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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. xJillx

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    @Sunshine - I am sorry you are doing so poorly. I hope you enjoy celebrating your 2 year anniversary! You deserve to be spoiled a bit. Today wasn't a great day for me either. Ab pain has been back. It's all over and moves around from R side to L side pain. Mucus has stuck around, too, but...
  2. xJillx


    Hi Krizma and welcome! I agree with my friends above - it's time to see a GI. Unfortunately, it may take some time and numerous tests to really figure out what's going on. My issues started in July 2010, and I am still in limbo. It won't be easy, but you must push through to get to the...
  3. xJillx

    Not sure?

    Hi and welcome! Take it from me, you can have false negative biopsies. I had a diagnosis, but it was stripped from me since biopsies are always negative, but I most certainly have Crohn's. So, being that you had blood and mucus after stopping canasa, it sounds like you have chronic...
  4. xJillx

    New here....... And very stressed! Really need some advice

    Hi Jade and welcome! Yup, it's time to see a GI. The GI will either take a passive approach (blood work, imagine test, stool sample) or aggressive approach (colonoscopy and/or endoscopy). Though it might not be ideal, I'd push for the aggressive approach. Scopes are the best way to see what...
  5. xJillx

    Just Diagnosed - any tips or advice please?

    Hi and welcome! My first bit of advice is be vocal with your GI. If pred isn't working, your doctor needs to know. Also, I suggest keeping a daily log. I record what I eat, BM's, and symptoms. It helps to figure out your safe & no-no foods. Also, it can be helpful when talking with your...
  6. xJillx

    Dx was a long time coming!

    Hi Lesley and welcome! I can't believe it has taken you so long to get some answers! I know first hand a diagnosis can be difficult to get, but I had no idea it could be that tough and long! I agree with Grumbletum, I'd ask your GI for some pred to carry you over through your wedding &...
  7. xJillx

    I think it's back

    Hi floridagirl and welcome! I know exactly what you are saying! I haven't been in remission, but if I get a few "good days" in a row, I can quickly forget about my health problems. But then, I get that twinge and I am quickly reminded. Oh, I really hope it isn't your Crohn's, but as Misty...
  8. xJillx

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Oh boy! I am sorry to hear my fellow undiagnosed pals aren't doing so hot. Why is this right before the Holidays?! @Sunshine - I can't believe your GI's out right said they want you to flare. Aren't doctors supposed to get their patients well? At least when my GI doctor stopped my meds...
  9. xJillx

    Bowel Prep Club

    Ugh, I am sorry you felt so awful coming out of the procedure. I hope your doctor is right with not needing to be concerned about the small erosion. Will you be discussing possible maintence drugs in your follow up appointment or did you already do this after the procedure.
  10. xJillx

    Hello.. Again... :)

    Best of luck with the trial. I hope those men get what they deserve! I am so glad to hear your recovery is going well - hooray!
  11. xJillx


    Hi Pine Barrens and welcome! I am so happy to hear you have been doing much better since your surgery. I hope you continue to do well, and getting on a maintenance drug will help do that. So, you may want to check out our Treatment forum to familiarize yourself with the different options...
  12. xJillx

    New and looking for support

    Hi LanaBanana and welcome! Getting a Crohn's diagnosis can be a daunting process, trust me, I know. I had one, and then it was taken away! Crazy! Anyways, it is not in your head. You know your body best, and if you know something isn't right, keep fighting to find out what's wrong. I know...
  13. xJillx

    Cynical and Dark

    Hi Lisa and welcome. I am sorry you are not doing well and that life is only "tolerable" with pain medication. I really hope your appointment on the 22nd with the colorectal surgeon is successful and some plan of attack is drawn up. Crossing my fingers that relief is around the corner...
  14. xJillx

    Advice and help surgery ?

    Hi and welcome! I am sorry to hear you may be facing surgery. However, several forum members have had surgery and are doing better than ever. I hope if you do need surgery, you'll see a huge improvement. I suggest checking out the Surgery subforum to talk with others who have undergone an...
  15. xJillx

    New here!

    Hi Loogle and welcome! I am so sorry to hear your Crohn's has been so challenging that you are now a "complex" case. With the removal of your descending, transverse and portion of your ascending colong, do you now have a stoma? Have you tried Humira? Though Remicade didn't work, there's a...
  16. xJillx

    May be soon joining the DIAGNOSED CLUB!

    Glad to hear you are closer to getting a diagnosis. The pill cam was the easiest test I have done thus far. What prep will you have to do? It seems places vary greatly on the prep needed for a pill cam. Some doctors only require a fast, while mine wanted fast + full colonoscopy prep.
  17. xJillx

    Bowel Prep Club

    Good luck! We'll be waiting for an update.
  18. xJillx

    Undiagnosed & need some advice

    I am glad you are on your way to getting some answers. A colonoscopy is the best way to figure out what's truly going on in that colon of yours. Please continue to keep us posted.
  19. xJillx

    When theres no bathrooms...and hundreds of people saw

    Oh, I am so very sorry this happened to you. I am sure many of us can understand all the horrific emotions you went though. I hope pred does settle things down for you, and Remicade will be an absolute miracle for you!
  20. xJillx

    It's been a while...

    Do not call yourself Neurotic. You did the right thing, and like you said, take her to the A&E again if she bleeds more. Who cares what the nurses think. Guess what? If it was their child, they'd do the same exact thing. I really hope Ella response quickly to the pred and feels better soon.