All things Cannabis

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Jul 4, 2009
What type of Cannabis are y'all partial to?
What strain?
Indica or Sativa?
Or does it really matter? Just do it!
How do you administer or ingest your meds?
How often do you use your meds?
Do you believe Cannabis can be abused?
Do you believe that a person can become addicted to Cannabis?
I go with Indica for the most part. As far as the strains, I'm working through my dispensaries offerings. So far the winners are Purple Kush, ak47 and whitelotusXblueberry.
I smoke nightly, if I'm heading out to my folks place I try and grab some cookies.

I think it can be abused, and while I don't think people can become addicted physically, I do believe that people can become psychologically addicted to the routine and the feeling of being high.
I don't presently smoke (I stopped after developing some lung issues) but wanted to answer as well:

I've never been much of connoisseur, weed my friends hated I was perfectly fine with, so I'll skip the first few questions :D

My preferred method was a simple bubbler. My friend has a volcano but for whatever reason, I just wasn't partial to it. I've never tried eating it in any way but am quite interested in trying some brownies or something along those lines.

I am in the same boat as vonfunk, I feel that it can be abused psychologically but that it's not physically addictive. I've stopped cold turkey plenty of times with no physical withdrawal. Can't say that for many of the meds my doctors put me on though!
Pot can be harsher on the lungs because it burns at a high temp, so the physical damage from the smoke is greater. With that said, people tend to smoke less weed than they do tobacco, and the number of toxic chemicals is far less, while the number of beneficial compounds are far greater.

NORML released a study stating that beyond a vaporizer and eating it, smoking a joint is actually the safest method, when it comes to the toxic chemicals, it seems that pot is self filtering. However when it comes to any damage from the physical smoke using a water pipe it safer because it lowers the temperature.
I generally prefer sativas, because I feel like I can still physically get up and do things, rather than indica-heavy strains, where I feel like I don't want to move. However, too much of a strong sativa will make me paranoid...

I've had Jack Herer a few times from a reputable source in BC, that's always been a favorite. But, hey, whatever gets the job done. :)

I went from being a multiple-times-daily smoker (maybe 1-2 g a day), to now smoking at night, and only every other night or so. (Sometimes when I go grocery shopping.) ;) A half oz. lasts me more than a month now. It does wonders for my nausea. I agree with the others, I don't think it's physically addictive, but it can be psychologically addictive.

I've used all kinds of methods - I still roll joints for the 'on-the-go' smoke, I have a few pipes and a glass bong. I've used vaporizers but I wonder about their efficiency. And, I do make edibles - by making 'cannabutter' and baking it in to things like cookies, cakes and brownies. ;) I wish I had the kind of access other places have to quality product - I can get it here, but it takes a little extra $$ and effort.
ChefShazzy, you can join a compassion club to get access to high quality cannabis. There aren't any in Winnipeg that I know of, but there are a lot of them that will ship. Considering you have Crohn's, 90% won't ask for any sort of doctor's approval, just a statement of diagnosis.
Mine ships, it will add about $10 to the order but it works out with the cost. During my orientation they said they have patients out in Nova Scotia who they've never actually met in person, only talked to over the phone. It's worth looking into.

Strains that work for my combinations of issues are the "strongest strains" made into extracts for consumption. Smoking the extracts makes bad chronic pain from my back go away in 30 sec to 2 min. When you're in horrible pain, feeling "high" as a side effect isn't such a bad thing to feel.

If it's my chron's, I would prefer to drink a concoction made from available dispensary quality cannabis because it really makes me feel better. It takes about 10 to 20 min to feel better, it's gradual, but it's good at making a flare up more comfortable (notice I didn't stay stop it) but they become ‘nothing’. When I do this, I don't get high at all. Not one bit... But, I sleep very well and feel very well rested the next day, it's like a rejuvenator. But it's expensive - one drink contains 1/2 oz of fresh strong cannabis. I don't have access to leaves or I would use those instead. The strain for this treatment is much better if it's a strong indica high in CBD's (Catatonic is a good one). THC count is important in all cannabis, but I don't think so much in this product.

Cannabis CAN be abused, but so can vitamins, or driving too fast. It's not "addictive" in the clinical sense of addiction (withdrawal). But - certainly people can behaviorally abuse it, or have sex addictions, or any number of behavioral addictions. Even NIDA states that MJ is less addictive than 'coffee'.

I'm sure that if anyone looked at my use they would say, "you abuse it". Yet I work a full time job, am a full time dad to 2 girls (one in college), have 4 dogs, have a mortgage, retired military, and maintain 2 debilitating diseases, and a car payment. You don't hear stories about people like me because if I came out of the cannabis closet, I'd lose one of my girls, my job, my house (you get the idea / discrimination against us is legal, authorized, and forced upon us).

