What to do?

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Mar 9, 2014
Sorry if this is in the wrong part of the forum.

I have Crohn's and am struggling but don't know what to do. I called my Crohn's nurse and she said to give it some time, or go to a&e if it gets bad enough. I'm so confused as to what "bad enough" is. She sent me to hospital at the beginning of last month where I was admitted for a week as morphine wasn't even touching the pain. Do you think that if I reach that stage again, that is what my nurse meant? I would call her and ask but she isn't working today as it is a bank holiday weekend.

From Libby
If you are in excruciating pain or you find your symptoms getting worse then you have every right to be treated for it at the emergency room. You just need to trust your gut and go if things seem much worse than normal.
Hey there

I agree totally with ngng, if your pain is severe or you have worsening symptoms then you can certainly go to A+E . Generally here we say that if you are sick enough to be contemplating going, then you probably should go anyway.
I would call your Nurse back and ask to have the doctor call you back him or herself. Running to the ER is probably not going to be helpful as most ER docs are not very knowledgeable when it comes to these chronic diseases. They MAY give you some pain meds, maybe not though. They will probably do a CT scan to check things out. I think you would get more help if you spoke to your GI doc directly. I think it is terrible that the Nurse offered you No help and told you to go to the ER. I would speak to the doctor. Here is the United States a trip to the ER means a bill for thousands of dollars!!!
Hi Libby

I was told by my hospital that if I was unwell to go straight to A&E at my hospital. My local hospital is not where I am treated for the crohns. If it is unbearable, go to A&E. Your GI won't prescribe without seeing you. All the crohns nurse can do is bring your appointment forward.
Hello Dorothy_shoes
Welcome to the forum.
When in doubt go to A&E.
If you think you can hold out wait till tomorrow and call your GI specialist for some help.
Sometimes a stitch in time saves a situation and you are obviously uncomfortable to say the least.
Do as your instinct tells you.
Feel better soon
Hugs and best wishes
Libby, are your bowels working? Is the pain cramps? Is your stomach distended? If your bowels are not working and you have any of the other symptoms, then you need to go to A&E. What is the pain like?
Hi everyone and thanks for the replies.

If the pain has reduced i will call my nurse tomorrow and ask if she can get me an appointment with my consultant ASAP.

As for the pain and bowel movements, things aren't good. There is no bowel movement today despite having three sachets of Laxido, when one normally works for me (my bowels are super sensitive to laxatives usually). The pain varies in sensation, but it normally feels like burning, as though something is trying to burst out my intestines and as though my bowels are turning in on themselves, and then when I try to go to the loo, it feels as though I'm about to pass out my intestines.
Oh, and about if it's distended. I'm not sure how to tell but when I went into hospital last month an x ray showed distension I think in my large intestine
If I am honest Libby, take yourself to A&E. It is better to be safe than sorry. I don't like your symptoms. I wouldn't wait. If you can't go to the toilet, then the pain won't get better.
When was the last time you had a bowel movement? Also how much have you been eating in the last couple days? The reason I ask is because if you have not eaten hardly anything, maybe there is not much to come out? Also how many days have went since you had a good size bowel movement?

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