Board and stuck in the hospital. This is a vent.

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May 17, 2016
So Sunday morning i was not feeling well and sent a message to my doc asking for some drugs.

Monday morning i get out of the shower from working 7p to 7a and find a message drop by lab for blood work, stool sample, and preregister for a ct scan.

So i drive down to the office, stand in line to pester ct, go to the lab and get my top hat, and give blood. Right as they stick me with the needle ct my phone rings from ct telling me to come get my contrast and gives me my ct time of 1p.

So i get home don't have time to sleep before drinking my contrast.

Dive back down town for my ct. I know when it was over i was in trouble by the looks on there faces. Then they would not take out my Iv so i would have to hang out. There phone rings and i get called into the office to talk to the doc so he can tell me to go to the ER. I go upstairs to the GI department, talk to my nurse and ask for a direct admit witch is a no go.

So i call my mom to stop by my house and take me to the ER. So i pack my bags and clean my house. I start getting phone calls asking where i'm at, what i'm doing, and when am i going to the ER. I keep telling them there is no reason to rush and sit in the ER for 8 hours for them to call me back and have me dehydrated.

So as were walking out the door to go to the ER i get a phone call. I'm now a direct admit, orders for an Iv and ordered my antibiotics from the pharmacy.

So i have an abscess pushing on my bladder from my diverticulitis at my sigmoid valve and will put in a drain first thing in the morning and send me home after diner.

Tuesday IR so over loaded and i was on the end of there list so i get pushed back to the next day. By dinner time my pain level hits a 6, I don't have any pain meds on my chart, so she's on the phone getting new orders.
Wednesday morning i was walking the halls when my nurse takes me to my room to get my shirt off and to get on a gown for IR. So i get to CT and they strap me down to the table tape my belly fat fold to my shoulders. They were only able to make me half loopy because i took a pain med that morning and my BP dropped form all there meds.

I was told the puss they pulled out was naster than it should of been so they can not let me go home till they grow it out (my insurance is to good).
It's Friday morning after breakfast, no labs are ordered, and have not seen a doc.

I'm so board. I think i'm going to sneak off the floor again around 9:45 with my IV poll in a hospital gown and see how long it takes security to take my back to my room. Yesterday i made it an hour 85 minutes and if i would not of tried to go to the cafeteria for a soda. I think that's why they called the chaplain to come talk to me yesterday.

I'm so board and need something to do...
So security finds me after about 55 minutes telling me my nurse is looking for me. I called my nurse cell phone to see what she needs and wanted to know how much is left in my Iv bag. She told me her CNA freaked out because they could not find me, but he never read the note i left on my bed saying i was going for a walk with my cell phone number on it. None of the staff that worked the day before told them about my games.

I need something to do...'s the WORST being stuck in the hospital when you are sick but don't really feel that sound like me going for a walk etc.....a friend of mine actually went home and back when she was stuck hahaha.......

Hope you get straightened out and sprung soon!!!!!
My mom took my keys and my wallet. I can not even buy the new game I want for my laptop until she comes out after work.

It's been over 48 hours and my results from my abscess are still not back.

I'm sick, but don't feel sick.

I can go home and eat canned soup and sherbet about the same as i'm eating now. I know Iv antibiotics are better than then the pills, but at this time they don't even know if i'm on the right antibiotics. If i did go home i would have to drink more not having the Iv, but i'm drinking a good amount now.
I know you'll probably laugh,but you sound light hearted to me.You wouldn't be there unless you had to be.They'll probably send you packing for the weekend.
So surgery stopped by. They asked me why i'm still here.
Internal medicine came by and told me i can leave once the drain is out. Part of my abscess labs are back part are still growing; I was told so far nothing to bad.
I have not seen Gi yet today. Yesterday they said the drain would come out in a week or 2 at the clinic.

At this point there is no need for me to be here. I can take pills, eat soup and other soft foods, empty my own drain that has not drained anything in the last 12 hours, no pain pills for 45 hours so i should be able to drive, no blood work for 50+ hours, and stop by the clinic next week for my drain to come out.

I need another colonoscopy, but can not have one in till everything calms down. They want to remove a few inches where i abscess, but will only do it if the rest of my colon is healthy.

I truly think my insurance is to good, but Fridays they try to clear out the beds for the weekend rush.
I hope you can get released soon! It seems odd to me that they're apparently discouraging you from walking around. When I was hospitalized last year, they encouraged me to walk around as much as possible - the nurse even took me on a walking tour of that area of the hospital and showed me the nicest places to walk to within the hospital - there was a cute little outdoor patio area where I could sit and get some sun and fresh air.

If you're stuck there awhile longer, and if she'll agree to it, have your mother bring you some Lego sets. It sounds silly but that was my favorite thing when I was in the hospital. My husband brought me some legos and it was a great distraction to put them together. It was fun and not physically taxing and just the right amount of mental distraction.
They wanted me to walk, but wanted me to stay on the unit. A lap took me about 4 minutes, but i walk fast. When all i did was see the same stuff / people over and over.

I would walk for about 90 minutes after breakfast and doc rounds.
About 45 minutes after lunch.
About 30 minutes after dinner.
I would get up in the middle of the night for a snack and walk about 15 minutes.

I think there issues was with the iv and not being around my nurses to take care of it.

I was able to get the one of the docs to call the other docs. Well i'm out of the hospital and at my moms house. She is a RN and wants me to hang out over the weekend. She says i can get my car Sunday after noon, but have to be back Sunday night. I'm free to go Monday morning.
Hey Bob,

Whenever I was in the hospital i just jimmied with the television cable plug on the wall and had me some free cable TV! Boy did they get pissed when they caught me a couple days later watching the Simpsons on the tube. Hahahaha!