To that end, Marijuana is currently being used to treat alcohol addiction - and has been for over 100 years (before prohibition).

I have a dear friend who is an alcoholic. He discovered Cannabis in his 40's and uses it as a method to help him mitigate his horrible addiction - one that's taken everything from him. He discovered it by accident; He was the alcoholic who was on his way to the store to buy a bottle, smoked a joint, forgot where he was going, stopped by McDonalds, went home, and wrote about his experience.

I smoke or vaporize frequently. Never before work, only when I’m home for the day – unless I’m very sick and staying home. I would prefer to only eat edibles made from extracts, vaporize extracts, and consume raw cannabis leaves, but unless one can grow it freely then it becomes a cost or arrest issue. This stuff ain’t cheap.

What type of Cannabis are y'all partial to?
What strain?
Indica or Sativa?
Or does it really matter? Just do it!
How do you administer or ingest your meds?
How often do you use your meds?
Do you believe Cannabis can be abused?
Do you believe that a person can become addicted to Cannabis?
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I love whatever works....some strains are exceptional...I have only come accross one strain that was not beneficial. Success with Hawaiin Snow, andKiller Death. But it is hard to isolate strains properly where I legal MM...most of it comes from Bikie gangs.

Indica by preference, but sativa is good.

It can really matter! I would LOVE to hear what strains are working best for people out there.

Daily...I get sick when I don't have my weed.

Yes... cannabis can be abused....but so can alcohol and it is far more dangerous and is legal.

I have known people with very real, strong cravings for their cannabis....but they are usually rolling spliffs or having cones with tobacco which might be the real problem.
I like all types of cannabis! If I had my choice then it would be ak-47, the infamous white widow, bc bud, lemon haze, purps, northern lights, pretty much all the kush varieties, kali mist

a mix of indica and sativa would probably be best.

Since I live in a state that has not legalized cannabis, I have to go the "just do it" route. I happen to have a *friend* who gets good weed, though, so I have a choice. He also grows his own, which is okay, but gets better with every harvest.

I have used most forms from joints and blunts to pipes, bubblers, and bongs. I have used vapes and one hitters and apples and gravity bongs, and eaten it in various forms. I usually will smoke a pipe.

I am a daily smoker. Sometimes, it will be right before bed. Sometimes, all day. Most times it's in between that.

Yes, cannabis can be abused. I don't believe there is any physical addiction, but like everyone stated, there could some psychological issues concerned with the routine.
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I generally prefer sativas, because I feel like I can still physically get up and do things, rather than indica-heavy strains, where I feel like I don't want to move. However, too much of a strong sativa will make me paranoid...

I've had Jack Herer a few times from a reputable source in BC, that's always been a favorite. But, hey, whatever gets the job done. :)

I went from being a multiple-times-daily smoker (maybe 1-2 g a day), to now smoking at night, and only every other night or so. (Sometimes when I go grocery shopping.) ;) A half oz. lasts me more than a month now. It does wonders for my nausea. I agree with the others, I don't think it's physically addictive, but it can be psychologically addictive.

I've used all kinds of methods - I still roll joints for the 'on-the-go' smoke, I have a few pipes and a glass bong. I've used vaporizers but I wonder about their efficiency. And, I do make edibles - by making 'cannabutter' and baking it in to things like cookies, cakes and brownies. ;) I wish I had the kind of access other places have to quality product - I can get it here, but it takes a little extra $$ and effort.

That Jack Herer strain has to be great! I'm jealous!:redface::tongue:

And toking up absolutely has to make grocery shopping more interesting!:ylol:
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Strains that work for my combinations of issues are the "strongest strains" made into extracts for consumption. Smoking the extracts makes bad chronic pain from my back go away in 30 sec to 2 min. When you're in horrible pain, feeling "high" as a side effect isn't such a bad thing to feel.

If it's my chron's, I would prefer to drink a concoction made from available dispensary quality cannabis because it really makes me feel better. It takes about 10 to 20 min to feel better, it's gradual, but it's good at making a flare up more comfortable (notice I didn't stay stop it) but they become ‘nothing’. When I do this, I don't get high at all. Not one bit... But, I sleep very well and feel very well rested the next day, it's like a rejuvenator. But it's expensive - one drink contains 1/2 oz of fresh strong cannabis. I don't have access to leaves or I would use those instead. The strain for this treatment is much better if it's a strong indica high in CBD's (Catatonic is a good one). THC count is important in all cannabis, but I don't think so much in this product.

