A possible cure for LBS(leaky butt syndrome).

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jul 8, 2016
"Sometimes when I wipe...Ill wipe, and ill wipe, and ill wipe...100 times.... Still poop, still poop. Its like I'm wiping a marker or something." - Andy from Parks and Rec describing LBS.

Read this and you might go from...
":poo: + L(leak) = :poop: :stinks:" ...... to...... ":poo: + :boring: = :poop: :dusty:"!

Leaky/gross P:oops: >>>>P:oops: that are hard/dense

This is meant to be somewhat funny but is also somewhat serious...I would like those in this community to discuss this before any of you actually try it...

Searching for this problem on google, most of the posts seem to be coming from this forum...So please let me know what you guys think about this...

I don't suffer from chroms disease or even really know what it is, but I do suffer from an annoying side effect many of you have....I havn't really figured out why so many that have this skin disorder of having shiny metallic skin share this condition with me. JK, I somewhat know what Crohn's disease is...I tie leaky butt to going to the bathroom too much, age, or in my case overwiping for years because I was OCD and a hypochondriac.

:cry: Why do some of our anus valves appear to be broken? :cry:

I think myself, and many of you, have blown out our O-rings over the years and the elasticity and closing abilities of our anuses have diminished.
Some of you may have leaky butt from other issues, so this really just pertains to the ones where it appears their ******* valves are not closing completely after going to the bathroom.

So, I more want to see what you guys think about this cure and if it is applicable to those suffering from Crohn's and LBS together. I wouldn't recommend any of you try it till others in this community can respond to this post with suggestions or critisizms of its feasibility and safety!

:confused: :confused:How to figure out whether to take "the cure" and how much of it to take :confused: :confused:

The "cure" is the anti-diahreal drug immodium that can be purchased without a prescription. The reasons as to why it works and possible dangers are listed very far below, so make sure to partially waste 10 minutes of your time reading the rest of this questionably funny post!

Please read it all, its important for you to figure out the "CP:LR x IR" = X"....Compare the answer before and after taking immodium to figure out right dose. For those bad at math...

CP=Constipation Potential. You judge the CP by analyzing the hardness of your poop by scratching it with a diamond...If the diamond breaks its a 10 if the diamond floats in your poop it is 1.

LR=Leak rate. You measure the LR by rewiping every 30 minutes, and then weighing how much fecal matter accumulates on tissue, so weighing .00 grams would be a 1, while weighing anything over 3 pounds is a 10.

IR = Impaction risk If at risk its 0, if not its 1

The most ideal ratio is 6:1, but anywhere between 4-8:1-3 will do...I am currently at 10:1 or 10:4 if you count blood in the weight. If the equation equals 0 or below please do not try this!

:awe: My story - An unneccesary description of my *******, an overdescriptive detailed account of my bowel history, and how I discovered the immodium cure! :awe:

If you don't want to read about the history of my *******, and just want to skip to why immodium works then scroll about 2/3rds down the page!

If any of you suffer from leaky butt syndrome, or LBS for short, you will know how debilitating this condition can be. Essentially it is when you go poop and wipe it clean but your butt continues to leak....its like you go back to the bathroom anywhere from 10 minutes to 4 hours later, you wipe again, and its like you never wiped at all! It really sucks, I used to have to plan my days around my *****, I would usually only poop when I knew I would be home alone for at least 4 or 5 hours(thats usually when the leakage stops)....if I took a **** while going out with friends I would constantly have to run to the bathroom every 15-30 minutes to rewipe out of fear of smelling putrid.

Well, after years of an unfortunate oxycodone and heroin addiction I am pleased to inform you that I have discovered a cure! All the hard work I spent stealing and not doing anything with my life DID pay off in the end! No more smelling like **** at friendly gatherings or having to plug my ass with a cork!

If anything beneficial came out of my addiction it is as follows...

Why immodium works and the hard "work" I had to put in to discover this miracle cure

Opiates cause constipation, and while addicted to them I developed some very impressive hemorrhoids and fissures as a result. But as my tolerance grew or when I ran out of money and couldn't afford much something miraculous happened...I was able to poop without being constipated but I did not suffer any leak butt! :eek:utahere:

After becoming clean, the leaky butt syndrome returned...my leaky ass threatened my recovery several times! Being fed up I sought treatment...doctors would suggest things like a "high fiber diet" but this only made things worse because it made my poop soft, squishy, and gross. I need my poop hard and dense for it to now leak out of my anus. The only diet that seemed to work was an ice-cream diet due to its constipating potential, but this was unhealthy and being constipated is not a good thing. Being fed up I did some additional research and discovered a cure that is somewhat safe and doesnt require ice cream and doesnt get you high! :eek:utahere: :eek:utahere:

NOTE: I developed LBS long before addiction to opiates, it was present for 5 years before becoming addicted to any drugs....began at around the age of 20. The returns of LBS was not a result of opiate withdrawals.

Research begins and a hypothesis is formed...

I thought to myself....

