Sorry if this post in a odd spot as this is my first time ever doing anything like this. I am a 33 year old male fighting Crohn's since I was 20. I have had one bowl resection and 7 different surgeries to try to fix rectal fistuals and rectal abscess. About three weeks ago my CR surgeon place a Seton Drain in me. To this day it continues to drain alot and cause me a great deal of pain. I have a hard time sitting at all, or doing any vigorous activity. This is hard as my hobbies are skiing, golf, and watching movies. To make matters worse I drive a crane for a living. Over the years I have never abused pain medicine but have built tolerances. Last week blood count went sky high and they admitted me to hospital and treated me with IV antibiotics and pain medicine. Don't know what comes next, surgeon says drain may stay in till it wears out! It is impossible to work because I can't take pain meds while running a crane, have no way to shower or clean myself after bowl movement(porto-potty)and just can't keep pain under control with vicodin or percocet anymore. I'm open to any sugestions. THANK YOU.