Cannabis CAN be abused, but so can vitamins, or driving too fast. It's not "addictive" in the clinical sense of addiction (withdrawal). But - certainly people can behaviorally abuse it, or have sex addictions, or any number of behavioral addictions. Even NIDA states that MJ is less addictive than 'coffee'.

I'm sure that if anyone looked at my use they would say, "you abuse it". Yet I work a full time job, am a full time dad to 2 girls (one in college), have 4 dogs, have a mortgage, retired military, and maintain 2 debilitating diseases, and a car payment. You don't hear stories about people like me because if I came out of the cannabis closet, I'd lose one of my girls, my job, my house (you get the idea / discrimination against us is legal, authorized, and forced upon us).

To that end, Marijuana is currently being used to treat alcohol addiction - and has been for over 100 years (before prohibition).

I have a dear friend who is an alcoholic. He discovered Cannabis in his 40's and uses it as a method to help him mitigate his horrible addiction - one that's taken everything from him. He discovered it by accident; He was the alcoholic who was on his way to the store to buy a bottle, smoked a joint, forgot where he was going, stopped by McDonalds, went home, and wrote about his experience.

I smoke or vaporize frequently. Never before work, only when I’m home for the day – unless I’m very sick and staying home. I would prefer to only eat edibles made from extracts, vaporize extracts, and consume raw cannabis leaves, but unless one can grow it freely then it becomes a cost or arrest issue. This stuff ain’t cheap.

People would say the same about me, as far as the perception of abuse is concerned!

I didn't know about cannabis being used to treat alcoholism. Will have to google that, as well.

Sorry, I had to lol at your friend forgetting where he was going, skipping the alcohol and picking up some Mickey D's! :D I'd love to read what he wrote! It must be pretty interesting!

I know what you mean about the arrest issue! I certainly hate the idea that I have to resort to criminal activity to get meds!

I don't know about the cost issue, though. Often times, because I am actually good friends with my *friend* it is cheaper. I get the good friend discount, or the sick of crohn's discount or the **** it's monday discount (*friend* has psoriasis and other med problems so is more sympathetic). Of course, verification can't ever be 100%, but the internet sure helps and I trust said *friend*.

Edit: just reread the end of your post and have to agree that the cheapest way in the long run would be to grow your own!
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I go with Indica for the most part. As far as the strains, I'm working through my dispensaries offerings. So far the winners are Purple Kush, ak47 and whitelotusXblueberry.
I smoke nightly, if I'm heading out to my folks place I try and grab some cookies.

I think it can be abused, and while I don't think people can become addicted physically, I do believe that people can become psychologically addicted to the routine and the feeling of being high.

I hear ya on the ak-47. That stuff rocks my world!
I love whatever works....some strains are exceptional...I have only come accross one strain that was not beneficial. Success with Hawaiin Snow, andKiller Death. But it is hard to isolate strains properly where I legal MM...most of it comes from Bikie gangs.

Indica by preference, but sativa is good.

It can really matter! I would LOVE to hear what strains are working best for people out there.

Daily...I get sick when I don't have my weed.

Yes... cannabis can be abused....but so can alcohol and it is far more dangerous and is legal.

I have known people with very real, strong cravings for their cannabis....but they are usually rolling spliffs or having cones with tobacco which might be the real problem.

I just looked up the Hawaiian Snow and it looks great! Couldn't find anything on the other one though.

Bike gangs, huh? Seems scary:frown: That sucks! But we do what we gotta do, right?
I don't presently smoke (I stopped after developing some lung issues) but wanted to answer as well:

I've never been much of connoisseur, weed my friends hated I was perfectly fine with, so I'll skip the first few questions :D

My preferred method was a simple bubbler. My friend has a volcano but for whatever reason, I just wasn't partial to it. I've never tried eating it in any way but am quite interested in trying some brownies or something along those lines.

I am in the same boat as vonfunk, I feel that it can be abused psychologically but that it's not physically addictive. I've stopped cold turkey plenty of times with no physical withdrawal. Can't say that for many of the meds my doctors put me on though!

I actually stopped smoking for 6 years.:) Sorry about the lung issues!

I fall in and out of the connoisseur title! Right now, me and Mary Jane are having a torrid affair, so I put on the connoisseur hat, small though it may be!

Definitely give eating it a try. It does react differently than smoking though, so don't eat too much, hahaha!
My dispensary prices all of their edibles by strength. So the $12 chocolate bar has twice the effect as the $6 cookies. And those cookies last about 12 hours for the pleasant side effects, but I feel amazing for a couple days.
ChefShazzy, you can join a compassion club to get access to high quality cannabis.

Years ago I asked my doctor about joining a compassion club.
(he knew i treated myself with mj and was supportive).