:kello: :kello: How can you get an opiate-like poop-hardening effect without getting high and without constipating yourself to the point of jeopardizing your health? :kello: :kello:

:thumright: :thumright: I theorized that taking a minor amount of a drug that acts like an opiate on the digestive system could cure LBS without harming one's life :thumright: :thumright:

:award2: - "For outstanding scientific achievement"

Well, I discovered in my research that the anti-diarrheal drug immodium is actually an opiate that doesnt get you high or cross the blood brain barrier! It was can be purchased without a prescription! Essentially it stops diarrhea in people by constipating them in the same way an opiate would! Problem is that it constipates people, so I began taking a very light amount and with some experimentation I discovered that taking 2 immodium every 2-3 days ended all leaky butt syndromes! It made my poop hard and dense which made it not leak...the first couple days I was constipated but after lowering my dose I reached the perfect balance of hard poops with the ability to poop!

I wouldn't recommend anyone gets in the habit of taking it everydays, so luckily you can also take it as needed! I dont need it all the time, sometimes during staycations I just like to let loose and soak in my own filth, well not really but I dont want to get into the habit of taking immodium all the time....on days where I know I will be out and about I always take immodium 12-24 hours before! The dosage will vary per person, start low because you dont want to constipate yourself and rip your ******* open!

:ptiara: :ptiara: Recommended Dosage :ptiara: :ptiara:

Starting: One immodium tablet - monitor your poop and constipation levels in the next day or two....if you only need to wipe once or twice you know its working, if you have difficulty pooping due to constipation then consider taking less.

Only need to wipe once without returning - Dont take anymore, try taking less to see if its just as effective.

If your too constipated - Take less Its about finding the balance....might be half a tablet for one person, it might be 2 tablets a day for another. Our blown out O-ring and their lack of elasticiticty all vary between us.

If it is ending your leaky butt syndrome, but you still feel too constipated even after changing your dosing try this- Eat 1-3 activa yogurts a day or take miralax daily...I would recommend the activa since its a somewhat healthy food. These two things dont work like a laxative, they just appear to give you more "pushing power"... the constipation from immodium or opiates is more like you cant control the muscles that push out the poop as well rather than the poop blocking your hole....I take activia when I take the immodium and the pushing power combined with the lack of leakage is ideal!

:awe: :awe: WARNING: IMPACTION DANGER! :awe: :awe: U]

Impaction is where your poops get so large and hard that they are unable to come out of your *******. This often requires one to go to the hospital where a nurse will have the pleasure of sticking her finger up your butt to break up the poop so you can pass it. Please, start with a low amount of immodium! I would hate for anyone to become impacted!

Another method with more risks, but might be a better solution for those suffering from addiction or others who are responsibly taking painkillers

Another method that works as well is using the drug called "kratom". It cures LBS as well, but it has a few more risks associated with it. It is a plant native to SE asia that has been used for centuries to stop pain and help people recover from addiction. It works on the opiate receptors but is not technically an opiate or opiod....The "high" is not as euphoric or cravable as the high created by drugs like oxycodone, heroin, or Vicodin....but a "high" does exist. It might not be considered being "clean" to switch over to kratom, but the negative effects of effects of opiates, even suboxone, are far worse(overdose, blocking of emotions, getting really high). It stops craving and withdrawls in opiate addicts, but is far less addicting or dangerous. Nobody has ever overdoses from kratom by itself. In high doses it can be addicting, and while immodium can do this too, kratom gets you high so it can create an actual substance abuse addiction. If you don't suffer from any sort of addiction or don't currently take pain medication I would not recommend taking kratom, but kratom does wonders for those wanting.

If you take pain medication/opiates and don't suffer from an emotional/mental addiction then you can try kratom as well. You can try taking more opiates but there is huge dangers in that.. Besides overdose it may constipate you too much since the drugs are harder to gauge the CP:LR from many prescription opiates having longer half-lives and having nearly microscopic effective doses. A dose of kratom is literally eating about 2000mg-8000mg so it is much easier to measure out and observe the impact on your ******* after! If you aren't on a high dose of opiates for pain, I would recommend trying kratom for pain issues, it also works....it isn't as strong as a large dose of a synthetic opiates, but should work just as effectively as someone taking around 5-20mg of Percocet a day. While you might not be at risk for addiction or abuse, you are still at risk for accidental overdose when on prescription opiates...kratom is much safer, but drinking alcohol or taking sedatives on kratom is still as dangerous as it is with all opiate medications(but less so).

If you havnt been on pain medications before and think you don't have addiction issues then please don't try kratom. Also if you have a history of addiction but are 100% clean then also don't try kratom. Its a good drug to switch over to if your already taking pain meds or are addicted to them, but if you have never had addiction problems its not worth the risk of developing one. Also if you have been clean for a long time, taking kratom might bring up a risk of relapsing on other drugs since it might trigger some craving for harder drugs. I would recommend that people addicted to stimulants and alcohol also give it a shot, but seek advice online or by a homeopathic addiction counseler(if they exist!)...it does show promise in helping people leave those drugs behind too, just be sure not to mix alcohol or other sedatives with kratom! Smoking crack is fine though....if you need evidence, just look at how well I have written this post!

If this sounds safe or possible to you....I would suggest heading over to the kratom section on reddit. Ask any questions there, the community is great at answering questions...especially regarding switching over from pain medication or helping addiction....questions regarding kratom and LBS though, not so much! Also ask where to buy it online, if you buy it at a store it can cost upwards of $20 a day, if you buy online it costs well below 50 cents or so a day!

Good luck in improving your leaking problem! I hope immodium works for you too! If not, try the ice-cream diet...that also seems to work! :getwell: :tear:
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