Hope you are OK,

The tv system were great. We had all the channels i wanted, but TLC.

We had around 60 channels, full keyboard to use the internet, had some old school games, about 60 older movies, and there was a teaching setup on the tv where all you drug info was and movies that went over just about any medical condition. It would pick movies for you to watch biased off your chart.

The things i did not pack...
Needed more underwear. abscess and drain are sitting on my bladder.
Wallet so i could buy a new laptop game. My mom would not let me keep it witch was smart.
Better shoes. I had my plastic Birkenstock clogs. even with socks i got a blister from walking to much.
The one thing i wanted was my printer / scanner / copier. Do you know how hard it is to get your FMLA paper work printed from an email. Day 3 i had it printed and got one of my Docs to fill it out. They faxed back to work, but i will not be happy until i scan and send it my self in email so i have prof.
I have all my movies on a portable hard drive and did not grab it. I didn't know where i left it so i could not get my mom to grab it.

I had one of my night shift (she had great hair) sitting in my room every night she worked watching ridiculousness (very inappropriate comedy) and would braid her hair.
I love playing with good hair.

Hair is nice! I seem to have lost a lot of mine somewhere along the line. I love great hair too though (big fan)!

Probably all the meds (and stress) that made you forget where you put all that stuff. Happens to me all the time! Glad to hear the TV was working in your favor, at least something was half decent. Never heard of that show, I'm gonna find out about it now that you sparked my curiosity. (not that it takes much).

wishing you well,

It's 45*f out side. I've been out 2 times to walk about 1.5 miles each time. It's a bit hilly and takes about 35 minutes to walk 1.5 miles. I'm ready to get better shoes from my house and go walk at the mall.

At home i use my PS3 to hold all my movies and music so i only use the portable drive as backup.

Ridiculousness started on MTV for a few sessions and then ended up on comity central. More or less it's stupid YouTube stuff with mock commentary.

How's things going bud? Did ya get your walking shoes on?
I hope you did. Made it to the mall too I hope.

Wishing you well my friend,:ysmile:


"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." (Mahatma Gandhi)
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Yes i walked at the mall for over an hour. It felt so good.

Mom and I went back to my house. We cleaned everything but the baseboards and the hand wash the hard wood floors. We even cleaned the kitchen cabinets in Murphy oil soup. She took home about 4 loads of laundry and has my blankets done. The rest i will pick up Tuesday when i go over to shower and change my dressing.

Right on bud! Glad you got out and about. You even got some things accomplished. I'm impressed with your determination. Your mom sounds very kind. That's nice that you two have a good relationship.

Best regards,

My mom is great. She's way over protective and it kills me.

I'm about to get up and go walk at the mall then go to her house and get a shower. I have to have my dressing changed afterwords and can not hold back my belly fold (fat) and do the dressing at the same time.

I sent the morning trying to get my drain tube appointment moved up. I'm getting more drainage where the tube goes into my skin than in the drain. I'm sure that if i did not walk as much as I did it would not be as bad.

I want the tube out and than i have been told i have to weight a week to go back to work. I'm hoping the pain at the top of my pelvic bone goes away the day after the tube comes out. depending on how i bend there's a bit of pain and i do my best to not lift more than 10 pounds.

The fun will be paying bills first thing in the morning...
I've been an escapee more than once. I had left a note and wrote on board and they were still confused. They called my husband and he called me saying nurse was looking for me. Just went to the little store at the VA Hospital for something to do. Fruit Ninja keeps me entertained for awhile. Then I try to see if I can hack into wifi since they don't have any in Seattle VA. My mom hovers when she stays with me it's a mom's job lol.....and I'm 50....I'm biding time until Monday which I'm afraid wont be good....too much pain, sick to stomach and not going hardly at all. Last test was bad and just biding time until surgery they said....sigh..
I've been an escapee more than once. I had left a note and wrote on board and they were still confused. They called my husband and he called me saying nurse was looking for me. Just went to the little store at the VA Hospital for something to do. Fruit Ninja keeps me entertained for awhile. Then I try to see if I can hack into wifi since they don't have any in Seattle VA. My mom hovers when she stays with me it's a mom's job lol.....and I'm 50....I'm biding time until Monday which I'm afraid wont be good....too much pain, sick to stomach and not going hardly at all. Last test was bad and just biding time until surgery they said....sigh..
Praying the best for you
GI Jane,

You are one tough nut! I know you can do this! Hang in there bud. When the going gets tough the tough get going!

Praying for you and wishing you the best possible outcome,

GI Jane
No Wifi and nothing to do. I don't know how you do it.

When i came back from getting a drain put in my abscess i laid in bed for 3 hours staring at the ceiling. They gave me some good stuff that took 2.5 hours to get ride of the brain fog. The last thing i wanted to do was to fall and crush one of there C.N.A's. I thought i was going to go crazy...
I actually read a book, something I hadn't done in awhile for some reason.....and not some type of medical or cook book either....just something about Scotland seemed interesting since I'm Scottish, Irish, Swedish & English according to DNA from Ancestry.
Just a note to anyone that has a drain. Make sure your seat belt dose not go over any part of the hard plastic like where they screw together or if you had on off valve like i had.

I spent an hour in the Er weighting room and took 2.5 hours for them to find some parts to jerry rig everything together.

You just don't know the fun...