Where ya at?

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Dec 28, 2007
I'm sure this has been done in here but I'd like to know where everyone is from. Not everyone has this under their avatar.

So, Where ya at???

I'm currently living in Maple Valley, WA ~ SE of Seattle
~prior to that I lived in California
jed said:
adelaide south australia.

we have a beach

I play Eve Online with a lot of people from Europe, and a few from Australia. So like a year ago this young kid from France was playing with us, and the guy in Australia was playing saying how his door is open and the damn Koala's were coming into his house and he had to get a broom to shoosh them out. Then he started screaming (we play on Vent and can hear/talk to eac hother) that a dang Kangaroo was attacking his wife. Then later said he had to go because his kid was trapped in his room due to more koalas.

The poor French kid totally bought into this and it took all our power not to start laughing.
ha Joe! a few of us aussies used to do the same thing with Americas Army Online.

ahhh good times with the kangaroos. going on how steve irwin was pretty normal for an aussie guy.....
It's not. One of the finger lakes, camping last summer. They all look the same though. I imagine that Drew's avatar is the same lake as my picture.
... on the same day
...... in the same place
.......... with the same camera
........... ah........ imagination.....
Pen said:
I am right beside Lake Superior ...close to a river you couldnt spell or the town I actually live in, no one gets. Both First nations names

Where - Murillo? Nolalu??
Rats. That's the best I could do trying to stalk you.
Holy cow! Mapquest says I can get to Florida faster than I can get to your house, but I'm in NY. What are the roads 10mph there?
Pen, don't look now - but Creepy is in love with you and is now going to stalk you. I TOLD you to be careful with the info you put on here!
Pen lives in ca ca falls! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!

Uh, I think there's only one street there, and a 4 way stop. Not even a traffic light.
My Butt Hurts said:
It's not. One of the finger lakes, camping last summer. They all look the same though. I imagine that Drew's avatar is the same lake as my picture.
... on the same day
...... in the same place
.......... with the same camera
........... ah........ imagination.....
I think thats actually is true.

You never answered where you are. My uncle lives in canastoda, my gram in adams center, family from Oswego to pulaski.
I answered. Upstate NY. That's all ya' get.
(Too many whackballs on here to give exact town. y\Yeah, I'm a whackball too - I'm just sayin'.)

We've been camping in Pulaski.
Pen said:
Yes it is sometimes too quiet, but it has been a little depressing because I havent seen the sun in almost 2 weeks, tomorrow is supposed to be the first day of sun,,,yeah right we will see.

I get to see little deer near my apple trees and very remote.

My Butt Hurts said:
I answered. Upstate NY. That's all ya' get.
(Too many whackballs on here to give exact town. y\Yeah, I'm a whackball too - I'm just sayin'.)

We've been camping in Pulaski.
I understand, but the only thing wacked in this forum is our intestines.
Back to the original topic (sorry to hijack the hijack...):

I'm in Mukilteo, WA, but hopefully next year I will be somewhere out east. Preferably in the middle of nowhere.
My Butt Hurts said:
Pen, don't look now - but Creepy is in love with you and is now going to stalk you. I TOLD you to be careful with the info you put on here!

'Ello, what this then?

I live in good 'ol Blighty, don'cha know.
I live on the northwest coast of Ireland.
My house looks out onto the Atlantic, and the next town after ours is in Greenland!!!
Vancouver WA ... just outside Portland Oregon and no its not one of the finger lakes (man that sounds dirty) .. in my avatar .. its the coastline of Alaska
Pen live somewhere near Hume, Hunt or Oliver, maybe? I always thought by the way you talked Pen you lived much farther north, you're much closer to me than I thought.

Chicago suburbs is all I'm putting.
I'm in southwest Missouri, a little town about 3000 named Willard. If you've heard of Branson, we are about an hour and 15 minutes north of there (and avoid it like the plague!!).

drew_wymore said:
Vancouver WA ... just outside Portland Oregon and no its not one of the finger lakes (man that sounds dirty) .. in my avatar .. its the coastline of Alaska

Umm, yeah - mine is the coastline of Alaska too....
Pen said:
Sounds beautiful!

It really is Pen.
I spent quite a few years living where ever I could find work, but I've been back home for 4 years now. Every morning I wake up and look at the view and pinch myself.

On the minus side, the weather leaves a lot to be desired:)
I want to visit Danman! I think several years from now after we've gotten to know each other more we should do vacation home exchanges. You can leave the keys under your doormat Dan. :)
theability said:
I live at My usual hospital in Austin Tx.....

crohns' sucks! :voodoo:

Hey, how about this weather we're having! It's dang near feeling like we're in that time of year others like to call "Fall"
Currently live in Mannheim, Germany but have lived in many places to include Southern California, South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Kansas, Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Croatia, Hungary, Bulgaria and Kosovo. Jacksonville, Florida is home and is where I will settle down in after my time in the army is done.
Pen said:
Hey GIjoe it has been awhile, you are doing your country a wonderful service. So when do you get to go home? Hope you are well. Take care.

Hi Pen, I am on almost everyday, just don't post much. Just another lurker most of the time..lol. I am scheduled to go back stateside next August. Not sure where I am going yet, but hopefully somewhere warm all year round.
butt-eze said:
I want to visit Danman! I think several years from now after we've gotten to know each other more we should do vacation home exchanges. You can leave the keys under your doormat Dan. :)

No problem Butt-eze, but I warn you, the weather is terrible round here:ymad:
I am kindof your neighbor, Ontario isn't far at all. I was in Ottawa for Turkeyday.

But, I don't live in Canada, I live in Quebec!

After I moved here I was talking to a salesperson and when I told him I was from outside Quebec he said "Oh, you are from another country?" :lol:
Pen said:
That is funny Wiles, sometimes you have to be careful being in Quebec, some real French their dont fancy the English. My daughter is in Ottawa and she loves it!

I haven't had any problems so far. Montreal is probably more open than the rest of Quebec though because it really is a multicultural city. You can walk down the street and hear so may different languages being spoken.
That is pretty funny that Mad Max came back on the same day as me. Maybe we are really the same person and Hamp is my other personality.

I think some members might be interested in my sex-crazed alter ego...

I have revealed too much! :eek:utahere:
football? its orite.. my boyfriend gets really caught up in it. gets relli angry if his team looses. to me its just a game lol
Pen said:
Hamp where have you been?? Studying hard I bet. How are your course workload and how are you feeling?

Yep, studying a bit... havent gotten to the crohns stuff yet, but i can tell you EVERYTHING there is to know about kneejoints :D

Feeling great! Thanks for asking. How are you feeling yourself?
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Isla said:
That is pretty funny that Mad Max came back on the same day as me. Maybe we are really the same person and Hamp is my other personality.

I think some members might be interested in my sex-crazed alter ego...

I have revealed too much! :eek:utahere:

"Mad Max"? Do you, mademoiselle Isla, therefor imply that I too am sex crazed?

Do you remember in that picture thread a while back and I said you looked like the character Mad Max and posted a pic of him.... that was Mad Max. (I will try to find the thread later.)

And no Hamp, you are one of my more odd personalities. Plus my sex-crazed personality is a woman.
I live in 2 places in Saskatchewan, Canada. (they are listed under my avatar). Try finding me, i dare you :tongue:

One of them does not even show up on most maps...
Hehe see, I told you i'm hard to track down ;).

No, definitely no typo lol. But 99% of people have never heard of Canora. Just remember...trains. That'll help you remember my town.