. They were from a front that has passed right across the middle of Australia so by the time it reached us there was very little moisture left. temps today in our area range from 29-31c.
More sad news from Tasmania with another pod of 200 stranded pilot whales in another area of the same bay. All of these whales were reported to be dead. Wildlife rescuers continue to try to return surviving whales to the open sea.Ron.
Too many mass deaths going on in the last decade. It goes with our changing planet. I wouldn't be at all surprised if earth wasn't going through a pole reversal. There has been a ton of bird deaths over America lately too. Love the sound of your temps, Ron. But i know you and carol despair at the heat. Hope you cope well this summer Ron.

The rain has arrived. No doubt my lawn will do a massive growth spurt just before winter.

Cheerful Autumn to all, if that's possible. Talk of lockdown again. Oh boring. Christmas cancelled (i don't think so)
Some light showers overnight. They were from a front that has passed right across the middle of Australia so by the time it reached us there was very little moisture left. temps today in our area range from 29-31c.
More sad news from Tasmania with another pod of 200 stranded pilot whales in another area of the same bay. All of these whales were reported to be dead. Wildlife rescuers continue to try to return surviving whales to the open sea.Ron.
Saw those poor things on todays news,it's really sad,and too many lost...I bet mankind is to blame somewhere down the line.
I went out to the cabin and it was more than I bargained for with the trees that fell down on the trail, I cut them up and cleared the trail wearing me out. No chance I will go out to work on that roof today as my body needs a rest. I saw the news about those whales, its pathetic. We are litterally destroying the planet, the logging rages on to our north, and its clear these proud forests are gone forever, in there place are logging roads and tree farms. I believe the problem is far worse and more complex than pointing fingers at just the oil industry. Humans are changing the entire surface of the planet at their peril.
I enjoyed the weather today, when I left riding at 1pm it was only 14c. There was some highway work being done and I was directed not to go down a fully functional road, free of obstacles, by a flag person. She looked puzzled as I rode up onto the sidewalk, put my foot down and asked her if the road was closed. She waved me through. Ha! Tonight is supposed to be a thunder banger, caused by a front coming in from the pacific region... After that we're supposed to get three days of rain. Beauty! 75 km spent in the saddle of my iron horse today was very nice. Carol, I can wait for you to grab the leathers... ;)
I enjoyed the weather today, when I left riding at 1pm it was only 14c. There was some highway work being done and I was directed not to go down a fully functional road, free of obstacles, by a flag person. She looked puzzled as I rode up onto the sidewalk, put my foot down and asked her if the road was closed. She waved me through. Ha! Tonight is supposed to be a thunder banger, caused by a front coming in from the pacific region... After that we're supposed to get three days of rain. Beauty! 75 km spent in the saddle of my iron horse today was very nice. Carol, I can wait for you to grab the leathers... ;)
I'm still struggling to squeeze into them Chris,....too much ice cream.
Trees are living beings too.It must be soul destroying Buff to see what once was disappearing for ever.Farmed trees are all well and good but to destroy ancient forest is unforgivable...….9c and raining again.Might put the winter duvet on the bed tomorrow as night temps to drop to 2c.
Carol I see it as outright murder, these old forests are living things in themselves. I rarely go into the cutovers and prefer to leave them alone much like a toom showing my respect. I can feel the pain and sadness emanating from the barren lands. The complexity cannot be recreated in these tree plantations or frankenstein forests as they are sometimes refereed to. No moose, basically we have nothing for wildlife around here anymore other than bear and wolves, and their counts are going down too. 10C with sun and cloud.
Nature strikes back. A tourist diving in the shallows at lizard Island was bitten on the head by a two meter Croc. Always a problem in Queenslands far north, but Lizard island is right on the edge of the great Barrier reef around 95 Kilometers offshore. The man is recovering in hospital with painful if not life threatening injuries. Ron. 29c and windy with severe fire danger for the next couple of days.
The rain has cleared ,but thin,persistent clouds hang like gauze over the sky,soaking up all the warmth so that only a vestige reaches the earth.
The sun is a coral orb, bleeding burnt orange and crimson into a rolling sea...….

actually it's 8c and sunny,with gusty winds up to 45mph....I just thought you'd appreciate a bit of culture or not.
What you describe Carol is the smoke from the fires in western North America being carried high in the atmosphere around the globe. Its doing the same here but its much thicker, sometimes enough to block the sun particularly when its low in the sky in the late afternoon giving the appearance of bad weather moving in. 10C under cloud and smoke.
Sunny, cold and windy. The leaves are falling fast and blowing everywhere! Oh well. Had a few thunderclaps last night, no rain though.

