Who else got a cold already?

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May 28, 2010
Bad news is I couldn't escape this year... Im normally 007 untouchable, as i dodge all the sick people, like im playing dodge ball lol

Good news is i get to test out this new immune system from the transplant lol. Gosh colds feel like crum though!

Who else got hit with the unlucky stick this year?
I had bronchitis in mid/late Oct which lasted something like 3 weeks. It seemed to start out as a cold but stuck around and worsened.
I caught one from Lilly, and it went right to my chest. I had it for 3 weeks, and I still cough when I exercise, but the cough is almost gone.
Kala : Oh no, TWO colds already! Stay warm during these winter months!

Cat : Thats what im thinking about whats happening with me :( started a cold, but now i feel it all up in my chest, and it hurts when i cough. Never really had bronchitis before, so not sure what to expect. Where you on remicade of something when you got broncitis?

Honestly i think this cold feeling is not that much better than when i had chemo. Kinda of the same fatigue, exhausted/nauseuos feeling. Just some useless info lol
Feel better Zig!! I usually have one a year but nothing serious! Nothing so far this year though:)
Ziggy, no, I'm only on Asacol right now, not on anything that would be suppressing my immune system. I went to the doctor about 2 weeks in and that's when I was diagnosed with bronchitis, and I was given antibiotics, an inhaler, and codeine cough syrup. If your cold sticks around, it might be worth a visit to the doctor. Are you wheezing or anything like that? I was wheezing in the mornings when I had bronchitis, which is unusual for me because I don't have asthma or anything like that, so that's why they gave me the inhaler.

Edited to add: Are you coughing up any mucus? If so, is it clear or colored? Clear is supposedly okay but green or brown mucus can indicate an infection. I had green, brown, yellow, and even bloody mucus that I was coughing up. Not fun!
Just getting over one now...it's been almost 3 weeks...just have a niggling cough left.
Had a bad sore throat for 3 days, then sore ears but fought it off...Haven't been in public much so ..knock..on wood!
Hmm maybe I ought to go to the doctor then, I had a cold/flu thing that kept me in bed for 4 days, now I have a horrible wheezy cough and bring up little bits of green phlegm :(
i had bronchitis in July...and "early pneumonia" in my lower left lung. awesome. didn't get over it for almost a month. but i also didn't go to a doctor for about two weeks after my cough started :redface: they gave me a breathing treatment, inhaler, and antibiotics. i was still wheezing with a slight cough for almost a week after my inhaler was empty. but i got over it eventually! hope everyone is getting over their colds...
..just wanted to add that there are quite a few people that are sick at my work right now. cross your fingers i don't get infected.
This year I've been (knock on wood) luck as I've caught 2 small colds lasting less than a week. Last year I caught 3 colds all lasting about a month and all turned into bad sinus infections. I have a 5 year old though so I'm bound to catch something sooner or later
I have a 7 year old and a 12 year old so bound to get something at some point.
Am on Infliximab/Remicade as well and my 7 year old is home form school at the moment with a really bad cold and cough.
Cant really stay away from him either!!
Hope everyone stays well and recovers from your colds/coughs soon.

Sharon xxxxx
Nothing yet, but nothing for my kids and hubby too. We are all healthy right now. I also had my flu shot this year (I skipped last year) and I try not to be exposed in viruses, I avoid theatres, clubs and restaurants, I dont need/use public transportation and I wash my hands all the time. Good thing that with the recession in full force in Greece, I dont have money to go anywhere, so I dont even have the chance to be exposed to viruses.
I'm off work this week with my second heavy cold; more like flu symptoms, and I've had a flu jab!
My cold is sinusitis, thick lemon curd snot, pounding head, ear ache and face ache. I'm hot then cold, sleepy and grumpy.
My teeth hurt too and it's kicked off a lovely flare to boot!
Geeze Astra - take care of yourself! That sinusitis is no fun - been there! The worst for me the last time I had that was when everything suddenly let loose - couldn't grab tissues quick enough! YUK!!!

Still knocking on wood - although today I have a sinus/ear ache - hoping it is from stress from the past few days.....and will go away.....

oh - speaking of green phlegm - I almost ALWAYS cough up at least a little - yellowish or even green - but am asymptomatic otherwise for any chest infection etc.....not exactly sure why.....but always hope that it doesn't get worse !
Ziggy, no, I'm only on Asacol right now, not on anything that would be suppressing my immune system. I went to the doctor about 2 weeks in and that's when I was diagnosed with bronchitis, and I was given antibiotics, an inhaler, and codeine cough syrup. If your cold sticks around, it might be worth a visit to the doctor. Are you wheezing or anything like that? I was wheezing in the mornings when I had bronchitis, which is unusual for me because I don't have asthma or anything like that, so that's why they gave me the inhaler.

Edited to add: Are you coughing up any mucus? If so, is it clear or colored? Clear is supposedly okay but green or brown mucus can indicate an infection. I had green, brown, yellow, and even bloody mucus that I was coughing up. Not fun!

Yeah i have a weeze sometimes, and it helps if i cough up the mucus. It isnt green, but its definitely yellow! Gross lol.

Im glad you're feeling better!
Well I finally had an x-ray today. Good news is the film looks good. However I have a mild bronchitis. Was given antibiotics. I hate them, but I guess I'll surrender and take em this time... I hope everyone else gets to feeling better - holidays are almost here! :)
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Just recovering from fluey cold, three weeks now.
Have not had one in twelve years.
Started the day before my flu shot was due and had to postpone the immunisation.
Probably get it next week.
Hope everyone is soon recovered from all these symptoms.
Caught a cold in the hospital two days after an open bowel resection. I'm one week post-op, at home and still sneezing and coughing. Ouch!