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Well-known member
Mar 10, 2012
Off topic but looking for help -

So took O to derm for her rashes and he saw the white rash around her eyes and swollen eyes and said to take Zyrtec at night. I figured at night because most of the drowsiness would wear off by daytime. So she has been taking Zyrtec since Thursday.

Today after swim practice she crashes and sleeps for over 4 hours. She NEVER naps. I had to drag her out of her coma. I took her to her Relay for Life event and everyone says she looks terrible. I know it isn't her Crohns and anemia because blood results from Monday are fine, bathroom is fine and just had Remi on Monday so I figure the Zyrtec is zonking her out. I went to the pharmacy to see if there was a lesser dosage with another brand or a non drowsy formula and they were of no help.

Does anyone have experience with allergy meds? Do you think I can sub in Claritin?

I am going to stop the Zyrtec and call derm on Monday... I would rather have white rash around her eyes and have them open!!
Yes, my two kids and I have to take meds for seasonal allergy. Yes they make me VERY tired at first. The tiredness should ware of after a few days of taking them. So I'm surprised she's not use to it yet. Could it be acting this way because of her other meds. Let me know.
Of course her body could just be more sensitive to it.

Around the eyes or on the eye???
Zyrtec can be done in kiddy strength 5 mg or adult 10 mg
See what your doc wants your kiddo on.

DS has been on it since he was 8 months old.
First two weeks are rough.
Claritin is almost useless . We add it as a bump up but never alone.
There is also Allegra . Every kiddo is different.
If her eyes are bothering her there is patanol which is an eye drop you need a script for.
Zyrtec is non drowsy but if you take it at bed then there is less if an issue since it does not last the full 24 hours.
That usually helps
DS has limbal vernal keratoconjuntivitis . So if there are white dots on her eyes then it does really need treated.
C has always had allergies and we have to switch between meds because their effectiveness seems to wear off. Zyrtec does work the longest for him but yeah there is a certain fatigue, zombieness(new word!) to it no matter the length of time we are on it. We've found a morning dose is better with zyrtec. Since before his diagnosis we've avoided allergy meds due to the fatigue they cause on top of the anemia but 3 days ago he said his allergies were getting bad so we started zyrtec yesterday. Im a little worried because C has had impacted sinuses before and didn't even realize it so thinking about getting bloodwork Monday just to make sure there is no infection going on with remi coming up on Friday. Whatcha think good idea? Remi has turned me paranoid over infections!
Oh and I agree with lil penguin we usually go from zyrtec to allegra less fatigue and claritin is useless for us! Hope you get it figured out for O!
THE COMMITTEE ROCKS!:headbang: Thanks guys!

Pharmacist says - Zyrtec is currently not making the children's strength 5 mg tablets...DARN!

Derm said adult strength fine but really? She is 5 feet tall and 75 pounds..I don't know any adult that size!

Rash is clearly on the skin around the eyes. He thinks eczema.

Interaction with other drugs...hmmm maybe...she is also on an antibiotic for the weeping rash and then all her Crohns crap but Derm knew all that...maybe he doesn't care...zombie but nice clear skin.

OK maybe I will try to switch to Allegra or just stick it out till Monday and give them a call.

Clash - I would get those sinuses checked. Although I have been at infusion with some pretty sick kids in the room. One girl was hacking up a lung with a disgusting juicy chesty cough. O had the seat right next to her. So I don't think they change infusions dates unless your kids is really super sick but better safe than sorry.
Per our allergist we have to give DS 5mg in the morning and 5mg in the evening since his allergies are so bad. He is 61 lbs.

Hope she gets some relief
Thanks for the advice. C told me yesterday he just got over his anemia and if he left up to me and his gp would have him right back in it, he sneezes I say Doctor and he swears the doctor is a little too bloodwork happy! When C was younger we did split the allergy pills too, my lil penguin has got it going on!
Oh yeah set it up and everything just haven't figured out how to convince C its the wave of the future and all the cool kids have 'em muwahahaha!
Thanks for the summary on the 3, we've only ever tried Claritin, not Zyrtec or Allegra. We do Benadryl sometimes too though. And Alex is on a prescription for Periactin, an appetite stimulant that also works on allergies. Alex has eczema and psoriasis rashes too. Interesting about the eye - he's been battling pinkeye for 2 months and it started after an eczema like patch at the outer corner (skin) of his eye that he still has. We've been using Zaditor allergy eye drops too, I think it helps keep his hands away from his eyes. Something to consider.
One thing to note when Ds was on periactin ( per GI for stomach pain) our allergist had us really limit the use of benadryl he was permitted. As in Allergy only wanted him to have benadryl in a hospital setting. He was still allowed zyrtec but a much smaller dose. He was not allowed claritin at the same time in combo with the zrytec either. due to the periactin. We also contacted neurology since old school antihistamines can cause seizures- zyrtec was their drug of choice if one was needed in combo with the periactin.
Ryan does best with allegra in the mornings. Zyrtec works but makes him tired...and like everyone else has said, Claritin is useless. We don't do adult dose either. I think he's too small and with the other issues, who knows how those time-released things really work on our kids!

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