What to drink with friends?

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Jul 27, 2011
what to drink with friends?

Well I have a girls weekend coming up soon, and my friends are talking margaritas with dinner and then out on the town for more drinks and dancing! I'm excited and nurvous. I drink very randomly but I stick to beer for the most part. This just got me thinking, we all have the same type of issues so why not ask everyone what type of "adult beverages" they like to drink and tend to not have as many problems with. I like beer but it gets old, and wine is nice with dinner but not really a bar hopping drink. So if you have any ideas I would love to hear it, thanks :D
I'm the complete opposite! Beer kicks my system into high gear so I actually tried to "research" what the best drinks were for someone with CD. But I definitely understand wanting to be able to go out with friends and be social by having a few drinks. Everything I've read seems to suggest that drier drinks are better to keep what I lovingly refer to as the "liquor *****" at bay. I've tried vodka, gin, and bourbon all with success. Jack and diet coke is my fav. It actually works out well for me because I just drink slowly, thereby paying less money and still getting the same buzz. If not that, gin and tonic works well too, or vodka tonic. I'd also mention that margaritas have been fine for me, as long as I skip the Mexican food. It'll probably take a little experimentation. Maybe try having a drink at home one night and see how it affects you. If everything's fine, then you know you can have it while you're out.

Sidebar: I've taken to carrying a ziplock with a travel pack of Charmin wet wipes and one of those tiny bottles of Oust with me just in case of an emergency. I got both in the target dollar section and they fit in a small coach wristlet with my cards, cash, phone and camera.
Thank you guys! All good stuff! I think I may have to go by the store and get some of the air plain size bottles to try at home first!:wink:
Sake and sake bombs are good when your at an asian restaurant. The asian beer is a lot dryer in taste and not as bubbly and harsh in taste.

Me, I like to start off with jager bombs, vodka straight, washington apple(I like my shots) I find that I don't really get my crohns symptoms after a night of drinking though I may get the urge to go potty when I first start to drink. Even the day after I don;t have that hate of myself for drinking so much the night before (well except for maybe a hangover if I decided the very last shot would be a 3 wisemen...)but I don;t seem to go any more than a usual day...I just have more fun getting to the bathroom.
My preference would be iced tea... Volunteer to be the designated driver. I used to work as a bouncer when I was young... did that pretty steady for over a decade. Alcohol does things to people... and it's a total fact that you don't need it to have a great time. Just a thought... alcohol is not good for us... apparently the mucosa (sp?) of the GI tract does not fare the best from it... which MAY give Crohns fresh ground to set up shop in your gut. OK, that's a gross oversimplification of what I've heard over the years, and could be totally out of sync with current thoughts on the matter. I do take the occasional drink, and it hasn't killed me (yet). Here's another abstract but related thought... if you go with a mix, maybe diet or sugar substitute mixes should be taken off the list. Most artificial sweeteners (and I'm sure there are folks here who know which ones are which) seem to play havoc with inflamatory illnesses. This ring a bell with anyone? I could be wrong, but it might be worth looking into sooner versus later.
Interesting that a Chinese doc today informed me that you should NOT drink tea on an empty stomach. He suggested you drink tea with food only, so it is not hard on the belly. He suggested only ginger in hot water, fresh ginger. That will help reduce inflammation. He also suggested I chew a piece of fresh garlic each night, after finishing a meal. He thinks there may be an infection in the lining of the belly and the garlic has natural antibiotic properties and should fix it. He said garlic capsules are fine, if breath gets too nasty from fresh garlic. Hope these tips may help!

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