I don't quite suffer from everything under the sun (yet, I think my doctors are determined I will though :voodoo

but I have a few little beauties that love to cause chaos, so maybe I qualify for this.
What I have -
Coeliac disease - autoimmune gluten intolerance/allergy, severe case (TTG supposed to be under 10, they gave up counting mine when they got to 200, this happened on about 6 repeat tests), currently under good control (no thanks to doctors) diagnosed at age 14 after a year of testing.
Familial Hypocalcuric Hypercalcimia - Too much calcium in my blood stream, my body is not realising when calcium levels get higher than normal, until they are at most people's danger levels, so it doesn't get rid of it through urine unlike most peoples, I have probably had this all my life, so my body learnt to cope. I have to have careful monitioring and stay away from calcium supplements. Diagnosed age 15.
Osteopenia - Just like many others here, I have thinning bones, I can't remember what my bone score is, and my various specialists cannot agree a suitable treatment, or which of them is even responsible for finding one. Diagnosed age 17/18 (Can't fully remember)
A variant of TMJ - When I was growing, my jaws didn't grow correctly, which has resulted in my bottom jaw being a little too short and my top jaw being a little too long.. I am currently in discussion about having braces and surgery to create a better bite and make eating etc easier. Diagnosed at 17.
Asthma- diagnosed at 18, when I was diagnosed I was catergorised as modertate-severe now catergorised as mild, still use a steroid inhaler every day.
Query inflammatory arthritis/chronic pain/fibromyalgia Currently don't know which, but my rheumy is saying that all the joint pain and tenderness is more than likely down to one of these three things, so I'm having Isotope scans in April to look for inflammation.
And of course.. the lovely crohns, which isn't behaving itself as much as I'd like it to at the moment..
I currently don't work, per doctors advice.
I'm currently taking -
Vit D3 800IU x 4,
Mini-pill (extreme period pain, endometriosis has been mentioned several times, never had tests),
Steroid inhaler x2 daily,
buscopan 2x 10mg when needed,
cocodamol 8/500 when needed,
tramadol 1-2 x 50mg when needed (very rarely use it) and my doctors are arguing amongst themselves over me taking Alendronic Acid, currently not taking.
I'm not taking any crohns meds, another thing my doctors are arguing about. I would feel safer if I was.
I keep track of meds with a weekly pill dispenser, or at least I did last year when I was taking something silly like 28 pills a day..
My doctors get along some times, currently, they can't agree who is supposed to treat the osteopenia, I have 2 GIs, one of them is an IBD specialist, but I only see him about once a year, so I have to see the non specialist most of the time.. I used to really like him, but my last appointment made me less sure.. My rheumy spent the first ten mins of our appointment correcting other doctors mistakes, and my endocrinologist doesn't think the high calcium is his problem, and made me feel like a little kid, telling his registra to 'reassure me and send me home'. I was only there because one of the GIs sent me there because he wasn't sure what to do..
I'll come back with some tips another time.. this post is turning into an essay
Edit- I forgot to add, that I also have fluid around my lungs, and I've had cysts on my kidneys (not sure if they have ruptured or not) .