Wont be on here as much anymore.

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jul 7, 2010
Hey guys, I just wanted to let you guys know that college starts in 3 days and I will prob not be on as much as I ussually am. Gona have to delete this page from my favorites in order to continue hiding the disease from my friends since they use my computer.

This place has been extremely helpful for me with questions and solutions reguarding crohns. Ofcourse I will stop by every now and they to help out and ask question for myself. Hopefully I am on remission for the whole school year...but thats a long shot.

Anyways, Just wanted to send out a heads up. And a thank you for all the help during the summer.
Ethan, what are we gonna do without the crazy kid lol. :confused2: You say you want to hide the fact you have Crohn's, that surprises me but maybe because you feel embarrassed? Well you shouldnt be, no one brings it on themselves. But I do understand you want to keep your privacy. Not such a bad thing.

Just dont be too much of a stranger, you know we are always here!

:goodluck: with college and show us how smart you are!

Behave and eat well and not too much partying. :smile:

Keep us blessed with your presence once in a while!
aw Ethan, the forum will miss you!! good luck with college, but please do try and pop in when you can - you could always set your login with a password & let your friends use a guest account!
Good Luck with Study and as I wrote earlier to Cally,

If there is anything that is good to say about Crohn's (IBD) it is the determination that it bring out in all of us!! Once we know what we have for a hand, the only thing that we can do is play it the best of our ability. Best of luck in all that life offers.
I'll be starting school too. Just hope I can keep my crohn's under control while studying!

I wish you the best of luck!


Diagnosed: Crohn’s December ‘09
Gastritis August ’09, TMJD 1992
Surgeries: 1-terminal ileum removal
Treatments: Current- pentasa
Past- pred. aciphex, ranitidine
Other: Multi-vitamin, calcium,
digestive enzymes, probiotics,
and fish oil
good luck with school and I hope you have a good year. drop by and let us know how you are doing from time to time.
dingbat made a good point set up your comp with password and have them use guest log in.
Hey Ethan,

Sending you tons of luck with college life and study....................


Remember Roo's going fine at uni so it may very well go the same way for you, keeping my fingers and toes crossed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Missing you already, :( but have fun! :)
Hey Ethan

Good luck with your studies and remission for the year (my fingers are crossed for you). We will be here if you need us at any stage.

Take care, have fun and enjoy yourself:thumright:
Oh No!!!
crazy dude's outa here!

Hey, seriously, good luck, I wish you well, and we'll see ya soon!
Thanks guys, And im sure ill do fine. Ill try to keep the partying to a minimun but maybe not lol.

And also, I just like to hide my crohns because I dont want pity from anyone
I can relate to not wanting the pity, thankfully though I'm the only one that uses my laptop :D

I know you'll do great at school, everyone I know with crohn's seems to be a determined group of people. Class doesn't start for me until Monday, but thankfully I'll have a good study buddy and partner in crime since my sister and I are going to the same university. She won't let me slack and vice versa!
I'm going back to college pretty soon as well. Having to completely go into a different major because the IT jobs are dwindling to next to nothing. Hopefully you picked the right major.

Well, have fun with those all night study sessions. I never do...:yfrown:
LOL Well good luck with your studies, Ethan! Hope you have a great year!

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