Glad you're still able to get on the iron horse Chris. Sounds a bit chilly though. I had a moped once, god i froze badly.

Was a tad taken aback with the lyrical lit there Carol. Though you were over in north east us/can there for a moment. I expected that post from Buff or Chris. I saw the whales and nearly cried. The forests are liviing things, quite right, we don't have the right to just kill on this planet. My Environmentle science A level is so old it was marked by the dinosaurs. I reckon we've got a million extra mount everest with the quantity of waste in smart tech alone since i studied. I wish these protester would get into uni and take Env Sci seriously and helped our world rather than trashing it for attention.,
look upon it as plant food Di.,you never know what might sprout up in the Spring....
11c. windy and grey.Staying indoors today and have just put the heating on for half an hour,first of many.The winter duvet was lovely and cosy last night,....-5 in parts of the country last night..coldest Sept. night for 23yrs,and snow and hail south of me.We had 100ft waves crashing over the lighthouses and piers at the mouth of the river (Tyne) yesterday.....and so it begins !!!
I could pop those crocus and tulip bulbs in them as i suspect they'll only dig them up again, but i might be lucky, lol. You made me laugh.

bloody hell, 100ft waves? Nothing like that here. Had a few squally gusts but nothing to take anything down. Electric blanket going on for me tonight too. Winter duvet covers again. I should be pleased i'm here to struggle with the heavier duvet cover lol.
Cleaned house yesterday, as the weather has been gray and damp. Last night was rough, I was up out of bed with cramps, and couldn't find that comfortable position until it was time to get up. That will mean a long noontime snooze that takes a chunk out of my day. Probably it was from eating too much fiber from that chinese food order I had. +12C Mainly cloudy.
11c but feels colder (not whinging mind) Had a drive along the coast and a little walk to break hubby in gently.He really feels the cold since the cancer carry-on...….loads of people out and about,I wish they'd nick off to where they belong.The sea was quite rough and grey but there were quite a few surfers bobbing about waiting for the right wave....Yep,they make 'em tough in this neck of the woods. No faffing about on sun baked seas for us......
Omg, we always had surfers down in Cornwall, Carol, but i couldn't fancy the waters up your way. Been sunny here today. Haven't done much at all apart from more washing. I find it so hard to get motivated after cancer and lockdown. I seriously need some proper social interaction. Only had one day out with friends at the beginning of March. Don't see anything socially suitable for me starting up though. Hope hubby is making progress now, Carol. Give him my best. I have my bloods on Tuesday. I am always so nervous about the number going up.
I think my surfing days are done. Cool here today but still very dry with high fire danger. Parts of WA have a catastrophic fire warning for the next couple of days, mainly in the central north. Very cold in the southern states with heavy frosts and some snow.
The new type2 diabetes drug is not treating me too well. I feel unwell most of the time. It is almost like being back on chemo. It is very unpleasant but I will persist and see if my body gets used to it. Ron.
Sad to hear about the meds Ron. I have to take anti-sickness tablets with my chemo tablets as i get so faint and nausic. The fatigue is pretty bad too. What a mix of weather down there too Ron.

Pretty drab out there today. Another indoor day for me again i think. I will leave off going out as i have to go to Northampton tomorrow.
16c but grey....Our first cycle since Les' bit of bother two weeks ago.Tried to avoid slopes and banks and walked when we (he ) needed to.
I think he overdid it a bit and is having a nap....I don't know if you watch Vera Di., but they were filming on our cycle route and saw her in her mac and hat leaning against her jeep.You might get a glimpse of us as we cycled in front of the camera (,accidentaly) I did shout sorry though......
Two days of work at the cabin, I thought I'd have more metal roofing done, but it is slow work since the place is so old nothing is square anymore. It seems I am chasing the work more than I am able to catch up with it. Soon my days with it will be done with it, and somebody else can take the place over. I had to take advantage of the warm dry conditions, as these days are numbered. 10C gray, expecting a cool down with flurries later in the week.
I remember you had thoughts about moving on last year Buff.You're still there, but it's scarey what a difference a year makes at our age.
I hope you'll make a decision that will suit your needs, but if you think you'll be unhappy elsewhere then I'd stay put. (y)

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