He looked at me and asked: so where do you get it now?
Me: You know... "friends".
Dr: Well, if it's safe, cheap and you trust your grower, I recommend that you stick with your friends. I just worry about putting any of my patients on a compassion club list if the laws ever change back.

I mean, I do live in BC and we can almost pick the stuff at the side of the road rather than having to struggle to find it like a lot of other places... but it was a point well taken.
prohibition sucks

I just looked up the Hawaiian Snow and it looks great! Couldn't find anything on the other one though.

Bike gangs, huh? Seems scary:frown: That sucks! But we do what we gotta do, right?

"Killer Death" is a name that I came up with myself for some brain-meltingly strong hydro :ybatty: of an unknown variety, that I scored 4 ounces also works wonders for UC, and in combination with Hawaiin Snow (I had 5 spliffs of this combo with me at an 18th b'day party last night, and danced for 4 hours straight) it's the BEST!!! :lol2:

The bikies control much of the trade here, and they have been known to adulterate pot with more addictive substances, to keep people coming back for more. This is one of the problems with prohibition.

Where I live, you almost have to get to know a grower to avoid stuff sourced from bikies.....which is incredibly difficult because the laws are so backwards and are so enthusiastically pursued that there is a constant paranoia. :angry-banghead:

The little town where I live has seen a series of busts, which cleared out many dealers...some of whom were friends of mine. There was then a quiet period, but just in the last fortnight....more friends of mine have been busted for possession, and more dealers have gone down.

My main dealer is now convinced there is a narc planted in the smoking community, and he has buried his stash in the sand dunes....and refuses to use his phone.

Prohibition sucks....and the laws where I live are ridiculous!
I'm usually not privy to know what strain I'm buying, but I go for the best I can find. I've had Purple Kush and Purple Haze, and they're definitely at the top of my list. I'm somewhat fortunate to have friends in the ritzy neighborhoods so I can usually find good stuff easily. The prices aren't great, but they aren't terrible (and definitely worth it).

I find indica to be more effective in terms of symptom relief, but I can function more normally with sativa.

My smoking varies depending on what I need to do. Usually 3-4 times a day, smoking more before bed so I can sleep better.

Anything can be abused. It can be psychologically addictive, but not physically.
Some of my favourite strains are AK-47, OG Kush, Super Silver Haze, Liberty Haze, Amnesia Haze, Blueberry Kush.

I normally smoke joints but want to try vaping.

Smoke pretty much every day.

Cannabis 'can' be abused yes, in the same way that anything can be abused. Chicken nuggets could be abused! When used sensibly cannabis is very safe.

Agree with others, not actually addictive but it can be habit forming, in the same way anything pleasurable can be.
I love smoking Purple Kush, OG Kush, Church, Lemon Skunk, BC Bud.

I prefer indica

I usually smoke between using extra thin rolling papers (king size), king size blunt wraps, and a corn cob pipe.

I smoke daily

Yes I believe it can be abused, as most things can, but I don't think you can become addicted, I've always gone long durations when I don't smoke.
I still smoke the same one that got me started in the first place: 'OG'. Thats what my friend calls it. Noticed lessening of crohns symptoms and it has become a part of my life since

If anyone knows of a better type for Crohns let me know please!
Heavy indica strains with a good amount of CBD. For me Bubba Kush is my current medicine (since it's legal to grow in my state, I can provide for myself)

I plan on growing some high CBD strains from the CBD crew such as CBD Critical Mass or Resin Seed's Cannatonic. Although I will say that regular pure indica strains have worked well enough for me. Blueberry, Hash Plant, Northern Lights and Hindu Kush are all great.

I should add that YES it can be abused, but it is not physically addicting. I was off of it for a solid month with no negative effects except for the return of my UC symptoms. Can't say the same about most medications my doctor has prescribed.
What type of Cannabis are y'all partial to?
What strain?
Indica or Sativa?
Or does it really matter? Just do it!
How do you administer or ingest your meds?
How often do you use your meds?
Do you believe Cannabis can be abused?
Do you believe that a person can become addicted to Cannabis?
Critical Mass Mr Nice.Took me a long time to find the right one that my body wouldn't get used to. Indica with a high cbd to relax or even put me to sleep so i can get some rest from pain.I also use to help me eat as the pain makes it scary to eat and i find i avoid food with out it.I don't have a problem with people using for recreational use as long as people realize that it can help people,where meds fail.Wish i could afford to eat it as it's a lot less harmful but could never afford to.Shame it can't be prescribed.Can cannabis be abused/addictive,anything can be but that is down to the individual.I'll keep taking my green meds until i don't have to anymore,which will probably be the rest of my life as they ain't even close to stopping this nasty disease. Keep rolling!!!!