Hi, I have been reading this forum and hoping someone with experience with this disease can offer feedback.
In July, my husband had what we thought was a boil close to his anus. (he had 2 more prior to this and he drained them himself) this one in July was extremely painful and huge. We went to the emergency and the first question they asked was if my husband had Crohns. They cut it open....no freezing..it was absolute hell for him. Sent him home with a follow up appointment with dr. Since then he basically has trouble daily with severe anal pain, a little pus drainage, blood in stool, some cramping ab pain. The doc scheduled him for colonoscopy. They couldn't do it because he a severe right curve somewhere in the colon, lots of scar tissue causing narrowing and he was full of diverticulitus (sp) So now he is scheduled for a barium enema test in the new year. We have changed his diet low fibre, low residue, seems to help. He has been to doc several times but no diagnosis yet. Questions, if he has a fistula from that absess will not treating it make it worse? Should the barium test help diagnose. This all came on very suddenly and we are very worried. Any help would be appreciated!
In July, my husband had what we thought was a boil close to his anus. (he had 2 more prior to this and he drained them himself) this one in July was extremely painful and huge. We went to the emergency and the first question they asked was if my husband had Crohns. They cut it open....no freezing..it was absolute hell for him. Sent him home with a follow up appointment with dr. Since then he basically has trouble daily with severe anal pain, a little pus drainage, blood in stool, some cramping ab pain. The doc scheduled him for colonoscopy. They couldn't do it because he a severe right curve somewhere in the colon, lots of scar tissue causing narrowing and he was full of diverticulitus (sp) So now he is scheduled for a barium enema test in the new year. We have changed his diet low fibre, low residue, seems to help. He has been to doc several times but no diagnosis yet. Questions, if he has a fistula from that absess will not treating it make it worse? Should the barium test help diagnose. This all came on very suddenly and we are very worried. Any help would be appreciated!