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  1. K

    Omvoh (mirikizumab) (similar to Stelara) approved for UC but not for Crohns??

    Well I just found out that Omvoh (mirikizumab) was approved for UC but not for Crohns. It seems that every other biologic that works for UC also works for Crohns, so I am wondering why they did not approved for Crohns.... the more options the better (well at least for the patients) since the...
  2. K

    Is Stelara failing me?

    I started Stelara last August, and to my surprise my FCP levels have been going up…. It’s not very bad yet but it’s not getting better. I will try to attach a snapshot of my results….. Higher than 500 before Remicade….after starting Remicade in 6 months FCP was down to low fifties, after...
  3. K

    small bowel resection with active Crohns?

    Hi there; So I am supposed to get a small bowel resection surgery tomorrow for an stricture in the ileum at the site of a previous anastomosis. The problem is that I just started Stelara (my first injection after the induction was a month ago) and I had a lot of stress these last two weeks. I...
  4. K

    Low Calprotectin and Remicade

    I had to wait 3 months between my last two Remicade infusions, the first time because of having a procedure and the latest time because of a hiccup in my insurance. Just the day before the last infusion, (more than 90 days from the last Remicade infusion) my Calprotectin levels were 46 and CR...
  5. K

    Abdominal hernia repair surgery at location of old ileostomy and stop or not to stop?

    I did a search online and some articles say that its better to stop it before major surgery, others say that it does not matter, probably here in the forum the topic has been discussed but I could not find the link......
  6. K

    Lymphocytosis / high lymphocytes count on Remicade / Infliximab ??

    Hi everyone...I started Remicade a few months ago, and I am a success story I think.....C reactive protein less than 0.5, calprotectin from 500 to 87.....mucosal healing in colonoscopy, no symptoms, gaining weight.....but.... When they did a CBC a month ago, everything was normal except my...
  7. K

    Appendix removal = more chances of getting Crohns disease??

    As per some theories the appendix is "supposedly" there to help with repopulate healthy bacteria in the gut, I am curious if one has more chances of getting Crohn's if your appendix was removed???
  8. K

    Endoscopic Needle Knife Stricturotomy (NKSt) vs balloon dilation for Crohn's disease stricture treatment in distal ileum...any advice??

    Later this month I am supposed to have a balloon dilation in order to treat a stricture in my distal ileum, with steroid injections in order to try to avoid surgery. However doing some research online I discovered that the balloon dilation results usually do not last very long.....I came across...